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20 May 2009, Linz EMU MEETING Music Education in Liechtenstein.

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Presentation on theme: "20 May 2009, Linz EMU MEETING Music Education in Liechtenstein."— Presentation transcript:

1 20 May 2009, Linz EMU MEETING Music Education in Liechtenstein

2 International relations  European Music School Union  Association of Swiss Music Schools  Regional Music Association  “Grenzenlos” festival (cross-border festival) Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein  Student exchange with partner schools

3 Music school statistics  1 music school  90 teachers  about CHF 8.5m turnover  2,600 music pupils (35,000 inhabitants) (about 7.5%)  about 70% children, young people and students  about 30% adults

4 Legal basis  Music School Act (since 1991)  legal form  purpose (duties and responsibilities)  funding  bodies  supervision

5 Organisation  the Government as supervisory body  foundation council  principal  administration / secretary’s office  teaching commission  expert groups  teaching staff

6 Funding  75% state funding  25% school fees  sponsoring

7 Our vision The Liechtenstein Music School - the leading location for music, music education and musical encounters  open  active  creative

8 Duties and responsibilities  promotion of music in population at large  promotion of musical talents  co-operation with public schools  support for cultural associations  promotion of musical life in Liechtenstein

9 International master classes  classical / jazz / tango  concerts  about 120 participants each year 

10 Thank you for your attention

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