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2011-2012 Academic Progress Plan Results. Two Topics to be Covered ASD DCAS results relative to other Delaware school districts. 2011 2012 SY Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "2011-2012 Academic Progress Plan Results. Two Topics to be Covered ASD DCAS results relative to other Delaware school districts. 2011 2012 SY Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011-2012 Academic Progress Plan Results

2 Two Topics to be Covered ASD DCAS results relative to other Delaware school districts. 2011 2012 SY Performance data on the ASD’s Academic Progress Plan

3 Appoquinimink DCAS Rankings by Grade

4 Reading DCAS Rank



7 Math DCAS Rank



10 Appoquinimink 2011- 2012 Goal Performance

11 Strategic Plan 15 goals were identified –“15 for 2015” Specific measurable goals were developed using 2010-2011 data as the baseline

12 Strategic Plan Many of the goals were developed with the goal of reducing the number of students in the “unwanted” category by half in 2015. Some data is still in the process of being collected (for example, district- level College Board data is not made available until late September).

13 4 Large-Scale Goals 1. Academic Achievement 2. College and Career Readiness 3. Meeting Diverse Student Needs 4. Fostering Parent/Community Partnerships

14 Goals are taken from the 2012-2015 Plan

15 Goal 1: Increase student achievement in all academic disciplines 1.Strategic Objective Related GoalSponsorsMeasures 2011-2012 Target 2011-2012 Actual 2014-2015 Target Improve student achievement through the implementation of Common Core Standards through the use of district identified, research-based strategies. 1 Superintendent Assistant Superintendent The percentage of ASD students who meet or exceed the standards in ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies will annually increase ELA: 74.5% Math: 76% Science: 61.5% SS: 77% ELA: 84% Math: 83% Science: 66% SS: 76% ELA: 85.5% Math: 86.5% Science:78% SS: 87%

16 Goal 1: Increase student achievement in all academic disciplines 1.Strategic Objective Related GoalSponsorsMeasures 2011-2012 Target 2011-2012 Actual 2014-2015 Target Common assessments are documented 1 Curriculum Directors Coordinator of Research Percent of common assessments results documented on data system for science, social studies, math and English language arts. 20% Approximately 10% 80%

17 Goal 2: Ensure students leave Appoquinimink college and career ready 1.Strategic Objective Related Goal SponsorsMeasures 2011-2012 Target 2011-2012 Actual 2014-2015 Target Promote and support activities that prepare students for college level coursework 2 Director of Secondary Education Increased enrollment in honors, AP and dual enrollment courses at the high school level. College enrollment rates Dual enrollment courses =20 students Honors enrollment= 3632 AP = 600 seats College Enrollment: 71% Dual enrollment courses =28 students Honors enrollment= 3532 AP = 600 seats College Enrollment: 73% Dual enrollment courses =40 students Honors enrollment= 4151 AP = 600 seats College Enrollment: 81%

18 Goal 2: Ensure students leave Appoquinimink college and career ready 1.Strategic Objective Related Goal SponsorsMeasures 2011-2012 Target 2011-2012 Actual 2014-2015 Target Provide supports to ensure all students earn their high school diplomas in four years 2 Director of Secondary Education Supervisor of Student Services Increased graduation rates; Decreased dropout rates Number of dropouts not attending Groves NGA Grad. Rate: 91% Dropout rate: 2.1% Non- Groves dropouts: 25 NGA Grad. Rate: N/A Dropout rate: N/A Non- Groves dropouts: 25 NGA Grad. Rate: 94% Dropout rate: 1.2% Non- Groves dropouts: 10

19 Goal 3: Meet the needs of a diverse group of learners 1.Strategic Objective Related Goal SponsorsMeasures 2011- 2012 Target 2011- 2012 Actual 2014- 2015 Target Ensure that special education students at the elementary level meet the same level of academic success as our peers in the state of Delaware. 3 Supervisor of Special Education Director of Elementary Education The percentage of ASD elementary special education students who meet or exceed the standards will exceed the state percentage 8% Below 4% Below (Math) 2% Below (ELA) 5% above state

20 Elementary Special Education Performance

21 Goal 3: Meet the needs of a diverse group of learners 1.Strategic Objective Related Goal SponsorsMeasures 2011- 2012 Target 2011- 2012 Actual 2014- 2015 Target Ensure that special education students at grades 6-12 meet continued academic improvement 3 Supervisor of Special Education Director of Secondary Education DCAS current baselines and reduce % not meeting by half in 2014-2015 ELA Grades 6-8: 32% Math Grades 6-8: 31% ELA Grades 9-10: 37% Math Grades 9-10: 30% ELA Grades 6-8: 41% Math Grades 6-8: 34% ELA Grades 9-10: 28% Math Grades 9-10: 36% ELA Grades 6- 8: 61% Math Grades 6- 8: 61% ELA Grades 9- 10: 64% Math Grades 9- 10: 60%

22 Goal 3: Meet the needs of a diverse group of learners 1.Strategic Objective Related Goal SponsorsMeasures 2011- 2012 Target 2011- 2012 Actual 2014- 2015 Target Students new to ASD will experience academic success within one year of entry 3 Coordinator of Research, Development and Evaluation Supervisor of Student Services The achievement gap between new and existing students will annually decrease. 8% gap 10% gap for Math and ELA 2% gap

23 Goal 3: Meet the needs of a diverse group of learners 1. Strategic Objective Related Goal SponsorsMeasures 2011- 2012 Target 2011- 2012 Actual 2014- 2015 Target Through rigorous and challenging classroom experiences, students will reach the highest level of academic achievement. 3 Curriculum Directors Increase of the % of students at performance level 4 on the DCAS assessment Increase in the % of students at PL 4 and 5 on AP assessments ELA: 46% Math: 33% AP % at PL 4 or 5: 41% ELA: 54% Math: 37% AP % at PL 4 or 5: N/A ELA: 59% Math: 49% AP % at PL 4 or 5: 45%

24 Goal 3: Meet the needs of a diverse group of learners 1.Strategic Objective Related GoalSponsorsMeasures 2011-2012 Target 2011-2012 Actual 2014-2015 Target Ensure that all students, regardless of background, receive a high quality education 3 Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Annually decrease the achievement gap between target groups: black/white; non low income/low income; spec. ed/non spec. ed Black-white reading gap: 15% Black-white math gap: 17% Low income-non low income reading gap: 17% Low income- non low income math gap: 19% Spec. ed.- non spec. ed. reading gap: 50% Spec. ed.-non spec. ed. math gap: 52% Black-white reading gap: 13% Black-white math gap: 13% Low income-non low income reading gap: 18% Low income- non low income math gap: 17% Spec. ed.- non spec. ed. reading gap: 49% Spec. ed.-non spec. ed. math gap: 50% Black-white reading gap: 9% Black-white math gap: 10% Low income-non low income reading gap: 10% Low income- non low income math gap: 11% Spec. ed.- non spec. ed. reading gap: 29% Spec. ed.-non spec. ed. math gap: 30%

25 Goal 4: Promote a healthy, inclusive, and effective learning environment 1.Strategic Objective Related Goal SponsorsMeasures 2011-2012 Target 2011-2012 Actual 2014-2015 Target Improve the % of minority teachers in district schools, recruiting efforts will be expanded 4 Director of Human Resources Increase the diversity of the instructional workforce Percent of instructional workforce that is nonwhite: 11% Percent of instructional workforce that is nonwhite: 9% Percent of instructional workforce that is nonwhite: 14%

26 Goal 4: Promote a healthy, inclusive, and effective learning environment 1.Strategic Objective Related Goal SponsorsMeasures 2011-2012 Target 2011-2012 Actual 2014-2015 Target Improve parent and community outreach and communications 4 Public Information Officer Parent satisfaction survey Number of volunteer hours Number of student mentoring hours Survey to be developed Volunteer hours: 22,000 Student mentoring hours: 1775 Survey to be developed Volunteer hours: 19,727 Student mentoring hours: 1479 Survey to be developed Volunteer hours: 25,000 Student mentoring hours: 2000

27 Overall Had a successful year as a district –Met State and Federal Goals –Met a large number of our internal goals –Increased or maintained our standing relative to our peers in the state In terms of measurables, best student achievement results in the past four years.

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