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PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonights Agenda, please record your.

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Presentation on theme: "PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonights Agenda, please record your."— Presentation transcript:

1 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonights Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located on the speakers podium in the front of the Council room. Please note that public comments are limited to five (5) minutes per speaker.

2 Proclamations A Certificate of Recognition honoring Douglas Widdows for his dedication to the sport of BMX Racing and his invitation to World's in Copenhagen, Denmark

3 Certificates, Awards & Presentations 1. Presentation from representatives of the Downtown Cumberland Businessman's Association (DCBA) on a proposal to lease the Mural parklet for the establishment of an outdoor welcome center for visitors. 2. Presentation from the various community non- profits groups on their requests for an allotment of hotel/motel funding

4 City Administrators Report Personnel Activity Report for the period February 6 - June 4, 2011

5 Directors Reports Public Works Engineering Department Capital Projects report for the month of May, 2011

6 Approval of Minutes Routine Approval of the Regular Session Minutes of April 26, 2011 Administrative / Executive Approval of the Administrative Session Minutes of May 2, 2011

7 Public Hearings Public Hearing to receive public comment on the proposed Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $13 million in bonds under the State's Local Government Infrastructure Financing Program to refund in whole or part the outstanding Public Improvement Bonds of 1999 and 2006, and the Public Improvement Refunding Bonds of 2005 and 2007, and associated costs


9 Ordinances – 2 nd & 3 rd Readings Providing for the issuance and sale of bonds known as the "Mayor and City Council of Cumberland Infrastructure Bonds, 2011 Series A" in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $13,000,000 through the Community Development Administration (CDA), for the purpose of refunding in whole or part the outstanding Public Improvement Bonds of 1999 and 2006, and Public Improvement Refunding Bonds of 2005 and 2007, and associated costs


11 Ordinances 1. Authorizing the temporary use of unexpended proceeds of the General Obligation Public Improvement Bonds, 2008 Series, to meet temporary cash needs in June and/or July, 2011 2. Providing for the City Tax Levy for Fiscal Year 2012. 3. Providing for the annual appropriations for the General Fund for Fiscal Year 2012 4. Providing for the annual appropriations for the Water Fund for Fiscal Year 2012 5. Providing for the annual appropriations for the Sewer Fund for Fiscal Year 2012 6. Providing for the annual appropriations for the Special Purpose Funds for Fiscal Year 2012 7. Providing rates and charges at a 13% increase for use of the City sewage system effective July 1, 2011 8. Providing for the levy of a special ad valorem tax of $0.49 per $100 of assessed value on real property in the Shades Lane Development District for FY 2012

12 Ordinance #2 – City Tax Rate

13 Ordinance #3 – General Fund Appropriations

14 Ordinance #4 – Water Fund

15 Ordinance #5 – Sewer Fund

16 Ordinance #6 – Special Funds

17 Ordinance #7 – Sewer Rates

18 Order #8 – Shades Lane STD

19 Consent Orders 1. Order accepting the bid of Belt Paving, Inc. for the "Park Street and Williams Street Improvements" (04-11-P) in the unit price estimated amount of $ 880,766.80 2. Order accepting the proposal of The EADS Group to provide engineering services for the "South Centre Street and Baltimore Avenue 2012 Improvements" (13-11-M) on a per-hour basis, in an amount not to exceed $43,684.00. 3. Order accepting the proposal of Geppert, McMullen, Paye & Getty to represent the City regarding a dispute with Columbia Gas and NPL Construction Co. over damages to 217 Washington Street on March 11, 2011 4. Order authorizing the execution of an Employment Agreement with Terri L. Hast for the position of Economic Development Specialist, effective July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 5. Order authorizing the execution of Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with the PA Fish and Boat Commission to extend the completion date of the project to September 30, 2011 and to increase the grant funding available to the City to an amount of up to $54,500. 6. Order authorizing the submission of an application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for CDBG funding for Federal Fiscal Year 2011 in the amount of $904,596.00

20 Order #1 – Park/Williams Project

21 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonights Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located on the speakers podium in the front of the Council room. Please note that public comments are limited to five (5) minutes per speaker.

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