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Telecommunications & Technology Infrastructure Program (TTIP): Annual Report and Update Patrick Perry, Vice Chancellor Technology, Research & Information.

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2 Telecommunications & Technology Infrastructure Program (TTIP): Annual Report and Update Patrick Perry, Vice Chancellor Technology, Research & Information Systems Division (TRIS)

3 What is TTIP? u TTIP is a funding source designed to: l Provide a common technology infrastructure l Ensure all colleges have a base level of technological capability l Achieve an economy of scale for technological commodities l Efficiently operate centralized applications

4 Who Governs TTIP? u Telecommunications & Technology Advisory Committee (TTAC) u System Office Technology, Research, and Info. Systems Division (TRIS) u TTIP Managed by Catherine McKenzie

5 TTIP Funding Fiscal YearFunded Amount 1996-97$ 9,300,000 1997-9818,000,000 1998-9928,000,000 1999-0028,000,000 2000-0144,300,000 2001-0244,300,000 2002-0318,500,000 2003-0422,050,000 2004-0523,397,000 2005-0623,397,000 2006-0726,197,000

6 TTIP: The Funded Projects

7 CCC Technology Center u Facilitates transactions, hosts listserves, reviews other TTIP projects, project management, publishes newsletter ( u Butte College, grantee u Doug Cremer, Director

8 CCCApply u Web Based common student application l u New developments: l Electronic BOG Fee Waiver l CCCApply in Spanish l Electronic Signatures l International Student Application u Now over 90 colleges subscribed u Colleges that use CCCApply have >80% of their apps submitted through it u Managed through Tech Center (Butte)

9 CCCTran u Systemwide Electronic Transcript Exchange ( u RFP awarded for development (XAP), expanded pilot (8 colleges) now almost complete u Eventual goal of electronic transcripting between all segments of education in CA l Goal is to reduce 2-3 week turnaround process to 10 minutes or less l Reduce risk of false transcripts u Managed through Tech Center (Butte)

10 CCCSAT u CCCSAT is a digital satellite telecommnications system ( ) u Content includes distance ed., non-interactive conferencing, systems communication, webcasting l Expanding into webcasting, streaming media, video on-demand services to support distance ed. u Also acts as a training and student educational environment l Student Film and Video Festival u Broadcasting studio and grantee: Palomar

11 @ONE u Systemwide technology/staff training center ( u 480 faculty and staff trained face-to-face in 04- 05 u 1,352 faculty trained on-line u 10 faculty Carnegie Scholars l Year-long research fellowship to investigate the impact of technology on learning u @ONE is a grant to Evergreen Valley College

12 Library Automation & Electronic Resources u $4 million of TTIP is allocated directly to colleges for Library purposes l Used for local purchase of electronic library resources (periodical/newspaper databases, online encyclopedia resources, online bibliographic verification)

13 CCC Confer u Systemwide audioconferencing and e- conferencing system ( u 04-05: 1,937 e-conferences and 2,200 audio conferences performed u Integration into Course Mgmt. Systems u Palomar College-grantee

14 CalPASS u California Partnership for Achieving Student Success ( u Intersegmental Data Sharing Consortia; collects enrollment-level detail from CCC, CSU, UC, Privates, K-12 sources u 04-05: now 900+ (up from 700 previously) u 10+ million records collected u Data used for alignment of curricula between segments u Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD, grantee

15 Internet Connectivity (CENIC) u Corp. for Educational Networking Initiatives in CA (; provides all colleges high-speed internet connectivity, pays for connectivity charges and actual usage u Managed through Tech Center (Butte)

16 Videoconferencing u Provides all colleges and district offices videoconferencing capabilities (CENIC Video Services, u Tremendous travel expense avoidance u Managed through Tech Center (Butte)

17 CVC (Calif. Virtual Campus) u Focus moved to creating centralized hosting facility for all colleges u Seeking vendor opportunities in emerging market for Course Mgmt. Systems l For Profit: WebCT/Blackboard l Open Source: Sakai, Moodle

18 TTIP: Future Planning and Initiatives

19 TTIP Strategic Planning u Technology Community held a strategic planning retreat in 2006 l To create Tech III Plan l To identify and prioritize future initiatives

20 Strategic Initiatives-Tech III u See attached BCP Concept paper

21 Strategic Initiatives-Tech III u Some interest by DOF on offsite connectivity, automated curriculum tracking, GIS, wireless campus u Nothing in January budget, however

22 Strategic Initiatives u Ongoing with limited support: l 24 x 7 CMS Help Desk pilot l GIS l Staff Development (@One) l Offsite Centers funded one-time

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