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Network Installation Objectives –Manage linux installation from network install server Contents –Preparing for a network installation –Setting up the install.

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Presentation on theme: "Network Installation Objectives –Manage linux installation from network install server Contents –Preparing for a network installation –Setting up the install."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Installation Objectives –Manage linux installation from network install server Contents –Preparing for a network installation –Setting up the install server for http, nfs, ftp –Copy files, what is needed –Service Location Protocol –Configuring your DHCP server –Creating boot diskettes Practical –Install one linux from network Summary

2 Prepairing network installation Your network server need one or more of the following –NFSD –HTTPD –VSFTPD –DHCPD –NAMED –SLP You will need to setup each server after your need –Full flexibility you can mix netowk installation modes on same server –Local machine Policy must allow you to setup, usally only root can do. –Named and DHCPD can run on any machine in network –SLP can be very dangerous and expose servers weakness

3 Setting up the install server Installation server –Types which can be used: NFS HTTP FTP (SFTP) –You can support all at same time if you like or any combination –You must configure and start your selected servers –It will eat up about 3.4Gigabyte for each distribution of SuSE Create installation root tree HTTP, FTP and NFS preparation –Copy all contents of each 5 SuSE cdrom’s to server SuSE/9.3 –catalog. –Just insert first CD and do the copy, remove it and insert the next one. –Watch out for any I/O read errors while copy! # cp –var /media/SUSE930_F01 /export/network-install/SuSE/9.3 # cp -var /media/SUSE930_002 /export/network-install/SuSE/9.3 # cp -var /media/SUSE930_003 /export/network-install/SuSE/9.3 # cp -var /media/SUSE930_004 /export/network-install/SuSE/9.3 # cp -var /media/SUSE930_005 /export/network-install/SuSE/9.3 # cp –var /media/SUSE930_F01 /export/network-install/SuSE/9.3 # cp -var /media/SUSE930_002 /export/network-install/SuSE/9.3 # cp -var /media/SUSE930_003 /export/network-install/SuSE/9.3 # cp -var /media/SUSE930_004 /export/network-install/SuSE/9.3 # cp -var /media/SUSE930_005 /export/network-install/SuSE/9.3 # mkdir -p /export/network-install/SuSE/9.3 # mkdir -p /export/network-install/SuSE/ISO # mkdir -p /export/network-install/SuSE/9.3 # mkdir -p /export/network-install/SuSE/ISO

4 Setting up the install server continued Install tree preparation –Rename all CD’s directories to CD1, CD2 and so on –If your were using Yast preparing your install server, all files will reside in one common directory –Now we are ready to setup the ”sharepoint” with nfs, http, ftp or smb. # cd /export/network-install/SuSE/9.3 # mv SUSE930_F01 CD1 # mv SUSE930_002 CD2 # mv SUSE930_003 CD3 # mv SUSE930_004 CD4 # mv SUSE930_005 CD5 # cd /export/network-install/SuSE/9.3 # mv SUSE930_F01 CD1 # mv SUSE930_002 CD2 # mv SUSE930_003 CD3 # mv SUSE930_004 CD4 # mv SUSE930_005 CD5

5 Setting up your kernelNFS server NFS is dependent on forward and revers name-lookup (DNS) –The client to be installed must resolve in both forward and reverse Server:/etc/hosts=Client:/etc/hosts Example) NFS make use of portmap Check if portmap & nfs is running Activate NFS and portmap at boot NFS configuration Add to /etc/exports, use not Activate your ”export” Test to mount your NFS share /exports/ network-install/ SuSE/9.3/ *(ro,root_squash,sync) # /etc/init.d/portmap status # /etc/init.d/nfsserver status # /etc/init.d/portmap status # /etc/init.d/nfsserver status # exportfs -vra # insserv /etc/init.d/nfsserver # insserv /etc/init.d/portmap # insserv /etc/init.d/nfsserver # insserv /etc/init.d/portmap # mount –t nfs localhost:/exports/network-install/SuSE/9.3 /mnt/a

6 Setting up SLP for kernelNFS server SLP Registry file /etc/slp.reg.d/install.suse.nfs.reg –SLP need to know what resource to annonce Service & Description –Name of resource registry file: install.suse –Service and directory to mount: nfs://$HOSTNAME/exports/SuSE/9.3/CD1 –Description seen in resource browsers: NFS Installation Source for SuSE9.3 Activate the SLP resource annonce Check that SLP reporst install.suse Activate slp at boot # Register the NFS Installation Server service:install.suse:nfs://$HOSTNAME/exports/network-install/SuSE/9.3/CD1,en,65535 description=NFS Installation Source for SuSE9.3 # Register the NFS Installation Server service:install.suse:nfs://$HOSTNAME/exports/network-install/SuSE/9.3/CD1,en,65535 description=NFS Installation Source for SuSE9.3 # rcslpd start # slptool findsrvs service:install.suse:nfs service:install.suse:nfs://,65535 # slptool findsrvs service:install.suse:nfs service:install.suse:nfs://,65535 # insserv /etc/init.d/slpd

7 Setting up your vsFTPd server Configure VSFTPd anonymous installations Add to /etc/vsftpd.conf Standard anonymous ftp root is /srv/ftp –We changed this with the anon_root above If you need non anonymous installations Add to /etc/vsftpd.conf uncomment Add special ftp install users with homedir inside install dir # # Anonymous FTP Root Directory # anon_root=/exports/network-install/SuSE # # Anonymous FTP Root Directory # anon_root=/exports/network-install/SuSE # # useradd -g users ftpinstall # passwd ftpinstall # usermod -d /exports/secret-install ftpinstall # useradd -g users ftpinstall # passwd ftpinstall # usermod -d /exports/secret-install ftpinstall local_enable=YES chroot_local_user=YES local_enable=YES chroot_local_user=YES

8 Setting up SLP for vsFTPd server SLP Registry file /etc/slp.reg.d/install.suse.ftp.reg –SLP need to know what resource to annonce Service & Description –Name of resource registry file: install.suse –Service and directory to open: ftp://$HOSTNAME/9.3/CD1,en,65535 –Description seen in resource browsers: ftp Installation Source for SuSE9.3 Activate the SLP resource annonce Check that SLP reporst install.suse Activate slp at boot # Register the FTP Installation Server service:install.suse:ftp://$HOSTNAME/9.3/CD1,en,65535 description=FTP Installation Source for SuSE9.3 # Register the FTP Installation Server service:install.suse:ftp://$HOSTNAME/9.3/CD1,en,65535 description=FTP Installation Source for SuSE9.3 # rcslpd start # slptool findsrvs service:install.suse:ftp service:install.suse:,en,65535 # slptool findsrvs service:install.suse:ftp service:install.suse:,en,65535 # insserv /etc/init.d/slpd

9 Setup your Apache2 Webserver Apache2 need to be installed –In this case it is no use to install from anything else than YAST –Later we will do a more into the deepth installation of Apache2 1) Start yast and install only package apache2 2) Select apache2 and solve all dependencies that might appair. (in my case 3) Apache DocumentRoot lives in /srv/www/htdocs –We will use a subdirectory in that path, more exactly alias to our installation root tree Install source in our case will be apache alias directory –Add after Alias /icons/ … Restart apache Test that you can see your sources http:// /SuSE/http:// /SuSE/ # Network Install Server Alias /SuSE/ "/exports/network-install/SuSE/" Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymlinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all # Network Install Server Alias /SuSE/ "/exports/network-install/SuSE/" Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymlinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all # rcapache2 restart

10 Setting up SLP for Apache2 SLP Registry file /etc/slp.reg.d/install.suse.http.reg –SLP need to know what resource to annonce Service & Description –Name of resource registry file: install.suse –Service and directory to browse: http://$HOSTNAME/ SuSE/9.3/CD1 –Description seen in resource browsers: HTTP Installation Source for SuSE9.3 Activate the SLP resource annonce Check that SLP reporst install.suse Activate slp at boot # Register the HTTP Installation Server service:install.suse:http://$HOSTNAME/SuSE/9.3/CD1,en,65535 description=HTTP Installation Source for SuSE9.3 # Register the HTTP Installation Server service:install.suse:http://$HOSTNAME/SuSE/9.3/CD1,en,65535 description=HTTP Installation Source for SuSE9.3 # rcslpd start # slptool findsrvs service:install.suse:http service:install.suse:,65535 # slptool findsrvs service:install.suse:http service:install.suse:,65535 # insserv /etc/init.d/slpd

11 Configuring your DHCP server For most comfort in network installation use a DHCP server! –It can be any DHCP server, but in our case we uses the install server –It delivers IP parameters to clients using dhcpcd, from e definded scope –It can also deliver deligated IP addresses based on client MAC Install your DHCP server –First check if you have it –We had only the client and yast shell for the server –Install the dhcp libs and dhcpd-server –I do it all at once this time, yes by YAST! Do not start your DHCP server yet –The dhcp server can by mistake deliver IP parameters to someone else –We will need to deliver IP parameters based on client MAC if using PXE boot. –Isolate your server and client from the rest of the network or release client IP address from server and wait…… # rpm -qa | grep dhcp dhcpcd-1.3.22pl4-202.2 yast2-dhcp-server-2.11.6-3 # rpm -qa | grep dhcp dhcpcd-1.3.22pl4-202.2 yast2-dhcp-server-2.11.6-3 # yast dhcp-server

12 Configuring your DHCP server Configure the dhcpd-server with yast the first time –It is a mess to do anything else, SuSE has clobbed the DHCPD server to much –SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server is more designed to work with dhcpd servers –Basic DHCP Setup will need: your domain name. primary-name-server192.168.1.1//Choose your 1:st DNS (secondary-name-server80.84.37.3//Choose your 2:ond DNS) default-gateway192.168.1.1//Choose your gateway ip-address-range192.168.1.100 - //Choose your range Check start dhcp server manually –Yast will prepare /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd and /etc/dhcpd.conf for you. After installation and yast session you will have a sample /etc/dhcpd.conf! You will need to add client MAC to this! option domain-name ”"; option domain-name-servers,; option routers; option ntp-servers; default-lease-time 14400; ddns-update-style none; subnet netmask { range; default-lease-time 14400; max-lease-time 172800; } option domain-name ”"; option domain-name-servers,; option routers; option ntp-servers; default-lease-time 14400; ddns-update-style none; subnet netmask { range; default-lease-time 14400; max-lease-time 172800; }

13 Configuring your DHCP server Adding client MAC to /etc/dhcpd.conf –Will allow client to recieve same IP address at all time –Nessesary for PXE boot If we like we can now remove the IP range. –Doing so will stop DHCP server to deliver IP addresses to any other host exept the one with correct MAC Its now time to start your DHCP server –Dont do this if you do not know what you are doing. host client { hardware ethernet 00:A0:C5:B7:56:BD; fixed-address; option broadcast-address; } host client { hardware ethernet 00:A0:C5:B7:56:BD; fixed-address; option broadcast-address; } option domain-name ”"; option domain-name-servers,; option routers; option ntp-servers; default-lease-time 14400; ddns-update-style none; subnet netmask { # range; default-lease-time 14400; max-lease-time 172800; } option domain-name ”"; option domain-name-servers,; option routers; option ntp-servers; default-lease-time 14400; ddns-update-style none; subnet netmask { # range; default-lease-time 14400; max-lease-time 172800; } # rcdhcpd start

14 Creating boot diskettes in SuSE To boot the client you need floppies or CD (CD1) Creating bootfloppies –Insert CD1 and –Will create bootfloppies images in /root –bootdisk1 contain msdos filesystem and syslinux bootloader –syslinux can be modified after booting needs Creating floppies is easely done with dd –For each image make one floppy # cd # /media/SU930_F01/boot/mkbootdisk /media/SU930_F01 # cd # /media/SU930_F01/boot/mkbootdisk /media/SU930_F01 # ls boot? bootdisk1 bootdisk2 bootdisk3 bootdisk4 bootdisk5 bootdisk6 bootdisk7 # ls boot? bootdisk1 bootdisk2 bootdisk3 bootdisk4 bootdisk5 bootdisk6 bootdisk7 # dd if=bootdisk1 of=/dev/fd0 2880+0 records in 2880+0 records out # dd if=bootdisk1 of=/dev/fd0 2880+0 records in 2880+0 records out

15 Creating boot diskettes in Windows To boot the client you need the bootdisk images –They can be found on internet if you do not keep them Using Windows rawwritewin

16 Creating boot diskettes in Linux It is basically the same procedure as in Windows –Create bootdisk –Create network drivers disk These are the steps –Mount first cdrom and insert a floppy –Remove first floppy and inser a new blank floppy # mount /mnt/cdrom # dd if=/mnt/cdrom/images/bootdisk.img of=/dev/fd0 2880+0 records in 2880+0 records out # mount /mnt/cdrom # dd if=/mnt/cdrom/images/bootdisk.img of=/dev/fd0 2880+0 records in 2880+0 records out # mount /mnt/cdrom # dd if=/mnt/cdrom/images/drvnet.img of=/dev/fd0 2880+0 records in 2880+0 records out # eject cdrom # mount /mnt/cdrom # dd if=/mnt/cdrom/images/drvnet.img of=/dev/fd0 2880+0 records in 2880+0 records out # eject cdrom

17 Manual Network installation with SLP 1.Boot on CD1 or boot floppies 2.Move to INSTALL Press F3 and select SLP 3.Hit Enter, a list should appair with possible install servers 4.Choose one install server (FTP, HTTP or NFS) 5.Hit Enter again, observe how syslinux try to get up the network and start loading. 6.After a while, the standard installation will start. 7.System analyzis is performed, after that CD1 content is fetched from the install server 8.After CD1 is installed, system will reboot, remove CD1 9.Installation will now continue with CD2 to CD5 if needed. 10.You will be asked for root password 11.Client network interfaces is analyzed 12.Allow VNC if question comes 13.Make the internet connection checkout if you need internet 14.On-line update can take as long time as whole installation up to now. 15.Add one local user NO AUTOLOGIN! 16.SuSE Splash text arrives, just accept and continue 17.Devices are now configured 18.System will continue loading to runlevel 5 or runlevel 3 depending on your selections in step7-9 and you try to login as root

18 Manual Network installation no SLP 1.Boot on CD1 or boot floppies 2.Move to INSTALL Press F3 and select (FTP, HTTP or NFS) 3.Depending on your choise you will now be asked Use DHCP addresses Not using any proxy Install server IP address or name + path to install sources Username + Password (if using ftp) FTP PATH is in our case /9.3/CD1 HTTP PATH is in our case /SuSE/9.3/CD1 NFS PATH is in our case /exports/network-install/suse/9.3/CD1 4.Hit Enter after you choises, observe how syslinux try to get up the network and start loading. 5.After a while, the standard installation will start. 6.Rest of installation will be standard, jump to 7 on previous page.

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