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First Author Address and the KIDA Team Abstract: KIDA (for KInetic Database for Astrochemistry) is a project initiated by different communities in order.

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Presentation on theme: "First Author Address and the KIDA Team Abstract: KIDA (for KInetic Database for Astrochemistry) is a project initiated by different communities in order."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Author Address and the KIDA Team Abstract: KIDA (for KInetic Database for Astrochemistry) is a project initiated by different communities in order to 1) improve the interaction between astrochemists and physico-chemists and 2) simplify the work of modeling the chemistry of astrophysical environments. Here astrophysical environments stand for the interstellar medium and planetary atmospheres. Both types of environments use similar chemical networks and the physico-chemists who work on the determination of reaction rate coefficients for both types of environment are the same. What is the goal of KIDA? KIDA (for KInetic Database for Astrochemistry) was built with the aim of improving the exchange between two communities: astrophysicists and physico-chemists who determine the reaction rate coefficients. KIDA is a database, which will contain all the kinetic data that can be of interest for the chemical modeling of the interstellar medium and planetary atmospheres. In addition of containing information about the data (references, details about the methods to obtain the data, range of temperature etc), the interface of the database allows physicists and chemists to upload themselves their data. In order to provide help the non-chemists, a group of experts will give expertise on the quality of the data. Astrophysicists can also publicly store their models (lists of reactions) to allow the reproducibility of published works. What do we do with kinetic data in astrophysics? To study the chemical composition and evolution of an astrophysical object or a planetary atmosphere, astrophysicists use chemical models in which the chemistry is driven by hundreds to thousands of reactions. The resulting species abundances can be very sensitive to the reaction rate coefficients used in these models and their uncertainties. The data in KIDA have to be valid on a large range of temperature and pressure to be used in a variety of objects (interstellar medium, protoplanetary disks, shocks, planetary and exo-planetary atmospheres etc). Visit our web site: Involvement in other projects: - Europlanet is a European network for planetary science, funded by the FP7. KIDA is part of the new databases constructed in this context. -VAMDC is a Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre, which aims at interfacing several databases. This project is funded by the FP7 and lead by ML Dubernet (Observatoire de Paris, France). - E 3 ARTHs is a project funded by the European Research Council (Starting Grant), lead by F. Selsis (Bordeaux University, France) to build modeling tools for exo-planetary atmospheres. Simulations of the chemical composition of habitable planets will be done with KIDA. -CATS is set of tools in development for the optimized analysis of the future ALMA data. CATS is funded by Astronet and lead by P. Schilke (Max Plank Institute, Bonn). KIDA will be directly interfaced with the chemical models of CATS. The KIDA acknowledges the various sources of funding, which allow us to develop this database: Bordeaux University, Institut de Physique Fondamentale de Bordeaux, CNRS/INSU (PCMI, PNP and ASOV), Astronet, Marie-Curie FP7, ERC, ANR, ISSI. Who is involved in KIDA? Although the database is physically located at the Observatoire Aquitain des Sciences de l’Univers in Bordeaux (France), this is an international project. Anyone in these fields of research can be involved in this project by submitting data to KIDA. We are also always looking for experts in kinetic data to work on recommendations for astrophysicists. If you are interested, please contact us by email: KIDA: A KInetic Database for Astrochemistry Fig. on the top: Context of KIDA: The improvement of the data stored in KIDA will be done by the identification of important reactions for specific objects and by the review of a group of experts on these reactions. Interactions of KIDA with other projects are described above. Review process of data by KIDA experts Submitting data to KIDA

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