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Are you feeling secure ? Lee Donaldson Information Builders.

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Presentation on theme: "Are you feeling secure ? Lee Donaldson Information Builders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you feeling secure ? Lee Donaldson Information Builders

2 Are you feeling secure? Agenda  WebFOCUS components  WebFOCUS security options  Managed Reporting security  Authentication  Authorization  Roles  Groups  Domains  Users  Dashboard  Implementing Banner security

3 Are you feeling secure? WebFOCUS components JDBC TCP HTTP/S JDBC

4 Are you feeling secure? Security Checkpoints JDBC TCP HTTP/S JDBC

5 Are you feeling secure? Basic security concepts  Authentication  Who are you  Are you a valid user  Authorization  What role are you  Administrator, Developer, End User  What can you do  Use Report Assist, Use Reportcaster, Run Only user  What do you have access to  Which reports  Which databases or files  Which records

6 Are you feeling secure? WebFOCUS Authentication options  No authentication  Anonymous users  User authentication  You supply a userid and password to gain access  Web server authentication  IWA, Kerberos, Siteminder  3 rd party Portals (Plumtree, Sharepoint, Oracle)  WebFOCUS Reporting server authentication  Operating system  DBMS  LDAP  Custom  Set up with the WebFOCUS Server Console

7 Are you feeling secure? WF Server Console

8 Are you feeling secure? WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Security  Explicit  Userid and password required  Internal MR authentication  Integrated  Sign on previously and values passed to WebFOCUS  External authentication  Trusted  No password required  Credentials set by web server

9 Are you feeling secure? Explicit Authentication

10 Are you feeling secure? External Authentication

11 Are you feeling secure? Trusted Authentication

12 WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Authentication Web Access Management Operating System Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Relation Database Management System (RDBMS) WebFOCUS Reporting Server

13 Are you feeling secure? Managed Reporting Security Administration  MRE Authorization  MRE administrators set up environment  Domains  Assign logical names to application folders in MRE  Business units, Types of data, test/production  Users  Create entries for valid user ids  Assign privileges to each user or use a default Role  Assign users ids to groups

14 WebFOCUS Security Model WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Authorization  Roles – Administrators, run only users, Analytical users, custom  Privileges – schedule, share reports, report library  Groups – Categories of users - associated to Domains  Domains – Groups of reports - groups are related to Domains  See the WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Administrator’s manual

15 WebFOCUS MRE Security Model

16 BI Dashboard - Authorization Users, Groups and Domains FINMGR Accountant Human Resource Manager ACCOUNTING SENIOR MANAGERS HR

17 Are you feeling secure? Managed Reporting Security Administration  Roles administration

18 Are you feeling secure? Managed Reporting Security Administration  Group administration

19 Are you feeling secure? Managed Reporting Security Administration  Domain administration

20 Are you feeling secure? Managed Reporting Security Administration  User administration

21 Managed Reporting Environment aka MRE also CUS – Comprehensive User Services

22 BI Dashboard Managed Reporting Environment (MRE)

23 Are you feeling secure? Implementing Banner Security  WebFOCUS Reporting Server set for DBMS Security  All users are validated for having valid Oracle userid  Set up an adapter connection to Oracle with password passthru  Change server security to DBMS mode pointing to the adapter connection  WebFOCUS Client set for WFRS security  Tell the WF Client (MRE, Dashboard) to send the userid and password entered to the WF server for validation  Adminstrator userid must be a valid Oracle id  Dashboard  Public or default userid must be a valid Oracle id

24 Are you feeling secure? Implementing Banner Security  FAU integrated WF DBMS security and Banner ODS Object security  DART BOARD  Creates dynamic reporting templates per user based on Banner security definitions  Utilizes Banner Objects and Banner Classes  DART  Dynamic Application Reporting Template  BOARD  Banner ODS Application Report Data

25 Are you feeling secure? Implementing Banner Security  DART - Dynamic Application Reporting Template  Generation of measures (counts, totals, averages, minimum, max, etc.)  drilldown operational reporting  pop-up field descriptions  standardized look, styling, and operation  crumb trails (documented filters, user id, date/time stamp)  graphs  preset selection of fields for reports  Creation of Ad Hoc reports  Applying business rules via the DEFINEs statement  Ready to customize predefined reports  Creation of key lists for subsequent reporting, matching, etc.  Dynamic Page breaks  Report options for PDF, Excel, and HTML formats

26 Are you feeling secure? Implementing Banner Security  BOARD - Banner ODS Application Report Data  Integrates Banner ODS and Banner Security  Controls logon authentication from one source  Provides access to  Reporting Templates  LOV filters – List of Values specific per user  Applies to Student, HR, Finance, Financial Aid and AR modules  Access is through the WebFOCUS Dashboard

27 Are you feeling secure? Implementing Banner Security  Access to templates is based on a 7 position token stored in a flat file  buspaw01.htm;PEAEMPL;Payroll Distribution;H;Payroll;IRM - BITS; payroll  rcast101.htm;OPEN;ReportCaster Schedules;G;ReportCaster;IRM - BITS;  Position 1 – name of the launch page stored in WebFOCUS MRE  Position 2 - security access value  Open to all, Closed to all, Limited to this Banner Object  Position 3 – Title to be displayed on Dashboard  Position 4 - Relating Group  C=Common, F=Finance, H=HR, G=General Utility, S=Student  Position 5 – Banner Business Concept  Position 6 - Developer Group/Name  Position 7 - Notes

28 Are you feeling secure? Implementing Banner Security

29 List of Values Filters automatically generated

30 Are you feeling secure? Implementing Banner Security Questions?

31 Self Service Application

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