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Rockets Applied Science Fall 08 Mrs. Dickerson.

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1 Rockets Applied Science Fall 08 Mrs. Dickerson



4 Flight Terms Launch: Launch: –Time that the rocket is traveling up the launch rod. The engine ramps up to full thrust, briefly exceeding the average thrust in order to get the rocket up to speed (about 30 mph) before it reaches the end of the launch rod. Powered Ascent: Powered Ascent: –Flight time after the rocket has left the launch rod, while the engine is still burning. Coasting Flight: Coasting Flight: –The flight time of the rocket after the motor has burned out. During this time the rocket remains a "free body" with two forces acting on it: gravity and wind resistance.

5 Flight Terms Ejection Charge: Ejection Charge: –When this delay time is up, the ejection charge fires, forcing the nose off the end of the rocket and pushing the parachute (or other recovery device) out. Recovery: Recovery: –With the parachute deployed, the rocket is returned gently to the ground so it can be recovered intact and flown again. Apogee Apogee –The highest or most distant point.

6 Forces Thrust Thrust –Force which moves the rocket through the air, and through space. Drag Drag –Force which is opposed to the direction of motion, and the lift force which acts perpendicular to the direction of motion. Lift Lift –The force that the engine is giving the rocket. –Depends on the density of the air and the air's viscosity and compression. Weight Weight –Is the force generated by the gravitational attraction on the rocket.





11 Engines / Motors C6- 4 C6- 4 Total Impulse (Thrust x Time) Average Thrust Delay Time Thrust is in Newtons

12 Finding Height 76 0 150 Use the Tangent Function to find the height O A

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