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1 URINALYSIS 2 UA Casts 3 Cast Formation Urinary casts are formed only in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) or the collecting duct (distal nephron).

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3 2 UA Casts

4 3 Cast Formation Urinary casts are formed only in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) or the collecting duct (distal nephron). The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) and loop of Henle are not locations for cast formation. Hyaline casts are composed primarily of a mucoprotein (Tamm-Horsfall protein) secreted by tubule cells. The Tamm-Horsfall protein secretion (green dots) is illustrated in the diagram below, forming a hyaline cast in the collecting duct:

5 4 Cast Formation Cast are molded in the lumen of the renal tubules Formed in Distal and Collection tubules Composed of plasma proteins of Glomerular Filtrate Tamm-Horsfall Protein makes up matrix

6 5 Cast Names Named by how they appear Convoluted Broad Granular (Finely or Coarsely granular) Waxy

7 6 Cast Names Named by what is in casts Cells WBC, RBC, Renal Epithelial or Mixed Substances Fat Hemoglobin

8 7 Casts

9 8 Fiber Don’t mistake fibers for casts!!!!

10 9 Hyaline Casts Low refractive Index Difficult to see Use low light

11 10 Hyaline Casts Cylindroid Hyaline cast with tail

12 11 Hyaline Cast Mucous Threads Phase Contrast

13 12 Hyaline Cast Spermatozoa Tortuouse Cigar Shaped Phase Contrast

14 13 Hyaline Cast Tortuous Interference Contrast

15 14 Hyaline Cast Triple Phosphate Note how Hyaline Casts are barely visible

16 15 Hyaline Cast Convoluted Note cells on matrix

17 16 Granular Casts Formed by the breakdown of cellular casts In patients with renal disease the granules become more fine as they progress through the nephron and eventually become Waxy

18 17 Cast Degeneration

19 18 Finely Granular Cast C

20 19 Finely Granular Cast Higher refractive index than Hyaline cast May be present in urine of healthy person after severe physical exercise Found in all forms of renal disease

21 20 Coarse Granular Cast Granules may be disintegrated RBC’s due to reddish color

22 21 Coarse Granular Cast Sternheimer- Malbin Stain

23 22 Coarse Granular Cast

24 23 Coarse Granular Cast Note mucous threads in background

25 24 Broad Finely Granular Cast In early stage of evolving into waxy cast Notched margins

26 25 Waxy Cast High Refractive Index Notched parallel margins “Broken Off” ends Chronic renal disease

27 26 Waxy Cast High Refractive Index Notched parallel margins “Broken Off” ends Chronic renal disease

28 27 Waxy Cast High Refractive Index Notched parallel margins “Broken Off” ends Chronic renal disease

29 28 Waxy Cast SM Stain High Refractive Index Notched parallel margins “Broken Off” ends Chronic renal disease

30 29 Waxy Cast Note Spheric lipid globules on surface Notched parallel margins “Broken Off” ends Chronic renal disease

31 30 Fatty Casts Casts that contain free fat or oval fat bodies Fat appears as globular lipids of varying size Often have a yellow tan color Lipid has high refractive index Lipid is birefringent Maltese Cross in polarized light

32 31 Fatty Cast Lipid globules on surface RBC in background Nephrotic Syndrome

33 32 Fatty Cast Lipid globules on surface RBC in background Nephrotic Syndrome Polarized Maltese Cross

34 33 Fatty Cast Lipid globules on surface RBC in background Nephrotic Syndrome Polarized Maltese Cross

35 34 Fatty Cast Lipid globules on surface RBC in background Nephrotic Syndrome Polarized Maltese Cross

36 35 Fatty Cast Lipid globules on surface RBC in background Nephrotic Syndrome

37 36 Fatty Cast Polarized

38 37 Broad Red Cell Casts

39 38 Cast Formation in Nephron Cellular Cast are named for the types of cells they contain

40 39 Cellular Cast formation

41 40 Hemoglobin Cast ?? Reddish color

42 41 RBC Cast RBC in hyaline cast matrix RBC more concentrated at one end

43 42 RBC Cast RBC in hyaline cast matrix Surrounding urine filled with PMN’s and RBC

44 43 RBC Cast RBC in hyaline cast matrix

45 44 RBC Cast RBC in hyaline cast matrix Very difficult in this cast to see intact RBC’s Hb granules

46 45 Cellular Cast Mixed Epi’s WBC Note yeast

47 46 Cellular Cast Renal Tubular Cells

48 47 Cast Review

49 48 Casts Overhead

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