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History -APEC is a forum for 21 Pacific Rim member economies that promotes free trade throughout the Asia-Pacific region. -The idea of APEC was firstly.

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Presentation on theme: "History -APEC is a forum for 21 Pacific Rim member economies that promotes free trade throughout the Asia-Pacific region. -The idea of APEC was firstly."— Presentation transcript:




4 History -APEC is a forum for 21 Pacific Rim member economies that promotes free trade throughout the Asia-Pacific region. -The idea of APEC was firstly publicly broached by former Prime Minister of Australia Bob Hawke during a speech in Seoul, Korea on 31 January 1989. Ten months later, 12 Asia-Pacific economies met in Canberra, Australia to establish APEC. The founding members were: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and the United States.

5 Signification -Based on the spirit of voluntary cooperation (voluntarism), to overcome the cultural · economic · social differences among the members of APEC. -Continued economic growth in the region by contributing to the welfare of the residents and ultimately Asian · The Pacific community is aimed at getting laid the Foundation of establishing.

6 Feature -Seek the gradual achievement of the Asia-Pacific Economic Community In the long term, aim to realize the liberalization of trade · investment. In the short term, seek to promote cooperation in the field of economic · technology and promoting a trade. Through this, gradually achieving the purpose--Economic Community of East Asia and the Americas.

7 Feature -Claim to stand for Open Regionalism Promote the liberalization of trade Of The Asia-Pacific. Furthermore, sublate the exclusive regionalism for Extraterritorial country. -Evolving Process Only agreed the basic principles of cooperation for Asia and the Pacific in its establishment. In the process of operating, prepare system and expand organization as necessary.

8 Feature -Decision-making process predicated on consensus Because of the APEC economies have diversity-- GDP, economic structure, history · culture. Pursue cooperation on the basis of recognize the diversity.

9 Member economies -APEC currently has 21 members, including most countries with a coastline on the Pacific Ocean. However, the criterion for membership is that the member is a separate economy, rather than a state. As a result, APEC uses the term member economies rather than member countries to refer to its members. One result of this criterion is that membership of the forum includes Taiwan (officially the Republic of China, participating under the name "Chinese Taipei") alongside People's Republic of China, as well as Hong Kong, which entered APEC as a British colony but it is now a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. APEC also includes three official observers: ASEAN, the Pacific Islands Forum and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council.

10 Date of accessionMember economies November 1889Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, United states November 1991Republic of China(Taiwan), Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China November 1993Mexico, Papua New Guinea November 1994Chile November 1998Peru, Russia, Vietnam


12 Committee on Trade and investment -Trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation are the cornerstones of APEC's mission and activities, and the Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI) is the coordinating body for all of APEC's work in these areas. -The CTI provides a forum for APEC's 21 member economies to deliberate trade and policy issues. It works to reduce impediments to business activity in the areas outlined by the Osaka Action Agenda, with the objective of helping APEC economies achieve the Bogor Goals of free and open trade and investment. -The CTI was established in November 1993 by the Declaration of an APEC Trade and Investment Framework. APEC Leaders and Ministers direct its work and APEC Senior Officials provide guidance. The scope of the CTI's work was expanded and further clarified by the Osaka Action Agenda in 1995.

13 Committee on Trade and investment -The CTI oversees: Eight sub-groups:Three industry dialogues: Business Mobility Group (BMG) Electronic Commerce Steering Group (ECSG) Group on Services (GOS) Intellectual Property Experts' Group (IPEG) Investment Experts' Group (IEG) Market Access Group (MAG) Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures (SCCP) Sub-Committee on Standards Conformance (SCSC) Automotive Dialogue (AD) Chemical Dialogue (CD) Life Sciences Innovation Forum (LSIF)

14 Budget and Management Committee -The Budget and Management Committee (BMC) advises the Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM) on budgetary, administrative and managerial issues. Its key responsibility is to prepare the budget for APEC and approve and recommend APEC funding for projects. The BMC also monitors and evaluates APEC's project management systems. It takes decisions and makes recommendations to Senior Officials to improve project efficiency and effectiveness. It also works closely with APEC's other Committees to ensure projects remain relevant to APEC's core goals and objectives.

15 Economic Committee -The EC was established in 1994 and meets twice a year. The EC also works closely with other relevant APEC fora including the Competition Policy and Law Group, the Committee on Trade and Investment, and the Finance Ministers' Process. -The EC works to remove these obstacles by promoting structural reform within APEC. Structural reform consists of improvements made to institutional frameworks, regulations and government policies so that the efficient functioning of markets is supported and behind-the-border barriers are reduced.

16 Budget and Management Committee -Budget and Management Committee The Budget and Management Committee (BMC) advises the Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM) on budgetary, administrative and managerial issues. Its key responsibility is to prepare the budget for APEC and approve and recommend APEC funding for projects. The BMC also monitors and evaluates APEC's project management systems. It takes decisions and makes recommendations to Senior Officials to improve project efficiency and effectiveness. It also works closely with APEC's other Committees to ensure projects remain relevant to APEC's core goals and objectives.

17 Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation -The SCE was first established as the SOM Sub-Committee for Economic and Technical Cooperation in 1998. In 2002, this was elevated to the SOM Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation. In 2005, the ESC was strengthened and transformed into the SOM Steering Committee on ECOTECH (SCE). In 2012, the SCE conducted an internal review of its working mechanisms and new Terms of Reference were endorsed. -APEC members engage in economic and technical cooperation to facilitate the development and implementation of measures that promote trade, investment and sustainable growth, bridging gaps in their level of development and available resources.

18 Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation -In 2010, Senior Officials endorsed a new Framework to Guide ECOTECH activities to guide APEC-funded capacity building and all ECOTECH activities. This framework adopted a holistic approach by: 1.Revising APEC ECOTECH priorities 2.Introducing a uniform set of criteria for all project funding, where funding is based on the link between proposals and APEC’s core objectives.

19 Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation -Within this framework, five areas were identified as medium-term ECOTECH priorities: 1.Regional economic integration 2.Addressing the social dimensions of globalisation (inclusive growth) 3.Safeguarding the quality of life through sustainable growth 4.Structural reform 5.Human security

20 Year/LocationThemecore contents 1 st( 1993) Seattle, United States APEC Leaders Economic Vision Statement -Propose the Asia-Pacific community vision 2 nd (1994) Bogor, Indonesia APEC Economic Leaders' Declaration of Common Resolve -Bogor Declaration: Profession the practice of liberalization of the Asia-Pacific and set the goal year 3rd(1995) Osaka, Japan APEC Economic Leaders' Declaration for Action -Osaka Action Agenda: 1)Agreement in principle for the practice Bogor goal 2)Agreed 9 Guiding Principles for the practice Bogor goal

21 Year/LocationThemeCore contents 4 th (1996) Manila, The Philippines From Vision to Action-Introduction of an agreement IAP(Individual Action Plan) Peer Review 5 th (1997) Vancouver, Canada Connecting the APEC Community -Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization (EVSL) in 15 sectors and decides 6 th( (1998) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Strengthening the Foundations for Growth -Failure of EVSL -Discuss plan for conquest of the economic crisis in Asia -Effort Strengthening international financial system 7 th (1999) Auckland, New Zealand The Auckland Challenge-Through market-opening growth support -The role of APEC for the world economy -Through technology and knowledge development prosperity 8 th (2000) Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam Delivering to the Community-overcome fiscal crisis, Managing Globalisation -Intension multilateralism -Intension APEC’s function

22 Year/LocationThemeCore contents 9 th (2001) Shanghai, People’s Republic of China Meeting New Challenges in the New Century -Adopt the Shanghai Accord: Over the next five years, 5% reduction in trade transaction costs in the region 10 th (2002) Los Cabos, Mexico Expanding the Benefits of Cooperation for Economic Growth and Development - Implementing the Vision -Intension economic principle(fundamentals) -Counter-Terrorism and economic growth 11 th (2003) Bangkok, Thailand A World of Differences: Partnership for the Future -Aim trade and investment liberalization -Improving human security 12 th (2004) Santiago, Chile One Community, Our Future-Adopt Santiago Initiative: 1)Promote trade and investment liberalization 2)Expand regional trade and trade facilitation

23 Year/LocationThemeCore contents 13 th (2005) Busan, Korea Towards One Community: Met the Challenge, Make the Change -Adopt Busan Roadmap: 1)Intension IAP/CAP 2)Promote high standard RTAs/FTAs -Adopt LAISR 2010:2005-2010 Work Plan 14 th (2006) Ha Noi, Viet Nam Towards a Dynamic Community for Sustainable Development and Prosperity Promote trade and investment liberalization: 1)Report performance status- Busan Roadmap 2)Achievement of Shanghai Accord’s goal 15 th (2007) Sydney, Australia Strengthening Our Community, Building a Sustainable Future Declaration on Climate Change, Energy Security and Clean Development outlining future action in support of a new international climate change arrangement and announcing a forward program of practical, cooperative actions and initiatives.

24 Year/LocationThemecore contents 16 th (2008) Lima, Peru A New Commitment to Asia- Pacific Development -Promote regional economic integration: 1)Order analysis about FATTP’s economic effect -Improvement of food security of the Asia-Pacific -Exposing corruption 17 th (2009) Singapore Sustaining Growth, Connecting The Region -Pursue banlance, sustainable growth -Break down protectionism -Accelerate regional economic integration: 1)Liberalization of at-the-border 2)Improvement of behind-the-border business environment

25 Year/LocationThemeCore contents 18 th (2010) Yokohama, Japan Bogor and Beyond-Growth Strategy: Aim balance, duration, engagement, innovation 19 th (2011) Honolulu, United States Toward a Seamless Regional Economy -Aim green growth -Regulatory cooperation and convergence 20 th (2012) Vladivostok, Russia Integrate to Grow, Innovate to Prosper -Endorse a ground-breaking APEC List of Environmental Goods that directly and positively contribute to green growth and sustainable development objectives. -Seeks to address transparency as a new next generation trade and investment issue, and Leaders endorse the APEC Model Chapter on Transparency for RTAs/FTAs to be used as a guide by APEC economies.

26 Year/LocationThemeCore contents 21 th (2013) Bali, Indonesia Resilient Asia-Pacific, Engine of global Growth -Provide the push needed to conclude the "Bali Package" -Package of measures to enhance regional connectivity is endorsed, including an APEC Multi-Year Plan on Infrastructure Development and Investment prioritizing public-private partnership projects. A target of one million intra-APEC university students per year by 2020 is also set. The first Joint APEC Ministerial Meeting on Women and SMEs issues directives to promote women entrepreneurship.

27 Year/LocationThemeCore contents 22 th (2014) Beijing, China Through the Asia Pacific partnership building the future -Commit to taking a concrete step towards greater regional economic integration by endorsing a roadmap to translate the vision of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) into a reality. In order to capture higher value- added growth, policies to promote innovation, human resource development and sustainability are part of the new APEC Accord on Innovative Development, Economic Reform and Growth.

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