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Water Wars So Much Water. So Little Useful Brett Preston.

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1 Water Wars So Much Water. So Little Useful Brett Preston

2 Background Water is being used at a enormous amount In the next 2 decades it is estimated that freshwater use by humans will increase by 40 percent worldwide.

3 Current Status Fresh water on this planet takes up 2.5% of the water on this earth. ONLY 20% of the 2.5% is accessible by man. All the rest of the water is locked up in ice caps and glaciers Water tables are dropping fast in Western United States, and water tables are falling as much as a meter a year in parts of Mexico, India, Yemen and China. In third world countries the water is fresh, but it has diseases in it and needs to be cleaned

4 Analysis Most of the troubles are political  Mostly occur in Middle East Contributes to Middle Eastern Tension Countries are trying to lay claim to water  Provides Conflicts over water This isnt always a confrontation between communities the issues between are also water giants  Suez and Viviendi of France, the German-British conglomerate RWE-Thames and Bechtel in the United States.

5 Attempts There really isn't anything we can do about this water crisis. We can build desalination plants, but these cannot supply many people with fresh, clean water. People are trying to clean the polluted water in the water deprived nations.  This can take a many many years.

6 Water-borne Disease Include cholera, typhoid, shigella, polio, meningitis, hepatitis A and E and diarrhea, among others Every day, diarrheal diseases cause some 6,000 deaths, mostly among children under five In 2001, 1.96 million people died from infectious diarrhea. 1.3 million were children under five.

7 Polio Poliomyelitis is an "inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord

8 Predictions I think that the middle easterners might have to come to peace to find out a way to get more water.  If that doesn’t happen we will have an all out war in the Middle East because of water. We need to start helping the third world countries out and help them get a better water supply. We will just need to cooperate with everyone's reasonable demands that other countries ask for and I think we will be fine and avoid all out war.

9 Solutions Limiting Water Systems. Find someway to clear up all contaminated water in third countries. Discover some way to take water out of the frozen ice caps Try to find someway to make the desalination plants work quicker and more efficient

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