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Simplifying Lead Management. Andy Brownell Company Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Simplifying Lead Management. Andy Brownell Company Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simplifying Lead Management

2 Andy Brownell Company Overview

3 SINCE 1998

4 USA Sub headline AGENDA LeadMaster Around The World Global Solutions for CRM & Lead Management CANADA AUSTRALIA HONG KONG SINGAPORE UNITED KINGDOM & EMEA


6 Sub headline AGENDA LEADMASTER - Customers Join LeadMaster Every Month

7 Sub headline AGENDA LEADMASTER – The Value of configuration to meet your needs! Productivity The average sales rep spends 47% of their time selling. The amount of time they spend on administrative tasks is 39%. LeadMaster makes administrative tasks more efficient, allowing reps to be more productive, enabling them to focus on selling. The LeadMaster solutions are designed to be simple and uncluttered so that your sales and marketing teams will find them easy to use. In LeadMaster it takes 75% fewer mouse clicks to update a record than in the most popular CRM solution. Competition LeadMaster's flexible architecture is designed to fit the customer's business, not the other way around. Maybe you have special requirements; LeadMaster is flexible enough to accommodate them. Configured to meet your needs No long-term contracts Cost effective Easy to use

8 Why Customers Like LeadMaster Simplifying Lead Management

9 Why Customers Like LeadMaster Simplifying Lead Management

10 Why Customers Like LeadMaster Simplifying Lead Management

11 Customer Testimonials Simplifying Lead Management Oracle considers LeadMaster a valuable partner for lead management. LeadMaster brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to our marketing efforts. Whether you're a Fortune 50 or have 50 employees you'll find LeadMaster a cost effective solution. Oracle Sr. Channel Marketing Manager We've been doing business with LeadMaster for 10 years. I see Leadmaster as a valued partner that provides excellent ROI and is essential to our closed loop process. The LeadMaster CRM tool is excellent for use with our partners. It requires almost no training and integrates with our insides sales and field sales. HP Marketing Manager After working closely with the LeadMaster team for a year, I saw them as a valued partner and essential element to our closed loop process, Their response to my needs was prompt and professional. Pitney Bowes Marketing Director Leadmaster has become an integral part of our Marketing and Sales operations. We love its flexibility, ease of use and ease of customization. Our competitors spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on systems that failed to perform as expected and hindered their ability to meet their sales targets. We've been able to exceed our departmental goals with Leadmaster. Physicians United Plan, Director of Marketing We began our search for a CRM solution online. After demoing several systems over a couple week period, we chose the LeadMaster system. I cannot overstate the value LeadMaster has become to our company. It is a wonderfully simple, yet very powerful tool that has revolutionized the way we do business. At first our representatives were reluctant to move from an antiquated paper system to automation, but now they would refuse to do business any other way. CEO Buildmax

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