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April 19, 2012 Please get out the handout from yesterday! Then, get out your vocab packet, so we can review for tomorrow’s quiz!

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Presentation on theme: "April 19, 2012 Please get out the handout from yesterday! Then, get out your vocab packet, so we can review for tomorrow’s quiz!"— Presentation transcript:

1 April 19, 2012 Please get out the handout from yesterday! Then, get out your vocab packet, so we can review for tomorrow’s quiz!

2 REMINDERS!!!! Vocab packets will be due on Friday! You will have a quiz that day, as well! Turn in your high school enrollment verification forms to the tray today! If you don’t have them, get to me ASAP! I have updated my website, so if you are out due to EOI’s, please check it to keep up with us in class! You will still be responsible for all work done while you are gone!!!

3 Maya Angelou: 1 st – Turn in the text to page 246 and read the poem. Then, read the poem on the back of the handout by Paul Laurence Dunbar. 2 nd – Fill in the differences between the two birds from the poems. 3 rd – Let’s discuss how these two poems were products of the authors’ environments. Compare Angelou’s poem to the poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar, the son of former slaves. Who’s poem is more hopeful and encouraging? Who’s isn’t and what reasons could apply to why?

4 iPad Rules Today, we will be using the iPads in class! There are several rules you need to understand when using these: –These are NOT your personal iPads, which means you do not have the authorization to try to download any apps onto them! –Any attempts to “jailbreak” them will result in criminal charges filed against you! You will be held responsible for any and all damage done while in your possession, so please treat these with the respect they deserve! –As you will notice, they do NOT have covers – do not drop them!

5 Children‘s March : Today, we are going to watch a VERY short video about the Children’s March in Alabama. Then, we will are going to do some research using our iPads! Using Safari, please look up and take notes over the following events that occurred: –Children’s Protest March - May 2-5, 1963 –Supreme Court decides Brown v. Board - May 1954 –The Murder of Emmet Till - August 1955 –Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas - October 1957 –James Meredith and the University of Mississippi - September 1962 –Desegregating the University of Alabama – George Wallace – June 11, 1963 –John F. Kennedy Submits Civil Rights Legislation - June 11, 1963 –The Assassination of Medgar Evers: Jackson, Mississippi - June 12, 1963 –The March on Washington - August 28, 1963 –Birmingham Bombing - September 15, 1963

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