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1 Recon tests, Sci Fi status and Sci Fi design iteration Malcolm Ellis MICE Software Phone Meeting Wednesday 28 th April 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Recon tests, Sci Fi status and Sci Fi design iteration Malcolm Ellis MICE Software Phone Meeting Wednesday 28 th April 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Recon tests, Sci Fi status and Sci Fi design iteration Malcolm Ellis MICE Software Phone Meeting Wednesday 28 th April 2004

2 2 Reconstruction Tests Still not had time to implement anything yet (sorry!) Plan one test per component of the Sci- Fi reconstruction Tests will create instances of each object in pre-determined circumstances and check that all methods produce expected output.

3 3 Classes to be tested SciFiDigits SciFiDoubletCluster SciFiSpacePoint SciFiKalTrack (SciFiTrack is being phased out) Timescale – depends on other priorities, hopefully by mid-June (I’m unavailable for any MICE work for all of May…)

4 4 Sci Fi Reconstruction Status Light yield and fibre pitch updated for last collaboration meeting (not commited yet) Currently making SciFiKalTrack independent of SciFiTrack (so we can remove dependence on ROOT) In addition, new version of Kalman (commited to CVS) gives better dE/dx correction – currently preparing dE/dx model for this to be used in Sci Fi track fit. Aim to have this working and commited before I go offline on Friday…

5 5 SciFi Design Iteration So far, have looked at the reconstructed classes as well as the modelling. ArgoUML does not allow me to add qualifiers such as const, nor to explicitly specifiy pointers, references or STL collections, so I will present a bare diagram on the next page, followed by the signatures written out in plain text for each class on subsequent pages. Where a class is derived from another class, I will not repeat the method description in the derived class. I have not explicitly listed copy constructors, etc – they will of course be added!

6 6 Reconstruction DetModel DetRep?

7 7 SciFiHit SciFiHit( const SciFiChannel&, int adc, int tdc ) const SciFiChannel& channel() const intadc() const inttdc() const doublelight() const // in PE doubletime() const // in nanoseconds doubletimeError() const // in nanoseconds const SciFiMcHit* truthHit() const (So far the design has not included the MC truth side, so this is yet to be finalised!)

8 8 SciFiCluster SciFiCluster( const SciFiHit& ) SciFiCluster( const SciFiHit&, const SciFiHit& ) booladdHit( const SciFiHit& ) const SciFiHit&seedHit() const const SciFiHit*seedHit() const const SciFiHit*neighbourHit() const const SciFiFibre& fibre() const doublelight() const doubletime() const

9 9 SciFiTriplet : public SciFiMeasurement SciFiTriplet( const SciFiCluster&, const SciFiCluster&, const SciFiCluster& ) doubletripletResidual() const doubletimeResidual() const

10 10 SciFiDuplet : public SciFiMeasurement SciFiDuplet( const SciFiCluster&, const SciFiCluster& ) doubletimeResidual() const

11 11 SciFiSinglet : public SciFiMeasurement SciFiSinglet( const SciFiCluster& )

12 12 SciFiMeasurement : public MeasurementB virtual SciFiMeasurement() = 0 const SciFiCluster*vHit() const = 0 const SciFiCluster*xHit() const = 0 const SciFiCluster*wHit() const = 0 const SciFiCluster*hit( int ) const = 0 HyperVectorposition() const = 0 doubletime() const = 0 doubletimeError() const = 0 const SciFiStation&station() const = 0 intnumClusters() const = 0

13 13 SciFiKalTrack : public MouseBaseTrack SciFiKalTrack( const SciFiMeasurement&, const SciFiMeasurement&, const SciFiMeasurement& ) SciFiKalTrack( const std::vector & ) booladdMeasurement( const SciFiMeasurement& ) intnumMeasurements() const doublereFit() const SciFiMeasurement*measurement( int ) const const SciFiTracker&tracker() const

14 14 SciFiChannel SciFiChannel( const std::vector, int mcm, int chan, double ped, double gain ) const std::vector & fibres() const intnumFibres() const const SciFiFibre*fibre( int ) const intmcm() const intchannel() const doublepedestal() const doublegain() const

15 15 SciFiFibre SciFiFibre( const SciFiPlane&, int ) booladdChannel( const SciFiChannel& ) const SciFiChannel*channel() const const SciFiPlane&plane() const intnumber() const Hep3Vectorposition() const

16 16 SciFiPlane SciFiPlane( const SciFiStation&, int ) const SciFiStation&station() const int addFibre( const SciFiFibre& ) intnumFibres() const const std::vector & fibres() const const SciFiFibre*fibre( int ) const intnumber() const Hep3Vectororientation() const Hep3Vectorposition() const

17 17 SciFiStation SciFiStation( const SciFiTracker&, int ) const SciFiTracker&tracker() const intaddPlane( const SciFiPlane& ) intnumPlanes() const const std::vector & planes() const const SciFiPlane*plane( int ) const intnumber() const Hep3Vectorposition() const

18 18 SciFiTracker : public Detector SciFiTracker( int ) int addStation( const SciFiStation& ) intnumStations() const const std::vector & stations() const const SciFiStation*station( int ) const intnumber() const Hep3Vectorposition() const

19 19 Further detailed design Once I get back in June, we should discuss a number of things: 1. Progress in other areas of responsibility 2. Check detailed design of the tracking/particle ID work done at CERN 3. Discuss persistency options, make a decision and start work on it (I can make a presentation on the “iDST” option in June) Also in June, I’ll start to enter these prototypes as C++ code into the new CVS area.

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