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Technology Integration Linda L. Mills, Media Specialist, Greensburg Elementary School Greensburg, IN

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Integration Linda L. Mills, Media Specialist, Greensburg Elementary School Greensburg, IN"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Integration Linda L. Mills, Media Specialist, Greensburg Elementary School Greensburg, IN

2 Technology Integration What is needed: Library Media Specialist and teacher working together Standards Subject content Technology capabilities

3 What you need Library media specialist Teachers Technology Supportive administrators Students Standards

4 What you get Blend these all together and what do you get? Collaboration! Higher achieving students! Happy administrators! Contented teachers/lms

5 Planning is the key Anytime Anywhere Formally Informally BUT make sure you write it down!

6 Magazines and Books Technology magazines, ex. Classroom Connect, Multimedia Schools, Teaching and Leading with Technology Subject area magazines, ex. Math, science, language, Bibliography of materials

7 Programs Inspiration Kidspiration Kid Pix Kid Works Deluxe Graph Club Any word processor Any spreadsheet

8 Equipment Computer labs Computers in classroom Camcorders Digital cameras SmartBoards AlphaSmarts Scanners

9 AlphaSmarts Portable keyboards used for: Writing Math problems Keyboarding Weekly spelling Field trips Observations ???????

10 SmartBoards Internet Writing Games Presentations Demonstrations Websites Virtual field trips

11 Digital Cameras Field trips Student pictures Wanted posters Writing prompts Place/positions Observations ????????


13 Penguin Projects Three day project 1 st dayresearch/note taking 2 nd day--write from notes (computers or Alphasmarts) 3 rd daydraw penguin pictures. Standards addressed: LA 2.4.6, 2.4.5, 2.2.5, 2.2.4, 2.5.2, 2.2.1, 2.7.4

14 Penguin book

15 Variation for first grade Generate questions about penguins after reading Tacky Look for facts in books (LA 1.5.2) Use sticky notes Write sentences about penguins on Alphasmarts (LA 1.6.2) Draw pictures either on computer or by hand.

16 From start to finish

17 Letters to Santa 1 st day--rough draft of letter 2 nd day--using Kidspiration, made graph in lab of main ideas 3 rd day--rearranged ideas on graphic organization 4 th day--typed sentences about ideas 5 th day--moved information into Word to edit and revise and print Language arts standard addressed: 2.5.3, 2.4.6, 2.4.7, 2.4.8





22 Spider Project 1st day--research in media center 2 nd day--wrote spider information from notes 3 rd day--revise and print on AlphaSmarts 4 th day--art teacher helped illustrate each page Standards addressed: LA 2.4.6, 2.4.5, 2.2.7, 2.7.4, 2.4.3, 2.2.1

23 From notes to finish product


25 Snake Alphabet Book 1 st day--searched for snakes beginning with each letter of the alphabet; wrote simple facts about each one 2 nd day--wrote, revised, and printed a page about each snake 4 th day--drew pictures of each snake with help from art teacher Standards addressed: LA 2.4.6, 2.4.5, 2.2.7, 2.7.4, 2.2.1


27 Author study Studied Norman Bridwell Read Clifford books Wrote favorite facts about the author Took pictures of students sitting in chair reading Illustrated around pictures Standards addressed: LA 2.3.4, 2.2.5, 2.4.3


29 Author study Read about Marc Brown Read Arthur books Discussed characters Compared characters Discussed characteristics of characters Wrote about presents to give each character Standards: LA 2.2.6, 2.5.6

30 Author study LMS introduced author Students and teachers read books Did different projects Brainstormed ideas to write to author Standards: LA 1.3.2, 1.5.5

31 Letter Writing Dear Mrs. Ehlert, We go to Greensburg Elementary School. We are in first grade. We have been reading about authors. We really think your books are cool because you cut stuff out for our illustrations. The illustrations are colorful and make us feel happy. How do you get the ideas for your books? Are you writing a new book? We are excited about reading a new book! You are our favorite author. Your readers, Mrs. B. Meyers first grade class

32 Historical Fiction Introduced genre of historical fiction through picture books (LA 4.3.1) Students read books and choose one Outlined story using Kidspiration Wrote a Reading Rainbow blurb about book read (LA 4.5.4) Presented to class (LA 4.7.13) Presented to school via morning news

33 Historical Fiction


35 Biographies Introduced biography picture books to students Students read books and choose one Using Kidspiration they outlined the book Wrote a first person narrative of the person Presented to the class Standards: LA 4.4.4, 4.4.11, 4.5.4, 4.7.13

36 Fourth Grade in Action

37 Word Choice Premise: Certain words are overused, ex. Pretty, nice, good Brainstormed words similar in meaning Used thesarus Applied 6 + 1 Trait word choice Used Kidspiration Standards addressed: Language 2.5.5



40 Continents Specific continent studied each week Different continent on each page Typed interesting facts about appropriate continent Choose appropriate picture for each continent Finished product: small booklet using Kid Works Deluxe Standards addressed: LA 2.7.9, 2.4.7, 2.4.8, 2.4.6, 2.4.3


42 Money Stamp different ways to make a set amount of money Kidspiration Standards addressed: Math 2.1., 2.3.4


44 Graphing Worked with tally marks Created graphs about favorite sports Used Graph Club Standards addressed: Math 2.1.11, 2.1.12, Lang. 2.2.7


46 Graphing Discussed animal classification in class Showed animal pictures to students Put into correct class Created a tally chart Used Graph Club to create a graph corresponding with data. Math Standard 2.1.12 Represent, compare, and interpret data using tables, tally charts and bar graphs.

47 Coordinates Used Excel or any spreadsheet program Listened to verbal instructions Dumped paint into coordinates that were called Grade taken on finished project Standards addressed: Social Studies 2.3.2, Reading 2.7.4


49 Landmarks Assigned a topic Researched Took notes (LA 2.2.4) Typed information on Alphasmarts (LA 2.4.6 Found pictures to go with topics Created a poster which included picture and written information Gave oral presentation (LA 2.7.9) Standards addressed: Language 2.7.5, 2.4.5


51 Story Problems Stamped pictures for a problem Write story problem to go with the picture Write a number sentence for each problem Standards addressed: Math 2.3.1


53 Greater than and less than Stamped pictures on one side of paper Stamped pictures on other side of paper Used greater than and lesser than symbol Standards addressed: 2.5.1


55 Continents Used Kidspiration South America in center Four topics are chosen by pictures or word Write story Standards addressed: Language 2.7.9, 2.5.2, 2.5.5


57 Plant project Materials needed: Plant books and Kid Pix Use Plant that Ate the Dirty Socks and The Dirty Boy as read aloud introduction Plant research Drawing in lab Standards addressed: 2.5.5, 2.4.2, 2.4.4


59 Constellations Stamped stars Made constellations Wrote stories OR Circle in groups of tens and write a math problem Standards addressed: Lang. 2.5.1

60 Magic School Bus Continents Take notes about seven continents Write stories on AlphaSmarts on each continent Print Found or created map of continent Front of book is like a bus Pictures on front Standards addressed: 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.7, 2.4.6

61 I am Thankful for… I am thankful is in the middle Brainstormed ideas Choose pictures Standards addressed: Language 2.4.1, 2.4.2


63 Class book Imported pictures of teachers head in Kid Pix Designed a costume for Halloween Took Mrs. Taylor Trick or Treating with them and wrote a story Standards addressed: Writing 2.5.2, 2.5.1


65 Class Book Pictures taken of each staff member Assigned staff member to each student Designed a costume for each teacher Wrote Standards addressed: Writing 2.5.2


67 Communities Used Kids Works Deluxe Typed definition from social studies for urban, suburban, rural Found pictures to go along with each of these words Standard addressed: Social Studies 2.2.4


69 Field Trips Digital pictures taken of highlights of trip Students choose picture they wanted to write about. Wrote stories Compiled book Standards addressed: Language 2.4.2, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.7, 2.4.8


71 Goods and Services Goods and services discussed in class Kidspiration Students had to do two columns one for goods and one for services Discovered pictures that would go with the two terms. Standards addressed: Social Studies 2.4.2


73 Science Biographies Scientist assigned in class Came to the Media Center to learn to use Groliers New Book of Popular Science online Took notes (LA 4.4.9) Used print encyclopedias Created posters for presentation Science standards and Language Arts standards LA 4.4.3, 4.4.5, 4.4.6,4.4.7

74 Final product

75 Third Grade Biomes KWL chart Folder for animal research Wrote I Wonder questions Learned how to take notes Lesson on using Alex Lesson on Online encyclopedia Wrote report Drew picture Made book Researched more about the biome Standards: 3.5.2, 3.45.4, 3.4.4, 3.4.5, 3.4.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.6

76 Math/Social Studies Used map keys Worked with mystery numbers Rotated students to another machine Standards addressed: Math 2.2.1

77 Colonial America Fifth Grade project Read books about colonial occupations Learned about appentices Researched an occupation and took notes Wrote diary entrees on what it would be like to be an apprentice Standards: LA and SS 5.2.1, 5.4.3, 5.4.6, 5.4.5

78 Postcard Geography Joined Global Schoolhouse Postcard Geography Designed a postcard Wrote on Alphasmarts Learned about other places Discussed Greensburg Standards: Language Arts 2.5.6

79 First Grade Tool Book Discussed tools in class that people used to use Discussed tools we use in school today Learned how to use digital camera to take pictures Wrote about tool Made booklet Standard: LA 1.5.2, 1.5.5

80 School Helpers Worked with small group on how to use digital camera, digital tape recorder Discussed interview techniques and questions to ask Some groups interviewed school workers (i.e. principal, nurse, secretary, etc.) Whole class listened and wrote a narrative Created a book about school helpers Standards: 1.5.2, 1.5.5

81 School Helpers Mrs. McIntyre Mrs. McIntryre is an administrative secretary. She takes care of Mr. Linvilles schedule and types forms for the students to take home. Mrs. McIntrye helps in the clinic and when parents call in. Students can help her by coming to school everyday and by being on their best behavior. She has had her job for six years. She has to know how to type, answer the telephone, and make appointments. Her favorite part of her job is seeing students.

82 Deserts Discussed life cycle of saguaro cactus in study of desert Read books and researched Drew on Kidspiration Standards: 3.4.4, 3.4.5

83 Tooth Unit Online project 10 schools involved Losing teeth Graphing Study of animal teeth Parts of teeth Tooth fairy stories Dentist visit Standards: LA 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.5.2, 1.5.4

84 Animal Teeth Read a book about animal teeth Researched different animals and teeth Made a web with kind of teeth, food eaten, and type of animal. Wrote about animal Standard: LA 1.4.2, 1.5.2




88 Internet sites Many sites to use List of sites on website us/teacher/millslinda us/teacher/millslinda Dont use Google, use Kid Search Engines such as KidsClick!, Yahooligans Virtual Field Trips Share sites

89 Virtual Field Trips The Virtual Cave e.html e.html The White House Antarctica /Students/ginny/antarctica/index.html /Students/ginny/antarctica/index.html

90 Conclusion Planning Standards Collaboration Technology Students Equals …

91 Success!

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