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Endocrine System Endocrine glands- release hormones.

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1 Endocrine System Endocrine glands- release hormones

2 Pituitary “Master” Gland Produces largest # of body’s hormones Attached to hypothalamus & communication between them Hormones : –Growth (amount & timing of growth) –Vasopressin (regulates amount of water in the body’s cells) –Oxytocin (contraction of uterus & produce milk, + correlation between this hormone and sexual activity)

3 Pineal Gland Secretes melatonin High levels = drowsiness

4 Thyroid Produces hormone thyroxin Thyroxin- regulates body’s rate of metabolism

5 Liver & Pancreas Liver- aid metabolism & detoxifies poisonous substances Pancreas- controls the level of sugar in the blood by secreting insulin –Too much sugar (underproduction of insulin)= diabetes –Not enough sugar (over secretion of insulin) = hypoglycemia

6 Adrenal Glands Affect the body’s reaction to stress (autonomic NS) Hormone: epinephrine activates the sympathetic division Hormone: norepinephrine (also a neurotransmitter) raises blood pressure

7 Behavioral Genetics- studies the influence of genetic factors on behavioral traits Heredity- trait you inherit Heritability- you have the chance to inherit but you might not get it


9 human cells contains 46 chromosomes (except sex cells: egg/sperm) which operate in 23 pair 1-22 Autosomes 23 Sex Chromosomes Abnormalities can occur in cell division Monosomy- missing a chromosome from a pair EX: Turner Syndrome (OX) Trisomy- more than 2 chromosomes on a pair EX: Down Syndrome (3 copies of chromosome 21)

10 Genes (segments of DNA) operate in pairs; 1 gene in each pair coming from 1 parent Mutation- change in a piece of DNA (can increase the variability in a gene pool) Homozygous- 2 genes in a pair are the same Heterozygous- 2 genes in a pair are different Dominant v. Recessive Gene Ex: Detached (D) or Attached (R ) earlobes

11 Genotype- person’s genetic make-up –Fixed forever Phenotype- ways in which a person’s genotype is manifested into observable characteristics –May change over time (Ex: hair color) Polygenic traits- characteristics that are influenced by more than 1 pair of genes –Ex: Skin color is determined by 3-5 gene pairs

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