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453 Chapter 7 Early Modern English. 1476 Caxton: English printing press 1549Book of Common Prayer 1577-80Drake: around the world ≈ 1600Shakespeare 16041.

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Presentation on theme: "453 Chapter 7 Early Modern English. 1476 Caxton: English printing press 1549Book of Common Prayer 1577-80Drake: around the world ≈ 1600Shakespeare 16041."— Presentation transcript:

1 453 Chapter 7 Early Modern English

2 1476 Caxton: English printing press 1549Book of Common Prayer 1577-80Drake: around the world ≈ 1600Shakespeare 16041 st dictionary 1607Jamestown colony 1611 King James Bible 1619Slaves in Virginia 17021 st daily newspaper 1775-83American Revolution 1788English in Australia

3 Literature Marlowe Shakespeare Vocabulary Latin Greek

4 Orthography Based on Middle English spelling Regulated by available type Y e Vowel // Consonant ambiguity i & j u & v Etymological Respellings det & dout indict & subtle (Bart: Hologernes)

5 Great Vowel Shift FrontCentralBack High Mid Low i: i feet e: e great, name :: a I ride a  house a: u: u boot o: o boat  Vowels without sample words are Middle English Vowels with sample words are Modern English Loss of word final  was just as widespread

6 Other Notes Initial consonant sequences gn & kn Lost initial sound gnome, known Final consonant in ng also dropped Missin’ How we know… Folk spellings…

7 Phony Question: What kinds of phonological change are evidenced in the pronunciation variation in the Middle English period?

8 In Class Exercise 7.9 (workbook pg 163)

9 Exercises 7.3 7.4.1 7.5.3 & 7.5.4 (7.5.5 – optional)

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