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UKTI Services Presentation Presented by: Neil McCluskey International Trade Adviser.

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2 UKTI Services Presentation Presented by: Neil McCluskey International Trade Adviser

3 Topics to cover today Why should companies export? Where to export? Who are UKTI? What UKTI can do to help?

4 Why Export?

5 Where to Export?

6 Where to Export? – Rise to Power of Emerging Economies Brazil, Russia, India, China –Significant influence on regional & global affairs. –Developing & very large (one third of the world’s population) –Newly Industrialised. Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey, South Africa. –Sophisticated financial systems. –Controlled inflation. –Soaring young population. –Natural resources.

7 UKTI Worldwide

8 UKTI Overview 2,400 staff 1,300 overseas 99 UK Embassies, High Commissions, Consulates and Trade Offices. Advisers and support staff in nine English regions. Wales and Scotland have their own arrangements(!) 30 Advisers and Specialists in the North West with experience to help you.

9 Some Key Facts UKTI’s estimated total financial benefit to businesses across all trade services was around £6 billion last year, up from £5 billion the previous year. Over 3,000 companies increased R&D activity in the UK as a result of UKTI support. UKTI assisted 24,400 companies to exploit opportunities in overseas markets over a 12 month period.

10 Who we work with - Client targeting priorities Picking winners. Targeting framework. Not forgetting, today’s new players could be tomorrow’s winners. – Volume business options in the pipeline. Corporates – Hi-impact tier 1 contracts. – Knock-on supply chain opportunities for SMEs. R&D intensive or highly innovative businesses. High Growth businesses. Skilled management and leadership. Reasonably robust finances. Motivation/ambition to create and deliver an international strategy. We do not typically support sole traders unless there is a compelling business case. Scalable products or services

11 UKTI Impartial advice & strategic support Strategic and export business advice. Market information and research. Assistance in Identifying partners and potential customers. Assistance to promote company products. Support to visit markets. Support whilst in market. Identification of Business opportunities.

12 UKTI Services Passport to Export (P2E) Overseas Market Introduction Service (OMIS) Export Marketing Research Service (EMRS) Export Communications Review (ECR) Market Visits and Inward Business Development visits. Tradeshow Access Programme (TAP) Training and Workshops / Website Resources.

13 Passport to Export International Trade Review Provides a detailed analysis of company position, staff, skills, physical resource, cash. Action Plan Based on the findings from the review, along with inputs from two day course; SMART targets; export proposition. Matched-funding to implement Action Plan - can be used for export development costs such as research, visits, marketing, translation etc. International Trade Adviser (ITA) support For 12 months / On going

14 Overseas Market introduction Service (OMIS) Tailored market research and contacts from overseas specialists. Cost from £500 to £10,000’s. Highly flexible service to suit market entry strategy, for example: –Simple market suitability snapshot. –Assistance with trade magazines/gaining editorial content. –Warmed contacts lists with gauged interest and comments. –Market visit support – arranging meetings, hotels, resources. –Invitations and hosting marketing events, launches etc. Business Development Clinics One-to-one meetings in UK with overseas sector specialists.

15 Export Market Research Scheme Research how best to deliver products/services. Develop successful market entry strategy. Revise existing presence to increase interest and sales. Up to 50% funding may be available for in-house research. Up to 33% funding may be available for off the shelf reports. Research for success and avoid costly errors and pitfalls.

16 Export Communications Review Language and international communication review. How do overseas buyers view your company? Provides realistic, objective advice and recommendations. Subsidised cost of £250 (+VAT on £500) for ½ day review.

17 Tradeshow Access Programme (TAP) & Market Visits From £1,000 to £1,800 funding for key events attended with an ATO (Associated Trade Organisation) Visits to markets led by experienced ITAs plus support of overseas post. while in market. Doing Business in….” cultural workshops in preparation. In-market reception to meet buyers and relevant contacts. Full list of supported events on site

18 Master Classes, Training & Workshops Building Business with Agents and Distributors & International Partners. Your Export Strategy and the Internet. Researching Export Markets. Intellectual Property. “Winning Business in….” cultural workshops – often followed by a market visit. “Going Global” events. “Meet the Buyer” events.

19 Adviser (ITA) Network Advisers have experience and successful track record of exporting. Sector specialists. Market/Region specialists. Activity specialists – marketing, JVs, agents… Language, experience and knowledge network. Practical, realistic, useable resources.

20 Case Study I – Volcanic (UK) Ltd ICT Company with innovative product and niche client base Healthy domestic market and revenues Strong experienced management team with ambitious plans Joined Passport to Export (2014) Target Markets. Mexico, Asia (Singapore, HK, Japan) Engaged with VIP Northern Powerhouse Trade Mission to Asia Met with David Cameron PM and received inward investment from Asian contacts to help develop the market Office and sales in Asia.

21 Case Study II – Evidential Ltd Super niche evidence services to High Level court cases Healthy domestic revenues Experienced management team Joined Passport to Export (2013) Market visit to Brussels to meet key contacts at UN. £100K contract with potentially more orders in the pipeline

22 Case Study III – Informed Solutions Ltd Super niche ICT consultancy services in Oil & Gas, Government, Nuclear Competing for tenders against KPMG, PWC, Deloitte, Etc. Target Market Australia Used UKTI OMIS service to add extra credibility to their market entry and gain key in market contacts Successful market entry Office in Melbourne with on going sales

23 UKTI Services Overview For more information contact: 0845 603 7053 Thank You

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