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The Iraq War Basics of the war in Iraq Started on march 2003. Most troops involved come from the United states. Even though others do come from the UK.

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Presentation on theme: "The Iraq War Basics of the war in Iraq Started on march 2003. Most troops involved come from the United states. Even though others do come from the UK."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Iraq War

3 Basics of the war in Iraq Started on march 2003. Most troops involved come from the United states. Even though others do come from the UK. Major combat ended on May 1, 2003. Since then troops have remained to promote peace and maintain stabiliy. There are still random attacks on the US troops in Iraq.

4 Starting the Iraq war The cease-fire agreement that ended the Persian gulf war required Iraq to get rid of their weapons of mass destruction. In the years following they did not fully comply. On several occasions Iraq did not comply with UN investigation teams sent to investigate suspected weapon sites.

5 Consequences of the Iraq war During the major combat phase, 172 soldirs were killed. – 139 Americans – 33 British Since the end of major combat, about 4,500 coalition soldiers have been killed, mostly American. There is no official estimates on Iraqis death


7 Basics of the Korean War The first war fought as a world organization (The United Nations) The war began on June 25, 1950 – When the communist ruled North Korea invaded South Korea. The war ended on July 27, 1953

8 Starting the Korean War After world war 2 US forces moved into south Korea. With Soviet forces in the North. In 1947, the UN declared that elections should be held throughout Korea for a national government. The Soviet Union opposed this idea, and would not allow elections to take place in the north.

9 Consequences of the Korean War U.S. spent about $67 billion Almost all parts of Korea were heavily damaged. About one million civilians were killed in south Korea Property damage was estimated at more than one Billion dollars.


11 Basics of the Vietnam War It was the longest war that the United States took part in. – Began in 1957 and ended in 1975. The United States and South Vietnam united to try and stop the north from over throwing the government.

12 Statistics on the Vietnam War As the war dragged on it soon became an international conflict. – At the peak of the war the United States had over 543,000 troops in Vietnam – They combined with about 800,000 Vietnamese troops – There was also a total of about 69,000 troops from Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea, and Thailand – North Vietnam had about 300,000 troops, but exact numbers are unknown.

13 Consequences of the Vietnam War – About 58,000 American soldiers died in the conflict – About 300,000 Americans soldiers were wounded – About 224,000 South Vietnamese soldiers were killed – Over 1 million South Vietnamese soldiers were wounded – North Vietnam and Viet Cong forces had about 1 million dead and 600,000 wounded – Countless numbers of civilians in North and South Vietnam were killed and wounded – The war made as many as 10 million refugees in South Vietnam. – The use of Bombing and chemicals to clear forests left permanent damage to the south’s cropland and plant and animal life.


15 Basics on the Revolutionary War This war led the birth of a new nation- the United States of America. The war was fought with Britain and its 13 colonies in North America. Began on April 19, 1775 Resulted in the 13 American colonies throwing out royal rule.

16 Starting the Revolutionary War Tension between Britain and the American colonies had been building for more than ten years before war broke out. The American colonies had grown used to self- government when the British passed a series of laws to increase its control over the colonies. The British government ordered its troops in Boston to take swift action against the rebels going against the New tax laws.

17 Consequences or the Revolutionary War The 13 states and congress went into massive debt to finance the war. The war severely strained Britain’s economy. American military deaths from all causes during the war numbered about 25,700. In addition, approximately 1,400 soldiers were missing. British military deaths during the war totaled about 10,000.


19 Basics on the Civil War Began over the expansion of slavery. Took more American lives than any other war in history. The war divided Americans so that in some places brother fought against brother. It was a war between the United States government and a group of states that had seceded from the union Started April 12, 1861 Ended April 9, 1865

20 Starting the Civil War In 1861 the United States consisted of 19 Free states and 15 slave states. – US president Abraham Lincoln called it a house divided. The main cause of the war was the issues of slavery although there were other causes as well. At the beginning of the war the north had about 22 million people, and the south about 9 million.

21 Consequences of the Civil War About 620,000 soldiers died during the entire war – Almost as many as the combined American dead of all other wars from the Revolutionary war in America through the Iraq war. – The union lost about 360,000 troops About one sixth of all the northern soldiers – The confederacy lost about 260,000 troops More than one third of all the southern soldiers – More than half the deaths were caused by disease

22 Bibliography Deese, David A. "Iraq War." World Book Student. World Book, 2009 {online}. Web. 21 Dec. 2009. Armstrong, Charles K. "Korean War." World Book Student. World Book, 2009 {online}. Web. 21 Dec. 2009. Gilbert, Marc Jason. "Vietnam War." World Book Student. World Book, 2009 {online}. Web. 21 Dec. 2009. Sheidley, Nathaniel. "American Revolution." World Book Student. World Book, 2009 {online}. Web. 21 Dec. 2009. Guelzo, Allen C. "Civil War, American." World Book Student. World Book, 2009 {online}. Web. 21 Dec. 2009.

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