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CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU CCLIP December 5, 2008. CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU What We Do Partner with researchers and scholars at Columbia to share new knowledge through.

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Presentation on theme: "CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU CCLIP December 5, 2008. CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU What We Do Partner with researchers and scholars at Columbia to share new knowledge through."— Presentation transcript:

1 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU CCLIP December 5, 2008

2 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU What We Do Partner with researchers and scholars at Columbia to share new knowledge through technology Empower Columbia’s research community with online tools and services – Collaboration – Scholarly communication – Data-sharing – Preservation

3 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU Core Mission Facilitation of research and its dissemination – Platform/tool development and support Research support for ongoing communication – Collaboration – Conferences – Structured user contributions Education about rapid changes in scholarly communication

4 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU CDRS’ Services Academic Commons – Repository and services Spectrum – Video and conference services Texture – Publication services Scholarly Communication Program – Education and advocacy


6 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU Academic Commons Enhanced discovery, visualization, management, and use of digital resources Platform that supports research at all stages, from collaboration through dissemination Access to and preservation of multiple types of digital material

7 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU Here’s the problem …

8 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU … and part of the answer.

9 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU Fedora Asset Repository Internal Workflow Management Systems Columbia Digital Library Columbia Academic Commons Internal Data Management Systems

10 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU Fedora Asset Repository Internal Workflow Management Systems Columbia Digital Library Columbia Academic Commons Internal Data Management Systems For example: Digitized collections Born-digital collections

11 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU Fedora Asset Repository Internal Workflow Management Systems Columbia Digital Library Columbia Academic Commons Internal Data Management Systems For example: Digitized collections Born-digital collections For example: Columbia-produced content Rich collaboration space Faculty profiles and citations DSpaceAlfresco

12 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU User-Centered Storage University Repositories: Collection-Centered Permanent Storage Faculty/Researcher Use Researcher-Defined Access and Control Data and Papers “Drop Box” “Working” data, materials Delete Preserve External Data Sources University-Defined Access and Control

13 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU User-Centered Storage University Repositories: Collection-Centered Permanent Storage Faculty/Researcher Use Researcher-Defined Access and Control Data and Papers “Drop Box” “Working” data, materials Delete Preserve External Data Sources University-Defined Access and Control - data standards - automation, acquisition - licensing - permissions - curation - preservation Uses - storage - data, docs, media - collab tools - wiki, blogs, versions - comm tools - IM, e-mail, conf. - analysis - domain tools - GIS, math, dB Share, Collaborate - individual use - with colleagues - with community Library curation – metadata, RDF Rights clearance, review Format conversion, as needed Uses - Search, access, presentation - Data and paper publishing - Post-publication review, annotation, discussion

14 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU Biggest Challenge: Curation Complexity Complex Simple None $$$ $$ $ Cost High Effort Low None Full-Service Curation Assisted Curation Self-Service “Tagging” Automated Curation Slow Ingest Rate Fast Derived from: Carole Goble, University of Manchester, “Curating Services and Workflows: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,”

15 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU Some Projects Network of European Economists Online Global Health Research Center of Central Asia – Collaboration and data-sharing Citation management Black Rock Forest Consortium – Live research data Honors theses Journals archiving – 60+ produced on campus

16 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU For more information … Contact Sarah Holsted, Digital Repository Coordinator E-mail: Tel.: 212-851-7339

17 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU Spectrum Video production Conference collections – Proceedings – Blogs – Wikis

18 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU For more information … Contact Vin Aliberto, Video Services Manager (for video) E-mail: Tel.: 212-851-2838 Contact Diana Price, Communications Coordinator (for conference services) E-mail: Tel.: 212-851-7338

19 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU Texture Columbia-based journals – Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal – Cultural Formations (Students for a Cultural Studies Initiative) – Consilience Publishing partnerships – Columbia International Affairs Online (with Columbia UP) – Harm Reduction Journal blog (with BioMed Central) (faculty: Ernie Drucker) – Dangerous Citizens (with Fordham UP) (faculty: Neni Panourgiá) – Women Film Pioneers Sourcebook (with U of Illinois P) (faculty: Jane Gaines)

20 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU For more information … Contact Diana Price, Communications Coordinator (for journals) E-mail: Tel.: 212-851-7338 Contact Rebecca Kennison, Director (for publishing partnerships) E-mail: Tel.: 212-851-2812

21 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU Scholarly Communication Program Facilitation of discussion of innovative approaches to sharing research Practical information about opportunities and challenges in scholarly communication Advocacy in urging Columbia’s active participation in creating a system that serves needs and maximizes impact

22 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU Research Without Borders Available on Schol Comm Web site and iTunes U – Harvard Open Access Initiatives (Oct. 8) – Final Impact: What Factors Really Matter? (Oct. 30) – Future of the Book: Can the Endangered Monograph Survive? (Nov. 11)

23 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU Research Without Borders Open Science: Good for Research, Good for Researchers? – February 19, 2009 Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet – March 24, 2009 Know Your Rights: Who Really Owns Your Scholarly Works? – April 8, 2009

24 CDRS.COLUMBIA.EDU For more information … Contact Kathryn Pope, Head of the Scholarly Communication Program E-mail: Tel.: 212-851-2856 Web:


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