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W EEK 26 Turn in: Week 25 Time Sheet (2/2 – 2/8/14) Assignment: “Self Letter of Recommendation” Copy of January Pay Stub (or February) This Week: Week.

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2 W EEK 26 Turn in: Week 25 Time Sheet (2/2 – 2/8/14) Assignment: “Self Letter of Recommendation” Copy of January Pay Stub (or February) This Week: Week 26 Time Sheet (2/9 – 2/15/14) Fill in letter of rec solicitation sheet Over due Resumé Cover Letter Thank You Letter Training Plan and Agreement

3 L ETTER OF R ECOMMENDATION What you need to know before you ask……..

4 W HAT I S A L ETTER OF R ECOMMENDATION ? A letter written on your behalf Can be written by a teacher, employer, counselor, etc Your referrer recommends you to the school, job or scholarship you are applying to. You are often not allowed to see what the referrer writes. 3

5 W HY A RE T HEY N ECESSARY ? They help future employers or schools get a better picture of you. They can emphasize non-academic accomplishments. They explain why you will be an asset from someone who knows you. Most will require 1-3 as part of the application. 4

6 H OW TO W RITE C OMPELLING L ETTERS OF R ECOMMENDATION Jennifer L. Bloom, Ed.D. Associate Dean for Student Affairs & the Medical Scholars Program University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign 244-1512

7 O VERVIEW Importance of Letters of Recommendation (L of Rs) What you need to ask students to provide Tips for writing letters How to diplomatically say no to a request Sample good and bad letters

8 I MPORTANCE OF LORS “A L of R is a letter that makes a statement of support for a candidate….(it) should also present a well-documented evaluation, providing sufficient evidence and information to help a selection committee in making its decision.” Typically the letters are given a lot of weight in the decision Can be as important or more important than other components of the application Allows the reader to get a clear idea of what the person is “really” like

9 W HAT S TUDENTS N EED TO P ROVIDE Y OU At least 2 weeks notice Deadline for submitting the letter Complete information about the job, school or award

10 T IPS FOR W RITING G OOD L ETTERS Put yourself in the shoes of the recipient of the letter – what would you be seeking? Provide specific details about their strengths Compare the student with others that you have known Share stories that illustrate the student’s qualities Potential topics: student’s potential, professionalism, interpersonal & leadership skills, passion for medicine, etc. Write on official letterhead Proofread your letter – especially the student’s name

11 F ORMAT OF G OOD L ETTERS Opening Dear Program Director: Include student name Indicate the nature and length of your relationship Body – use specific examples Closing –reiterate the strength of your overall recommendation. Would you recruit this person if you were hiring?

12 A SKING FOR A L ETTER OF R ECOMMENDATION Making it easy for the writer

13 W HO S HOULD I A SK ? Ask someone who knows you personally and academically. Ask someone who knows about your career plans. Ask someone who will write a strong letter. Ask someone who will complete the letter on time. Check your application to see if they require a specific person (counselor, teacher, etc.). Good examples: teachers, counselors, employers, coaches, advisors, supervisors, etc. 12

14 W HAT S HOULD I G IVE TO M Y R EFERRER ? A recommendation form from the school (if applicable) The address to send it (an addressed and stamped envelope too!) A list of accomplishments so they have something to work with A way to contact you with questions Plenty of time before the deadline A big Thank You! 13

15 H OW TO A SK ? If you know some of the faculty well, politely ask them to write you a letter and give them plenty of information. If you aren’t very close with any school faculty, try one of the following statements: 14

16 S TARTERS : Hi. I am applying to ______ and am looking for people to write me a letter of recommendation. I have a list of my interests and accomplishments to help. Would you be willing to write a letter on my behalf? Hi. I am applying to _____ and was hoping you could write a letter of rec for me. If you need to know more about me, maybe we can meet after class? I have a list of my interests and accomplishments with me as well. 15

17 R EFERENCES Rochester, L., and Mandell, J. (1989). The one hour college applicant: You don’t need to read a 300-page book to apply to college. Memphis: Mustang Publishing Company. 16

18 Q UESTIONS ?? 17

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