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How do Vaccines Work?. Vaccines Vaccines can be made in different ways. They can be; Part of a bacteria or virus (as in the diagram) A dead bacteria.

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Presentation on theme: "How do Vaccines Work?. Vaccines Vaccines can be made in different ways. They can be; Part of a bacteria or virus (as in the diagram) A dead bacteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do Vaccines Work?


3 Vaccines Vaccines can be made in different ways. They can be; Part of a bacteria or virus (as in the diagram) A dead bacteria or virus A non-infectious bacteria or virus with the same antigen A toxin of the bacteria

4 Key Words Antigen Antibody Vaccination Immunity



7 MMR jabs started …increased 2 years after the MMR jab started.


9 MMR jabs started MMR jabs stopped MMR jabs have little effect on the number of cases of autism ?

10 Some more to think about Its been a long time since the last epidemic of these diseases in the UK and resistance in the population will be low If lots of children are vaccinated, there is less chance of an epidemic starting Measles can result in a child becoming permanently deaf

11 Some more to think about If a women catches rubella in the early months of pregnancy the baby may be born deaf and blind. These diseases are not normally serious and are just a minor inconvenience Mumps can make men sterile The injection might hurt a bit

12 Web Links This New Scientist article reports the findings of the Japanese study. BBC News - The MMR/Autism debate NHS – MMR the Facts website The National Autistic Society

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