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© 2006 TDA Development The Revised Standards - Appraisal Process and the Role of The Appraiser Peter Simmonds Autumn 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2006 TDA Development The Revised Standards - Appraisal Process and the Role of The Appraiser Peter Simmonds Autumn 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2006 TDA Development The Revised Standards - Appraisal Process and the Role of The Appraiser Peter Simmonds Autumn 2012

2 2 Objectives for this session By the end of this session, delegates will have... A clear understanding the revised teachers’ standards and performance appraisal/capability arrangements. Secured an understanding between the revised standards, teacher accountability, professional development and pupil performance Understanding of the appraisal monitoring role for governors Addressed queries, concerns or challenges in regard to the revised arrangements

3 3 Standards - Key Messages New standards active from 1 st September 2012 New standards replace 2006 standards for QTS and Core only Apply to all teachers regardless of career stage – including teaching heads with QTS Can complete PM review for 2011/2012 under 2006 arrangements set new objectives under new standards For NQTs beginning induction on 1.9.12 new standards apply Where appropriate, other standards may be used alongside new standards for certain roles e.g. Post Threshold, Excellent Teacher, AST, Headteacher/Leadership Standards * Much greater emphasis on teaching and learning and pupil outcomes

4 4 Standards Part 1 A teacher must: 1Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils 2Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils 3Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge 4Plan and teach well structured lessons 5Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils 6Make accurate and productive use of assessment 7Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment 8Fulfil wider professional responsibilities

5 5 Staff Development Menu 1.Induction for new staff 2.Discussing PD issues in staff and team meetings 3.Coaching and mentoring 4.Peer working – team teaching, exchange observations 5.Class rotation – internship - secondment 6.E-networking and e-learning 7.Project work at local, regional or national level 8.Attending conferences, courses and PD events 9.Cluster based training and development 10.Professional dialogue as part of the performance management process 11.Discussions with colleagues that reflect on classroom practice 12.Research and investigation 13.Skills based training 14.Additional qualifications/Accredited learning

6 6 Standards Part 2 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT: A teacher is expected to demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct. The following statements define the behaviour and attitudes which set the required standard for conduct throughout a teacher’s career. Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school Teachers must have proper and professional regard for the ethos, policies and practices of the school in which they teach, and maintain high standards in their own attendance and punctuality. Teachers must have an understanding of, and always act within, the statutory frameworks which set out their professional duties and responsibilities.

7 7 Appraisal - Key Messages With effect from 1 st September 2012 Apply to all teachers and unattached teachers in maintained schools and the Local Authority Remains on an annual cycle linked to current dates Formalised link between appraisal and capability Schools and LA MUST have an appraisal/capability policy in place that reflect the new standards Good practice to consult with staff on the policy On going monitoring on regular basis throughout the year – e.g. once per term

8 8 Annual Appraisal Assessment Will be based on: The teacher’s performance of their role and responsibilities against their objectives and the relevant standards The teacher’s training and development needs and the identification of any action that should be taken to address them A recommendation on pay – where it is relevant – pay recommendations for teachers by 31 st Oct and for headteachers by 31 st Dec Written appraisal report to be produced as soon as practicable after each appraisal but not later than 31 st Oct (teachers) and 31 st Dec (headteachers)

9 9 Other aspects of appraisal Headteachers Objectives External Adviser Who decides appraisers? Professional Development Standards Feedback Capability Observations OFSTED

10 10 The (Informal) Capability Process 1 Continue With The Appraisal Process Is the teacher performing well throughout the year? YES NO Clear and unambiguous reasons and evidence of aspects of weak performance based on constructive feedback throughout the year. Possible review of objectives – set clear expectations required for improvement together with timescales – support offered – date set for review of progress – clear explanation of the consequences and further actions likely if sufficient progress is not made.

11 11 The Capability Process 2 Continue With The Appraisal Process Has the issue(s) of concern been addressed? YES NO The Appraisal Process is suspended. Formal Capability Meeting (FCM) convened conducted by Head/Chair of Gov. Identification of professional shortcomings. Decision on whether to return to Appraisal Process or issue a Formal Warning or issue Final Written Warning

12 12 The Capability Process 3 Continue With The Appraisal Process YES NO Final Written Warning notice issued together with desired performance needed set within a clear timescale. Teacher invited to a Decision Meeting at the end of the timescale period. Following a monitoring and review period and Formal Review Meeting has the teacher made sufficient progress?

13 13 The Capability Process 4 Continue With The Appraisal Process YES NO Chair of Governors or Headteacher will make a decision or recommendation to the governing body that the teacher should be dismissed – subject to the appeals process – and notify HR services/LA At the Decision Meeting had the teacher made sufficient improvement?

14 14 Capability – Key Messages Should be used for serious concerns only – policy clarity Formal capability meeting (FCM) conducted by Chair of Governors for Head* and Head for other staff Need to have clarity around the dismissal process Need to have a governors appeals panel Need to have regard to the ACAS Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

15 15 Appraiser Role & Tasks Decide on the meeting time, date and venue Gather together data on the performance of the Appraisee including any observation data Access the Appraisee’s role description and responsibilities Find out whether the Appraisee has a pay eligibility Have a good understanding of the new and specific standards Draft appropriate performance objectives Make an assessment on the performance of the Appraisee including a recommendation on pay where eligible Deal with any areas where performance is weak Write the appraisal report Monitor the Appraisee’s performance throughout the year Address areas of weak performance as they arise Maintain confidentiality, fairness, etc in line with the school’s Appraisal Policy

16 16 Reviewing Objectives Was the objective clear enough to be able to judge whether the outcome was successful? Were the success criteria/impact measures effective? Was the objective sufficiently challenging? Did it take into account the variation in pupil cohorts? Was it set in relation to the prediction of pupil outcomes and account for the year on year trends? Was appropriate action taken to achieve the objective?

17 17 Appraisal Monitoring Role for Governors OFSTED requirements Application of the school’s policy Monitoring of the HT appraisal General monitoring – Form F324d Termly personnel committee item

18 18 Key Contacts Peter Simmonds Lead Adviser for Governance and Leadership Tel: 01603 307775 or 07795 265669 Helen Wardale Manager of Governor Services Tel: 01603 303356

19 19 Key Resources Schools’ Peoplenet: P329b Teacher capability: P324a Teacher appraisal: F324b Teacher appraisal form F324c Teacher appraisal - training requirements form F324d Overall school appraisal data capture form: F324e Pre appraisal discussion form:

20 20 Thank you for Listening. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Peter

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