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Unit 5: Case Study Facts Clinician’s Field Case Study Particulars Instructions Things to Avoid.

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1 Unit 5: Case Study Facts Clinician’s Field Case Study Particulars Instructions Things to Avoid

2 How Should You Approach the Case? For this project, you may approach treatment as any type of psychology clinician you would like:) You might be a counseling psychologist, a family and marriage psychologist, a clinical psychologist, or even a behavioral psychologist. It is up to you:) Remember: You are approaching this case study as a trained professional - not a student:)

3 Case Particulars - The Basics You are a clinician in private practice George is seeking your help –George is married –He has two children: L. B. (seven years old - boy) and J. J. (three years old - girl) –George’s wife, Teresa, is displaying atypical behaviors

4 George’s Profile: Self-Report George is older than his wife He works 40-50 hours per week He brings home his entire paycheck He does not cheat on his wife He knows how to be a “good man” Takes L. B. to school, takes him to his mother to care for after school, and picks him up at night to take him home. George’s mother is “good with kids”

5 George’s Impressions Thought J. J. would be more “grown up” Does not know what Teresa is doing with J. J. Nothing is “normal” anymore Teresa’s sister is “dumb” Teresa’s sister just lets the kids “play or sit or whatever”

6 George: Impressions of Teresa Thought Teresa would be working by now Teresa cries a lot Teresa is not taking care of the house Teresa is not “okay” The house is a mess; Teresa is a mess Teresa is “crazy” Teresa used to be “fun” Teresa wanted a baby girl

7 J. J. J. is 3-years-old She is not talking She has difficulty with daily living skills Teresa took J. J. to the doctor, and he said J. J. has autism and needs special services

8 L. B. L. B. is 7-years-old Goes to school Stays with George's mother after school

9 Project Instructions Determine what types of informal assessments you might use to help George and his family –Use only Unit 5 readings for this information –Are there others, besides George, you would want to see? What informal assessments would you use with them?

10 Assessment Choices What makes the assessments you chose the best choice compared to other assessments you have learned about? –Discuss the advantages of each assessment and contrast these with those that you felt would not be good choices

11 Ethical Considerations What ethical considerations apply in your work with George and his family? –Remember: Use only APA Ethical Guidelines for this discussion

12 APA Style and Structural Requirements Your paper must be set up according to APA Style The paper should be between 1200 and 1800 words

13 Organization of Paper Your paper should be organized as follows: –Title page –Introduction –Summary of case study in your own words –Discussion of ethical considerations –Discussion of the types of informal assessments you will use with each person you need to address - Justifications for chosen assessments –Conclusion –Reference page

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