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Being Respectful Through our Language Why using "Gay" and "Retarded" isn't part of the Bulldog Way.

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Presentation on theme: "Being Respectful Through our Language Why using "Gay" and "Retarded" isn't part of the Bulldog Way."— Presentation transcript:

1 Being Respectful Through our Language Why using "Gay" and "Retarded" isn't part of the Bulldog Way

2 Watch the first video: "Johnny Knoxville, Eddie Barbanell and the R-word" (Watch only until 2:45) As you are watching, pay attention to: How Johnny and Eddie interact What Eddie says about himself and others like him Why you shouldn't use the "r-word"

3 Watch the second video: "We Need a New R-Word" As you are watching, pay attention to: Why the "r-word" is no longer acceptable What the new "r-word" should be!

4 Why does it matter? You may think that it doesn't hurt anyone when you call someone or something "retarded." You don't know anyone who is "slow" or "mentally challenged." None of your friends care if you use it; they all use it too! You don't say it to be mean; it's just a word you use!

5 But, there might be something (or someone) you don't know...

6 This is Mrs. Ferderer (in case you didn't know.) She's one of our 7th grade Language Arts teachers.

7 This is Mrs. Ferderer and her sisters:

8 Emily...

9 and Natalie :)

10 They both have a condition called Down syndrome. This just means that they were born with something that makes them a little "slower" mentally. They also look a little different, and can't talk as clearly as most people.

11 Even though they are different, they do a lot of the same things you do... Emily loves painting her nails, hanging out with her friends, and listening to music. Natalie loves watching movies, getting ice cream at Dairy Queen, and cuddling with her cat.

12 They are NOT "retarded." Every time you say something or someone is "retarded," it's like saying Emily and Natalie are: Stupid Worthless Dumb Ugly Gross

13 As Mrs. Ferderer's students know, the "r-word" is NOT allowed in her classroom. Let's make it our goal to BAN the r-word from our whole school! It's offensive and mean to use "retarded" in a bad way. Be creative, and come up with something new to say!

14 Watch the third video: "Think B4 You Speak: NBA" As you are watching, pay attention to: How creative and funny the first insults are Why using "gay" in a negative way isn't respectful

15 Watch the fourth video: "Pizza Shop" As you are watching, pay attention to: What using "gay" in a negative way really means How the offended person turned it around on the "diss"-er

16 Again, why does it matter? You may think that it doesn't hurt anyone when you call someone or something "gay," "fag," "homo," or "lesbo." You don't know anyone who is actually gay or homosexual. None of your friends care if you use it; they all use it too! You don't say it to be mean; it's just a word you use!

17 But, there may be something (or someone) you don't know...

18 Famous Gay and Lesbian Celebrities: Click Here! There might be some surprises on this list! Think about which celebrities you knew about, which ones you guessed, and which ones were total shocks. Does it matter? Does it make you think of them any differently?

19 Even if you don't care about gay or lesbian celebrities... There are probably gay students at Hardin Middle School (even if they haven't "come out" yet.) There are students that have gay friends, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, teammates, etc. Hearing someone using the word "gay" to mean "stupid" or "dumb" is really hurtful to these people, and can be considered bullying. Let's also try to BAN using "gay" in a negative way. It's not cool. It's not funny. It's offensive.

20 Helpful Tips... The first step is to stop using the words yourself. Don't worry if you catch yourself using them--the important thing is that you realize that what you're saying is hurtful. If you don't use these words already, you can keep your friends accountable. If you catch them using either "gay" or "retarded," just remind them that it's not cool to use those words. If you and your friends are already doing your part to stop using these words, tell your family members at home, or your friends outside of school. Spread the word!

21 Discussion Questions 1. Have you ever heard that it is bad to call someone "gay" or "retarded?" Who told you that? Did they have a personal connection to it (like Mrs. Ferderer)? 2. Brainstorm some words you could use instead of "gay" or "retarded" (Ex. "stupid," "silly," "ridiculous"). Why is it better to use some of these words? 3. What are some steps you could take to help make our school free of disrespectful language? Be creative! (Ex. posters, videos, t-shirts) Please post your answers on the Discussion page!

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