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Learning Forward Annual Conference - December 2013 (Session:G15)

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Forward Annual Conference - December 2013 (Session:G15)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Forward Annual Conference - December 2013 (Session:G15)

2 Your Presenters Mary W. Foreman – Principal Alexis M. White – Principal Marce L. Miller – Art Teacher Mary Ellen McCabe – 4 th Grade Teacher, History Lead Teacher Anne J. Mumpower – 4th Grade Teacher Stafford County Public School, Stafford, Virginia

3 Welcome to Stafford County, VA Located forty miles south of Washington, D.C. and fifty-five miles north of Richmond, VA 30 schools in the county High Schools – 5 Middle Schools – 8 Elementary Schools – 17 District enrollment approximately 26,000 students

4 Stafford Elementary School Population K through 5 th grade approximately 700 29 general education classrooms 54 Licensed Staff members

5 IDEO Shopping Cart Video

6 Icebreaker Line-up in order of years of experience in education Partner sharing

7 “A recent survey of 1500 CEO’s in 60 countries around the world pointed to creativity and innovation as the single most important quality necessary for a global economy...Leaders worry that the U.S. is losing its competitive edge in creativity and innovation, and that the call for ever more rigorous academic standards is insufficient without a concomitant focus on developing creativity and imagination” - President’s Committee on the Arts & Humanities, 2011

8 21 st Century Skills CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION Think creatively Work creatively with others Implement innovations CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING Reason effectively Make judgments and decisions Solve problems COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION Communicate clearly Collaborate with others

9 Are your students being prepared adequately to compete in this new global economy?

10 What Research Says About Student Engagement… William Glasser found we learn: 10% of what we read 20% of what we hear 30% of what we see 50% of what we both see and hear 70% of what we discuss with others 80% of what we experience personally 90% of what we teach to someone else

11 STEM vs. STEAM “A” skills in the 21st century actually apply to a larger, broader segment of the workforce than STEM skills.

12 THE CREATIVE PROCESS: What does it look like? Left brain Logical Linear thinking is essential for the world of business today In the box thinking Out of the box thinking Right brain Creative Big picture thinking will be the competitive edge needed for 21 st century business! The right and left brains are both an integral part of the creative process! “Half a Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste” Dr. Alan Brinkley

13 Objectives for our Session Participants will be able to: Learn ways to teach students in the most efficient methods to prepare them for jobs of the 21 st century, incorporating visual literacy Explore the habits of mind (problem solving, critical & creative thinking) and their effect on student achievement Participate in lessons that impact student achievement across all disciplines Gain resources for direct implementation of instructional strategies to promote visual literacy & arts integration

14 Break-out Sessions We are going to break into 5 groups You will rotate through 5 different stations (15 minutes each) to learn varied instructional strategies Integrate Technology Communicate Ideas Incorporate Drama Access Prior Knowledge Dig Deeper

15 Integrate Technology

16 Communicate Ideas

17 Incorporate Drama

18 Access Prior Knowledge

19 Dig Deeper

20 Reflection How will these strategies be implemented in your setting? Give One, Get One!

21 Questions & Answers

22 References Websites Center for Public Education – Hood Museum – President’s Committee on the Arts & Humanities – Ready to Innovate – STEAM – STEM to STEAM – 21 st Century Skills – Pomeroy, Steven Ross. “From STEM to STEAM: Science and Art Go Hand-In-Hand.” Scientific American. 22 August 2012. Tarnoff, Jonathan. “STEM to STEAM -- Recognizing the Value of Creative Skills in the Competitiveness Debate.” Huffington Post. 14 October 2010.

23 Contact Information Stafford Elementary School 1349 Courthouse Road, Stafford, VA 22554 (540) 658-6340 Mary W. Foreman – Alexis M. White – Marce L. Miller – Mary Ellen McCabe – Anne J. Mumpower –

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