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AKA “stepping over dollars to pick up pennies” Maximizing Online Booking Tool performance.

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Presentation on theme: "AKA “stepping over dollars to pick up pennies” Maximizing Online Booking Tool performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 AKA “stepping over dollars to pick up pennies” Maximizing Online Booking Tool performance

2 Agenda Review survey Best Travel Case Study Operational considerations General Q&A

3 Survey results

4 Approximately how many transactions per year do you process through your OBT?

5 Are you charged minimums by your OBT provider?

6 Do you charge your clients minimums?

7 Do you charge implementation fees?

8 Do you charge a “light touch” fee

9 What is the approximate contracted cost per transaction for your OBT?

10 How is QC for the OBT bookings completed?

11 Do you process exchanges through your OBT?

12 What is the impact of OBT upon your overrides?

13 What is the approximate total corporate adoption rate (excl Leisure)

14 Compared to my agent assisted transaction, my profit per transaction for OBT’s is…

15 Compared to my agent assisted transaction, my hotel attachment per transaction for OBT’s is…

16 Which is your primary OBT?

17 If I could change one thing about my OBT it would be…Fees and pricing Not pay high transaction fees to provider!! lower cost that I pay to have the tool Lower provider fees per transaction and automated exchanges. Remove minimums and be able to have volume discounts apply to previously sold accounts charge higher fees Get our agents to charge the extra for the PNR's they touch A change in competitors OBT price structure, esp. the large global

18 …Functionality Increase hotel attachment rate. Close second: Align corporate preferred airlines with ours without putting a net-net airline discount program in place. I would skew the availability to have our preferred airlines To enable more content and negotiated rates. OBT deliver non-GDS content more cost effectively HBA content free of charge Better faring and rating for international bookings.

19 …Exchanges Ability to do exchanges with unused tickets- less glitches To have the ability to have travelers make all changes and exchanges on-line. They can supposedly do that now but the reality is that to make sure they are getting the correct fares, it has to be done through an agent with Rearden. Make me feel more comfortable with the auto exchange feature

20 …User Experience higher adoption rate Making the tool more user friendly for users to input data for company reporting purposes. Have clients who are better users.....

21 …Other to find more customers that are willing to pay the $15.00 per transaction that we are currently charging to most of our customers. ( now having to drop price for our largest customer) Further automate the process. make it 100% touchless create less touches Outsource support

22 Case Study- Best Travel

23 Best Travel Exhibited very strong growth of 50% Y/Y Only added 2 FTE’s Net cost per booking dropped to $1-$2 with Rearden Y/Y Profits up 16% Could we have profitably managed the growth without the OBT?

24 Operational Considerations

25 Exchanges / Changes online Are we really in the age of the online fully automated online exchanges and changes? What are best practices in supporting OBT exchanges/changes?

26 Operational Considerations After Hours What is the best practice for ticketing OBT reservations and who does them? What about if you’re A/H needs to be involved? Should your A/H team also double as the support desk for OBT bookings?

27 Operational Considerations International Bookings What is the best practice for international reservations booked via the OBT? Need a rate desk be involved? How should documents be checked? Need a manual ticketer be part of the process? Is it realistic to expect corporate travelers to not use the OBT for international reservations?

28 Operational Considerations Southwest…and direct connects Southwest allows direct connects with Rearden and Concur. Is this the best solution for booking the carrier? If we need direct connects for other carriers are the OBT’s ready?

29 General Q&A

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