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Brain Gym, Yoga, and Meditation

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Presentation on theme: "Brain Gym, Yoga, and Meditation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brain Gym, Yoga, and Meditation
By Sandra Shepherd


3 Miss Shepherd’s Interview

4 Food for Thought Quote: “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” -Albert Einstein

5 Why Brain Gym? Brain gym movements help to improve blood flow to the brain to “switch on” the entire brain before a lesson begins The increased blood flow helps to improve concentration skills required for reading, writing, etc.

6 Why Brain Gym? Learning blocks can be released by brain gym because the movements activate the whole mind/body system Brain gym allows students to learn naturally because they have the freedom to move, explore and engage with the world

7 Cross Crawl Promotes memory, creative and abstract thinking.

8 Brain Buttons Assists with number and letter reversals
Assists with consonant blending Assists in keeping place while reading

9 Why Yoga? Research suggests that yoga improves motor, communication, and social skills Yoga can improve IQ Benefits include better concentration, reduced anxiety and stress Gives proprioceptive input for students needing sensory integration

10 The Warrior Pose

11 The Cat Pose

12 Shoulderstand Pose


14 Why Meditation? Can reduce anxiety and aggression
Improve ability to focus Improve memory and concentration Improve creativity Promotes a calmer sense of being

15 Meditation

16 Meditation

17 So I ask again… Why brain gym, yoga and meditation? With the infinite benefits that all these systems provide in the learning process…Why not brain gym, yoga and meditation?




21 Final Thought Quote: Our challenge is not to educate the children we used to have or want to have, but to educate the children who come to the schoolhouse door."  H. G. Wells

22 Special Thanks Special thanks go to Mr. Hemler for creating this video presentation And to all my students who participate in this program and make coming to work a joyful experience

23 References Betts, Dion, and Betts, Stacey, W. Yoga for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders (New York:Vintage, 2006), 46. Boyajian, Paula. (2004). Yoga for the child with special needs. The Exceptional Parent, 34,

24 References (cont.) Motivations, Inc
Brain gym

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