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Teaching Porfolios. Need for portfolios Typical requirements of job posting Dossier should include: cover letter with statement of teaching and research.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Porfolios. Need for portfolios Typical requirements of job posting Dossier should include: cover letter with statement of teaching and research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Porfolios

2 Need for portfolios Typical requirements of job posting Dossier should include: cover letter with statement of teaching and research interests, curriculum vitae, writing sample, at least three letters of recommendation and for junior faculty, sample of course syllabi, transcripts, teaching evaluations

3 Uses for portfolios Gives personal history and contact details Records and represents experience in education Records professional development Gives statements of goals, values, beliefs, values in professional life An opportunity to present a reflective summary of one's professional life

4 What a portfolio is not a substitute for a job application letter a repository for all education-related materials (more is not better)

5 More on the portfolio a visual medium which includes many types of documents, including text, photos, certificates, letters a site with multimedia materials (video, audio), favorite links a chance to be creative (color, design) in expressing your professional preparation and development an opportunity to provide more about your professional capabilities than a CV might give

6 Suggested format Curriculum Vitae Teaching Philosophy Professional preparation Professional practice Research interests in teaching

7 Sections of the Portfolio  CV  Teaching Philosophy Description of your personal approach to teaching Theories, models, initiatives that have influenced you and have affected your teaching Describe your teaching style, aspiration, goals, relationship to students, etc.

8 Sections of the Portfolio Professional Preparation relevant courses taken teaching-related certificates conferences, meetings or workshops attended conferences given special interests related to teaching

9 Sections of the Portfolio  Professional Practice courses taught, special projects, important syllabi samples of materials, favorite classroom techniques feedback on teaching, testimonials use of technology, special handling of classes teaching distinctions or honors

10 Sections of the Portfolio Research Interests in teaching brief description of research (ongoing or planned) relationship of research to teaching possible outcomes

11 A few examples Linda Cleary Mark Calkin Danielle Van Patter

12 Creating the Porfolio Webpage editors Dreamweaver iWeb Weebly Web hosting ISP UA U-System Weebly

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