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Aaron Steele. Project Motivation Alice Bob 50+GB Free.

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Presentation on theme: "Aaron Steele. Project Motivation Alice Bob 50+GB Free."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aaron Steele

2 Project Motivation Alice Bob 50+GB Free

3 Project Objectives Create a friend-based backup tool that incorporates Scheduled Backups Interval Backups Efficient Recovery Platform Independent (Java) UDP Based Rollback compatible ( Additional Features Encryption Compression

4 Evaluation Time to Backup Measure how long it takes to backup an entire dataset Measure time from end of file editing to being fully backed up Time to Recover Time to recover an entire dataset (in the event of a hard disk failure) Time to recover a single file (rollback to previous version, accidental delete)

5 Preliminary Results

6 Additional Experimental Results

7 Remaining Work Scheduler User interface Testing Experiments Writing

8 Questions?

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