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NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey Height Modernization Implementation Helena, Mt October 17, 2006 Renee Shields National Geodetic Survey National Oceanic.

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Presentation on theme: "NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey Height Modernization Implementation Helena, Mt October 17, 2006 Renee Shields National Geodetic Survey National Oceanic."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey Height Modernization Implementation Helena, Mt October 17, 2006 Renee Shields National Geodetic Survey National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

2 Height Mod Implementation How has Height Mod been implemented in other states? How does the U.S. Federal Budget process work? How do NOAA Grants work?

3 California Leveling could not be used in NAVD88 adjustment so couldn’t implement NAVD88 Some heights in CA in error by more than a meter No way to keep up with continuously re- leveling GPS could be immediately used to meet some of California’s requirements

4 Establish California Spatial Reference Center Projects –San Francisco Bay Demonstration Project –Hamilton Field Restoration –Post-earthquake surveys, e.g. Hector Mine, Yolo County –Leveling support from CalTrans Densify CORS Network Establish NAVD88 orthometric heights on CORS Develop RTK networks Educate users on Epochs Update HTDP, Geoid models California (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

5 North Carolina Become Cooperative Technical State Get additional grant funds from FEMA – update flood maps Contract GPS Height Mod projects by county NCGS perform leveling concurrent with GPS Distribute data, maps via web site Partner with NCA&T –develop training materials for workshops (non-traditional and traditional users) –Develop 4-year Geospatial degree program –Perform studies to develop standards for new techniques –Develop software, tools, models (North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources )

6 Establish LSRC Re-establish outdated vertical network – update NAVD88, tie to sea-level datums Perform subsidence, coastal erosion studies – develop HTDP, storm surge models for vertical motion Study new technologies for GPS surveys Educate users, managers to subsidence issues Louisiana (Louisiana State University)

7 Supplement control where marks have been destroyed Create network that can fully utilize GPS technologies (cost effective) Become role model and trainer for other states’ programs Wisconsin (Wisconsin Department of Transportation) Provide accurate vertical data for highway design (vertical component of the geodetic network) Improve ability to delineate basins Improve data quality to provide more accurate DTMs

8 Expand CORS network throughout the State USM Gulf Coast Research Lab installed National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON) station co-located with CORS Height Modernization survey along Mississippi River (Cairo, IL to the Gulf) completed in cooperation with USACE Mississippi (USM) Alabama (ALDOR) Alabama Department of Revenue manage program; Department of Transportation oversees surveying tasks Densify CORS and HARN Re-level where needed Educate surveyors for contract work Establish statewide SLIMS (Statewide Land Info Management Systems)

9 Other Funded States Washington (DNR) Ensure a high-accuracy geodetic reference network in WA (GPS, monuments, CORS, VRS networks, geodetic models) Promote the development of specifications and guidelines for GPS surveys; Serve as an educational source for users Texas (TAMUCC) Establish TSRC Improve Gulf Coast geoid model NAVD88 heights on all CORS; tie CORS to tidal datums Measure/monitor subsidence in Harris Galveston area Kentucky (Morehead State) Arizona (ASLD)

10 Other Interested States Invited to brief congressional staff and/or present at conferences, forums: AK, AR, FL, CO, HI, IL, MI, MO, MT, NH, NM, PA, PR, TN, VI Height Mod projects done: FL, NE

11 Evaluate your needs How much vertical control do you have/need? –Passive control disappearing because of development or other activities? –Control network easily maintained or densified to suit community’s needs? How valid is the control network? –Is there movement from crustal deformation, e.g. earthquakes (Yellowstone), glacial rebound? What will it take to fix it?

12 Management of forest fires - evacuation planning, effective firefighting by knowing accurate positioning and slope Montana’s needs? Mudslides, rockslides – may have contributed to decimation of passive control; accurate control network assists with cost effective rebuilding efforts Agriculture – effective use of irrigation, pesticides, fertilizer, saves money and environment Conversion from NGVD29 to NAVD88 for water management, GIS applications Forests in western 1/3 of MT Wheat in eastern 2/3 of MT

13 Montana’s needs?

14 U.S. Federal Budget Process Federal Fiscal Year: October 1 – September 30 Budget Process –Presidential budget –Congress adopts budget resolution – response to the Presidents budget –Consideration of appropriations – House and Senate conferences –Negotiate differences –Budget Bill goes to President to veto or sign –Bill signed into law

15 President’s Budget Initiates Budget Process Submitted to Congress February 2 for upcoming FY Recommended spending levels for programs and agencies Represents “Budget Authority” Budget submitted to Congress with justification materials from agencies

16 Budget Resolution Congress’ response to President’s budget A Guide for considering various budget bills –Not law, i.e. doesn’t go to President –Does set ceilings for each bill Covers at least 5 years, upcoming plus 4 more Required by Congressional Budget Act of 1974 –No penalty for not adopting a resolution –1999 and 2001 are only 2 years Congress has failed to adopt a resolution

17 Appropriations Committees House and Senate Appropriations Committees hold hearings for consideration of 13 separate bills via 13 sub-committees Adopted Budget Resolution provides ceilings for sub-committees to use as guidelines Sub-committees begin to mark up bills under their jurisdiction

18 Appropriations Committees House –65 members: 35(R), 29(D), 1(I) –Current Chair: Jerry Lewis, CA (R) Senate –28 members: 15(R), 13(D) –Current Chair: Thad Cochran, MS(R) 13 Subcommittees –Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies –Commerce, Justice, and Science Defense –District of Columbia –Energy and Water –Homeland Security –Interior and Related Agencies –Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies –Legislative Branch –Military Construction and Veterans Affairs –State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs –Transportation, Treasury, the Judiciary, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies

19 HouseSenate House Appropriations Committee HA Sub 1 Senate Appropriations Committee HA Sub 2 HA Sub 3 HA Sub 13 SA Sub 1 SA Sub 3 SA Sub 13 Appropriations Committees

20 Sub-committees submit bills to full House/Senate for vote Bills are considered and passed in each chamber in August and September There are still big differences between the House version and Senate version Little time left before start of FY to resolve differences Hence - CONTINUING RESOLUTION

21 House and Senate Appropriations Committees negotiate their differences –Negotiate differences –Reach an agreement within range of differences –Budget Bill goes to President who has 10 days to veto or sign Appropriations Committees

22 President Acts on Bill Does nothing within 10 days –If Congress is in session, Bill becomes law –If Congress is adjourned, Bill is vetoed Vetoes Bill –Bill goes back to Congress –If House and Senate pass bill with a 2/3 vote, Bill becomes law –If not, Bill dies and they start over Signs Bill into law

23 Appropriations ($ in thousands) 2001200220032004200520062007 AL1,989K2,000K1,971K AZ500K CA1,000K 500K933K KY500K LA1,000K500K497K MS500K 600K NC1,000K 993K1,000K933K SC500K497K467K TX750K WA500K WI500K 2,989K3,000K

24 2007 Marks 2006 Pres Request 2006 House Mark 2006 Senate Mark 2006 Conference Mark Geodesy Base 22,19024,00020,21920,295 NSRS 001,971 Height Mod Study-NGS Implementation 233 Height Mod Study-NC 933 Height Mod Study-CSRC 933 Geodetic Survey-LA Height Mod Study-MS 600 Digital Earth Model-MS 3,000 Height Mod TX 1,600750 Washington Height Mod Study-WI 3,000 Geodetic Survey-SC 467 Geodetic Survey-AL 1,971 Geodetic Survey-KY 500 Geodetic Survey-AZ 500 Comprehensive Elev Prj for Gulf States Total24,75624,00029,95632,153

25 2007 Marks 2006 Conference Mark 2007 Pres Request 2007 House Mark 2007 Senate Mark Geodesy Base 20,2952172922,00021,729 NSRS 1,,971 Height Mod Study-NGS Implementation 233231 Height Mod Study-NC 933924900 Height Mod Study-CSRC 933924900 Geodetic Survey-LA 2,300 Height Mod Study-MS 600 Digital Earth Model-MS 5,000 Height Mod TX 750500 Washington Height Mod Study-WI 3,000 Geodetic Survey-SC 467462400 Geodetic Survey-AL 1,9712,000 Geodetic Survey-KY 500 Geodetic Survey-AZ 500 Comprehensive Elev Prj for Gulf States 7,000 Total32,15324,27022,00041,560

26 Height Modernization Appropriations (FY01-FY06) Fiscal YearAppropriationsStates FY 20012.25 MCA, NC FY 20023.75 M CA, NC, LA, WI FY 20033.75 MCA, NC, LA, WI, MS FY 20049.0 M CA, NC, LA, WI, MS, AL, WA, SC FY 20059.6 M CA, NC, LA, WI, MS, AL, WA, TX, KY FY 20069.9 M CA, NC, WI, MS, AL, SC, TX, KY, AZ B A C K G R O U N D

27 NGS’ Role - NOAA Grants Appropriations puts funds in NGS budget –Amount and recipient designated by Congress NGS publishes Request for Applications –Non-competitive –Available for particular applicants only –Can be up to 5 years

28 NGS’ Role - NOAA Grants Designated organization applies –Writes proposal, budget plan –Includes application forms, supporting documentation Review by NGS and outside reviewers Award managed and monitored by NGS

29 Program Management -- Congressional briefings, budget, grants management, coordination, outreach Outreach/Technology Transfer -- advisors, forums, workshops, conferences, publications, training, outsourcing Project Leadership -- project planning, specifications, guidelines, CORS management Quality Control -- training, assess techniques, survey control, load projects into NGS database Research and Development -- software development, remote sensing, modeling, investigate GPS techniques, antenna calibrations NGS’ Role and Responsibilities

30 Other Approaches – National Funding included in NGS budget – consistent, not threatened by whims of Congress Program recognized by NOAA – added support to continue NGS coordinates activities around the country, prioritizing based on need NGS can redirect funds as needed, not restricted to spending within one state

31 Other Approaches – Regional Alternative if can’t get support for National program Needs don’t stop at state boundaries States within a region work in concert to support common issues/goals More efficient use of funds Encourages partnerships Congress more likely to continue funding if affects a larger group – shows importance, commitment to program on part of users

32 Other Approaches – Regional

33 The Future Continue efforts to maintain and grow the program Research new technology to enhance HMP efforts Continue to investigate opportunities to modify procedures and processes to improve efficiencies Provide outreach, training, and support to states interested in Height Modernization

34 Questions? Renee Shields Grants Manager N/NGS1, SSMC3, Room 9357 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-713-3231, x116 Contact information

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