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A Quick Look at Health Information Technology Howard E. Clark DICOM Secretariat April 5, 2006.

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1 A Quick Look at Health Information Technology Howard E. Clark DICOM Secretariat April 5, 2006


3 Key Organizations AHIC – American Health Information Community CCHIT – Certification Commission for Health Information Technology CHI – Consolidated Health Informatics HITSP/B – Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel/Board ONC/ONCHIT – Office of the National Coordinator

4 HITSP is one piece of the nationwide picture Building a nationwide health information network You are here

5 HITSP COMMITTEES TECHNICAL (Use Cases) Biosurveillance Consumer Empowerment Electronic Health Record Exchange Chronic Care (Pending) ADMINISTRATIVE Business Plan Harmonization Readiness International Landscape Inventory of Standards Inventories

6 HITSP’s DELIVERABLES Detailed analysis of use cases. A list of applicable standards. Resolution of gaps and overlaps. Implementation guides (similar to IHE profiles).


8 The HITSP organization structure takes into account both sides of the HITSP coin – the Project and the Panel The Community HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt, Chair Standards Implementation Manager Joyce Sensmeier, HIMSS Standards Implementation Manager Joyce Sensmeier, HIMSS Standards Coordination Manager Michelle Deane, ANSI Standards Coordination Manager Michelle Deane, ANSI HHS ON PO, Dr. John Loonsk HHS ON PO, Dr. John Loonsk HITSP Dr. John Halamka, Chair Panel Members Board Members & Technical Committee Members Bob Yencha, Alschuler Associates Ioana Singureanu, Eversolve John Donnelly, IntePro Solutions, Inc. Lori Fourquet, eHelathSign LLC Anna Orlova,PHDSC Michael Glickman, Computer Network Architects, Inc. Gene Ginther, Stellar Corp Rosemary Nelson, MDM Jonathan Coleman, Security Risk Solutions, LLC Stephen Moore, Washington Univ. Ed Larson, E.R. Larsen, Inc. Christie Thornton, LGB, Inc Project Management Team Program Manager, L Jones ANSI Project Manager, C Fantaskey, Booz Allen Deputy Program Manager, J Corley, ATI Project Management Team Program Manager, L Jones ANSI Project Manager, C Fantaskey, Booz Allen Deputy Program Manager, J Corley, ATI We have on-boarded additional staff resources since the last HITSP meeting

9 The HITSP process is coming into focus... I Submi t Reque st for Busin ess Driven Imple mentat ion Instru ction to the HITSP... and will continue to evolve as lessons are learned Harmonization Process Steps II HITS P Proce sses Requ est III HITS P Com mitte es Defin e the Pool of Stand ards for the Requ est IV HITS P Com mitte es and Indus try Harm onize Overl aps and Fill Gaps V HITSP Appro ves or Disap prove s the Work of the Comm ittees VI Develo p Implem entatio n Instruc tions for Approv ed Reque sts VII Implem entatio n Instruct ions are Dissem inated and Maintai ned Published Artifacts Formalized Forums Agreements, Criteria, & Other Tools

10 Readiness Criteria within Standards Harmonization Flow d a r d s Use Case Charter Recommended Standards Criteria for Inventories Recommend changes based upon user feedback

11 03/13/06 HITSP Panel 03/10/06 HITSP Board 05/05/06 HITSP Board 05/04/06 HITSP Panel 06/02/06 HITSP Board 06/14/06 HITSP Panel 08/04/06 HITSP Board 08/2206 HITSP Panel 09/08/06 HITSP Board 09/20/06 HITSP Panel 05/29/06 Gap Analysis, Process Design Effectiveness Report 06/29/06 Standards Identified 09/26/06 Implementation Instructions Business Plan 03/28/06 Technical Committees #2 03/07/06 AHIC Session 05/16/06 AHIC Session 06/13/06 AHIC Session 08/01/06 AHIC Session 09/12/06 AHIC Session 02/21/06 Technical Committee #1 04/18/06 Technical Committees #3 01/18//06 Use Cases (3) Gap & Overlap Analysis Using Use Cases List of Standards & SDO MOUs TBD Technical Committees #4 implementation guides for one or more use cases Use Cases from ONC

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