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The Ocean Floor. Seeing by SONAR SOund Navigation And Ranging – A ship sends sound waves to the ocean floor. – The sound waves bounce off the floor.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ocean Floor. Seeing by SONAR SOund Navigation And Ranging – A ship sends sound waves to the ocean floor. – The sound waves bounce off the floor."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ocean Floor


3 Seeing by SONAR SOund Navigation And Ranging – A ship sends sound waves to the ocean floor. – The sound waves bounce off the floor and back to the ship. – The deeper the water, the longer it takes for the sound waves to return.


5 Another way to study the ocean floor is with satellites.

6 The Ocean Floor

7 Continental Shelf Begins at the shoreline and slopes gently toward the open ocean.

8 Continental Slope Begins at the edge of the continental shelf and continues down to the flattest part of the ocean floor

9 Continental Rise Made of large piles of sediment and found at the base of the continental slope

10 Can you find the continental Shelf, slope and rise?

11 Abyssal Plain Broad flat part of the ocean that is very deep and covered with mud and the remains of decomposing organisms

12 Mid-Ocean Ridge Mountain chains that form when tectonic plates pull apart at divergent boundaries

13 Rift Valley The valley that forms when tectonic plates separate

14 Seamounts Mountains of volcanic material that do not build up enough to break the surface Seamounts

15 Ocean Trench Large cracks in the ocean floor that form at convergent boundaries

16 Can you find all of the following: 1.Continental Shelf 2.Continental Slope 3.Continental Rise 4.Abyssal Palin 5. Mid-Ocean Ridge 6. Rift valley 7. Seamounts 8. Ocean trench

17 Life in the Ocean

18 There are three main groups of ocean life. 1.PLANKTON are organisms that float or drift freely near the ocean’s surface. 2.NEKTON are organisms that swim actively throughout the open ocean. 3.BENTHOS are organisms that live on the ocean floor.


20 Plankton Most are microscopic. Phytoplankton are like plants Zooplankton are like animals

21 Nekton Examples include – Whales – Dolphins – Grouper – Sharks – Sea Lions – Angler Fish













34 Benthos Examples include: – Crabs – Starfish – Worms – Sponges – Lobster






40 Can you find nekton and benthos?


42 Find plankton, nekton, and benthos.

43 Questions

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