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1 Thursday, October 31, 2013 Robin Harrington, Specialist Workforce and Economic Development Division California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Thursday, October 31, 2013 Robin Harrington, Specialist Workforce and Economic Development Division California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Thursday, October 31, 2013 Robin Harrington, Specialist Workforce and Economic Development Division California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES CHANCELLOR’S OFFICE SB 1070 CTE Pathways Program Grant Bidder’s Conference

2 2 Bidder’s Conference Overview Format of Bidder’s Conference /WEDDRFAs.aspx ●Muting of Participants ●Overview of RFA Instruction, Terms & Conditions ●Questions & Answers ●Clarification Questions: Abigail Singleton

3 3 B. Program Overview SB 1070 (Steinberg) Career Technical Education Pathway Program Overview Leveraging resources and building upon existing regional capacity including, Regional Consortia, Deputy Sector Navigators, CTE Transitions networks, and existing SB 70 funded Collaboratives Existing career pathways, articulation agreements, dual enrollment and credit earned in courses is foundational for this work Activities will build long-term and locally sustainable infrastructure that is supported by the districts within the region Student success metrics must be collected for the LaunchBoard and utilized for accountability

4 Funding Package ● 3-year one-time funding for consortia within regions (first year limited to $200,000 for planning). ● RFA Identification: (11 Maximum Awards) 13-164Northern Inland, Northern Coastal, Greater Sacramento Region (Maximum Awards: 2) 13-164San Francisco/San Mateo, East Bay, Silicon Valley, North Bay, Santa Cruz/Monterey Region (Maximum Awards: 2) 13-164Central Valley, Mother Lode Region (Maximum Awards: 1) 13-164South Central Region (Maximum Awards: 1) 13-164San Diego/Imperial Region (Maximum Awards: 1) 13-164Desert/Inland Empire Region (Maximum Awards: 1) 13-164Los Angeles County Region (Maximum Awards: 2) 13-164Orange County Region (Maximum Awards: 1) C. Categories for which Funding is Available 4

5 The three-year funds must be applied for by a Community College District and consist of consortia with a minimum number of colleges per award and with maximum funding per award. ● Year One ($200,000 Base) ► Develop a two-year consortium plan ► Collect consortium baseline data ► Convene the key players ► Participate in LaunchBoard Meetings and Trainings ● Year Two ($150,000 Base) ► Implement year one of the two-year regional plan ► Coordinate the LaunchBoard data collection for the consortium ► Convene the key players during the year to evaluate the two-year plan and update plan submissions for year-three ● Year Three ($150,000 Base) ► Implement Year Two of the two-year regional plan ► Coordinate the LaunchBoard data collection for the consortium ► Completion of two-year plan outcomes and submittal of a final reporting (fiscal & program) C. Categories for which Funding is Available (Continued) 5

6 ● Only California Community College districts are eligible to apply. ●Only those applicants that have a Project Director identified may apply. ● Consortium must be comprised of a minimum of Colleges and a minimum of High School Districts. ● In order to be eligible for funding an application must meet a minimum score of 75 points. ●Past performance of grantees will be considered prior to funding. D.Eligibility 6

7 ●Awarded for a single year and renewed annually for up to an additional two years contingent of successful completion of required outcomes. ●No extensions will be granted for this funding. ● Applications will not be renewed at the end of the three-year grant term. E.Performance Period 7

8 If any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, omission, or other error in this RFA is discovered, immediately notify the Chancellor’s Office of the error and request a written modification or clarification of the document. A clarifying addendum will be given to all parties who have obtained the RFA, without divulging the source of the request. Insofar as practical, the Chancellor’s Office will give such notice to other interested parties, but the Chancellor’s Office shall not be responsible for failure to do so. Contact person for these Instructions and/or RFA Specification is: Abigail Singleton (916) 322-4285 F. RFA Clarification 8

9 ●Follow the format and sequence instructions (in order to receive the highest possible score). ●To avoid being disqualified application format instructions must be followed, all questions answered, and all data supplied. ●The RFA Specification and Appendix B forms & Appendix C Templates will be used as tools. ●Grant applications are scored based on a maximum of 100 points as indicated on the table to the right. ●A minimum averaged score of 75 must be obtained within the reading process in order to be considered for funding. ●The Chancellor’s Office may require the applicant to make adjustments in the budget, annual workplan, or other aspects of the application prior to funding the grant. G.Application Format & Instructions Need10 Response to Need15 Annual Workplan25 Application Budget/Budget Detail 10 Project Management20 Dissemination5 Feasibility of the Project15 Total Points100 9

10 All narrative sections of the application must have 1” margins, single or double spaced, and 12pt Arial font. All narratives have a page limit. ●Face Sheet ●Cover Letter ●Contact Page ●Application Abstract (1 page) ●Table of Contents ●Need (5 pages,10 points) ●Response To Need (7 pages,15 points) G. Application Format & Instructions (Continued) 10

11 ●Annual Workplan (25 points) ► Objectives ► Procedures Activities ► Timelines ► Responsible Persons ► Performance Outcomes ► Metric Number(s) G. Application Format & Instructions (Continued) 11

12 ●Application Budget/Budget Detail (10 points) G. Application Format & Instructions (Continued) RFA Specification Number Funded Region BreakoutYear 1Years 2 & 3 Planning Year Implementation 13-164Northern Inland, Northern Coastal, Greater Sacramento Region (2 awards each with the same allocation formula) ($639,891) $200,000 Base $150,000 Base 150,000 Base ONLY Total of $1,139,891 12

13 ●Application Budget/Budget Detail (10 points) ► Budget Detail Sheets ► Budget Summary ► Indirect Administrative Costs ► Travel ► Equipment Purchases ► Regional Consortia Meetings ► Project Director Funding G. Application Format & Instructions (Continued) 13

14 ●Project Management Plan (5 pages, 20 points) ●Dissemination (1 page, 5 points) ●Overall Feasibility of the Project (15 points) ●Application Procedures G. Application Format & Instructions (Continued) 14

15 H.Rejection of Application ●Application is not received via electronic submittal by 5 p.m. on Monday, December 2 nd ●Application is sent to wrong e-mail address at ●Application is sent in multiple e-mails ●Application has the wrong RFA Specification Number (anywhere in the application) ●The fiscal agent is not a Community College District and/or not within the applied for region. ●The application budget detail or summary exceeds the allocated amount. ●The Project director has not been determined ●The Project Director does not meet a single individual in a full-time position (no less than 80%) ●The Annual Workplan and/or Budget Detail does not show attendance at regional consortia meetings ●The application contains facsimiles of forms and has changed language on those forms (this may cause a rejection) ●Narratives in the application exceed the maximum page limit ●It does not include all required application documents submitted in a single e-mail ► Cover Letter (Signed by CEO or Designee of CCD) ► Contact Page ► Application Abstract (1 page) ► Table of Contents ► Need (5 pages) ► Response to Need (7 pages) ► Annual Workplan ► Application Budget Summary (Project Director, Chief Business Office Signatures) ► Application Budget Detail Sheet ► Out-of-State Travel Forms (if out-of-state travel is requested) ► Project Management (5 pages, organizational chart, governance chart, project director resume, required letters) ► Dissemination (1 page) 15

16 I. Calendar of Key & Reporting Dates Key Dates October 18, 2013RFA Released October 31, 2013Bidder’s Conference December 2, 2013Deadline for Submitting Application December 13, 2013Notification of Intent to Award December 30,2013Appeal Deadline January 13-14, 2014Board of Governors Approval (grants over $100,000) January 15, 2014Grant Commencement Reporting Dates April 25, 20141st Quarter Year-to-Date Expenditure and Progress Report due July 25, 20142nd Quarter Year-to-Date Expenditure and Progress Report due October 25, 20143rd Quarter Year-to-Date Expenditure and Progress Report due January 25, 20154 th Quarter Year-to-Date Expenditure and Progress Report due February 28, 2015Final Claim of Expenditures and Final Report 16

17 Request for Applications Specification RFA Specification Number Funded Region Breakout Number of Awards per Region Minimum Consortium of Colleges per Award Maximum 3-Year Allocation per Award 13-164Northern Inland Northern Coastal Greater Sacramento 25555 1st Award $1,139,891 2nd Award $1,139,891 13-164San Francisco/San Mateo East Bay Silicon Valley North Bay Santa Cruz/Monterey 29999 1st Award $1,839,884 2nd Award $1,839,884 13-164Central Valley Mother Lode 18$1,704,945 13-164South Central15$1,294,215 13-164San Diego/Imperial15$1,457,952 13-164Desert/Inland Empire17$1,474,251 13-164Los Angeles County251st Award $1,614,769 2nd Award $1,614,769 13-164Orange County15$1,979,492 Total1168$17,099,943 17

18 Request for Applications Specification RFA Specification RFA Title: SB 1070 Career Technical Education Pathways Program Grant Funding Source: SB 1070 Career Technical Education Pathways Program Funding Period: January 15, 2014 through December 31, 2016 Total Funds Available: $17,099,943 Required Match: No match required Number of Awards: 11 ●Background ●Need ●Response to Need ●Objectives ●Project Management Plan ●Permissive Activities and General Costs ●Reporting Requirements ► Year-to-Date Expenditure and Progress Report ► Accountability Reporting ●Reference Materials ●Terms and Conditions 18

19 ● Article I Program-Specific Legal Terms and Conditions ► Cost and Payments ► Budget Changes ► Application Amendment Requests ► Reporting ● Articl e II, Standard Legal Terms and Conditions Appendix A Legal Terms and Conditions 19

20 Excel Workbook ●Do First ●Contact Page ●Application Budget Summary ●Application Budget Detail Sheet ●Application Budget Detail Sheet (Format Example) ● Annual Workplan 1-5 Appendix B Application Forms 20

21 ●Application Checklist for SB 1070 Career Technical Education Pathways Program Grant ●CEO Cover Letter (Template) ●Intent-to-Participate Form Letter (Template) ●Out-of-State Travel Form Appendix C Application Templates 21

22 ●Determining Allowable Costs ●Permissive Activities SB 1070 ●Allowability of General Costs Appendix D Guidelines, Definitions and Allowable Expenditures 22

23 ●Background ●ARCDC 2.0 Framework ●Measures Appendix E Common Metrics and Accountability Measures 23

24 Contact Information Thanks for your participation For Questions or Clarification Contact Abigail Singleton (916) 322-4285 24

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