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Write an algebraic expression that represents the each verbal statement. 210 click here to start timer 2 Minutes.

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Presentation on theme: "Write an algebraic expression that represents the each verbal statement. 210 click here to start timer 2 Minutes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Write an algebraic expression that represents the each verbal statement. 210 click here to start timer 2 Minutes



4 Lesson 1.2 and 1.3 Topic: Order of Operations and Properties Objectives: SWBAT 1)Perform Order of Operations to master evaluating an expression. 2)Justify their steps with the use of Properties of Numbers.

5 Order of Operations – KWL What do you remember about order of operations? Are parenthesis a process? What do exponents mean? When would you add or subtract before you would multiply or divide?

6 Order of Operations Grouping C.H.A.M.P.S C onversation Level – 1 H elp – One person in group raise hand after you have made sure no one knows in group A ctivity – Grouping of Key Words M ovement – Standing or leaning in chairs P articipation – Talk quietly and respectfully with other students in your group. Listen when another person talks. S uccess – Group each expression in its appreciate group 1050 click here to start timer 10 Minutes

7 Grouping – 4 groups Exponents first Multiply first Divide first Add or Subtract first 50 click here to start timer 5 Minutes


9 Me

10 We

11 Expert/Novice

12 We

13 Two

14 Properties Foldable

15 Evaluate Using Properties

16 Human TimeLine 1050 click here to start timer 10 Minutes

17 Last One Kristen purchased two binders that cost $1.25 each, two binders that cost $4.75 each, two packages of paper that cost $1.50 per package, four blue pens that cost $1.15 each, and four pencils that cost $0.35 each. a.Write an expression to represent the total cost of supplies before tax. b.What was the total cost of supplies before tax?

18 Assignment 1.2 and 1.3 WS Bundle (Evens except HOT-ALL) Algebra Builders (#68-ALL) Quizlet (Words that mean and Algebraic Expressions)

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