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The following information has been put together by the Pencaitland Parent Council as a brief overview for parents. It seeks to outline the ELC pupil placement.

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Presentation on theme: "The following information has been put together by the Pencaitland Parent Council as a brief overview for parents. It seeks to outline the ELC pupil placement."— Presentation transcript:

1 The following information has been put together by the Pencaitland Parent Council as a brief overview for parents. It seeks to outline the ELC pupil placement process as a simplified guide and does not replace or supersede any of the councils existing processes. Pupil Placement and Classroom Organisation The process of allocating pupil placements and setting class organisation is started early in the school year in preparation for the following year. Several factors are taken into consideration and each school has a responsibility to provide an accurate update to the Education Department, who then have to consider other potential demands on places in the school, such as new housing, families moving into the area, school capacities. All this information informs how many places will be available in primary and secondary schools for that year. A brief overview is shown on Page 2. The ELC website has specific information on placements outlined the process for enrolment and placements. In addition, they have produced a helpful leaflet entitled “Placing in schools” which outlines how to enrol your child into a school, placing requests and what happens when you make a placing request. The leaflet also has advises on further reference information with regards to legislation around this area.information on placementsPlacing in schools School Intake The total number of available places agreed for some primary and secondary schools and the number of places the be held in reserve for families moving into school catchment areas are then presented to the Education Committee for approval. These reports are in the public domain and are available here by looking up the school and academic year in question. After the reports have been agreed, any out of catchment requests are taken into consideration and if the requests for a place in school cannot be accommodated parents will be informed that they can appeal the Out of Catchment applications Consideration also has to be given to families who may be moving into the county and have a need for placement at their local school. In most instances, the council will request that some spaces are held in reserve for this scenario, so that those moving into East Lothian are not disadvantaged. In addition, some parents may also wish to opt for their child to attend a school out of catchment. It should be noted that this is at the discretion of the Council and there is a guide to the criteria for these requests outlined on the ELC webpages. If the council are able to grant parent requests this may free up places in other schools for those parents making out of catchment requests.criteria for these requests There is no guarantee that places can be reserved and the situation may change on a year by year basis, depending on factors such as housing, thus population increases which would place more demand on catchment placements. Additional Information Finally, the Scottish Government has published an information guide, called “Choosing a School: a guide for parents”, which provides useful information on making requests for places in schools.Choosing a School: a guide for parents

2 Pupil Placement Timeline Primary Schools Secondary Schools Each school asked to provide anticipated P1 enrolment (to be completed by end Nov) Press adverts run and info booklets & placing applications sent to schools & nurseries P1 enrolment Enrolment lists & class structures are initially scoped (end Nov) to give view across each school & county Acknowledgement of non-district requests sent. Closing date for non-district requests is at the end of Dec Class Organisation, Roll Capping & Reserve Places are prepared for acceptance by Head of Education and ELC Committee Education Committee meets to decide on proposed plan Pupil Placement Sub-Committee (if necessary) Pupil Placement decisions communicated to parents and final numbers sent to schools Appeal Tribunals Result of appeals communicated to Primary Schools Press adverts run and info booklets & secondary school letters sent Primary schools asked to provide accurate P7 information Info checked by ELC Non-district application forms & list of pupils transferring to Secondary sent to Primary Pupil list & Class organisation sent to Secondary along with proposed S1 cap Class organisation info returned to ELC by Secondary Acknowledgement of non-district requests sent. Closing date for non-district requests is at the end of Dec Class Organisation, Roll Capping & Reserve Places are prepared for acceptance by Head of Education and ELC Committee Education Committee meets to decide on proposed plan Pupil Placement Sub-Committee (if necessary) Updated list of pupils due to transfer to secondary sent to Primary schools. Letters granting permission & refusal letters to parents Information sent to secondary schools giving expected number of S1 pupils Appeal Tribunals Result of appeals communicated to Primary and Secondary Schools as required P7 info complete & sent to appropriate Secondary by Primary Closing date for Placing requests - 31 st Dec

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