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THE INSTITUTE OF LAW  Speciality “LAW” 030501.65 qualification “LAWYER”  specializations: state law civil law criminal law international law  line.

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2 THE INSTITUTE OF LAW  Speciality “LAW” 030501.65 qualification “LAWYER”  specializations: state law civil law criminal law international law  line of training 030900.62  LAW (qualification (degree) “Bachelor”  line of training 030900.68 LAW (qualification (degree) “Master”

3 MISSION to be recognized as a leader in legal training and researches in the field of law t to meet the region’s need for experts to maintain and develop the best traditions of classical legal training to ensure fundamental education based on the integrated academic, scientific and practical activities to contribute to the intellectual potential of Russia by nurturing creative, harmonious personalities

4 GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF WORK:  to combine the fundamental and innovative features of education;  to ensure high quality;  to maintain the unity of training, researches and education;  to get integrated into the regional and international academic communities.

5 AIMS  to meet efficiently the state’s, society’s and region’s needs for experts in law;  to ensure high quality of legal training;  to develop the science of law on the basis of home and foreign experience;  to develop and realize intellectual products and services to support training and retraining of law staff;  to develop new forms and technologies of training;  to secure the continuous and systematic character of law training;  to foster research activities of law students.

6 GOALS  to meet the state’s and society’s needs for law experts;  to meet through education and training a personality’s need for intellectual, cultural and moral development;  to deal efficiently with organizational, scientific and technical, economical and methodological issues relating to training and retraining of law staff;  to participate in working out regional and municipal programs for law politics;

7 GOALS  to develop the system of legal appraisal of normative and regulatory draft acts, of conforming the results of the regional and municipal lawmaking to those of the national one;  to render advisory and educational assistance to the regional bodies of power and management, to the law-enforcement organizations, enterprises, businesses and individuals;  to promote business and creative relations of the Institute of Law with the law-enforcement and law-application bodies;

8 GOALS  to organize and perform fundamental and application studies in the field of law;  to participate actively in the process of internationalization of education;  to update the law training;  to contribute to the cooperation with higher schools of the world;  to organize summer schools (including international ones);  to undertake legal propaganda, to upgrade people’s competence and cultural level;  to execute the program “Liquidation of Law Illiteracy”;  to open law-profile classes in Lomonosov Gymnasium and other comprehensive secondary schools.

9 STRATEGIC PROFILE OF THE INSTITUTE OF LAW Guidelines:  concerted efforts  development  expansion

10 CONCERTED EFFORTS: Goals of the strategic course:  to make the status of the Institute of Law’s students increasingly prestigious  to improve the management of the Institute  to refine the image of the Institute

11 WAYS OF GOAL ACHIEVEMENT:  to ensure the highest possible quality of training  to place the graduates in jobs according to their qualifications  to work out PR-strategy.

12 SPECIFIC GOALS:  to select the academic staff thoroughly  to invest in academic staff (to upgrade their qualifications, to offer incentives for creative approach, etc.)  to adopt measures to control the quality of training and teaching  to use a single methodology for training law experts  to optimize the academic process  to enhance students’ activity as colleagues and partners  to study labour market and educational services market.

13 DEVELOPMENT Aims of strategic course:  to improve essentially the resource base;  to adopt innovative technologies;  to pursue scientific researches;  to involve more sources of financing.

14 The ways to achieve aims:  to expand classroom, to equip the departments’ offices and classrooms  to study practices of the best legal training higher schools in Russia and abroad  to combine scientific and academic work at the departments

15 Specific goals  to get more classroom;  to acquire up-to-date equipment for teaching;  to employ new methods in teaching law disciplines (multimedia presentations, debates, conferences, discussion-like lectures, role plays);  to prepare applications to Russian and foreign science foundations.

16 EXPANSION Aims of strategic course:  to enhance adaptability to the needs of the professional environment  to partner the regional legal community

17 Ways to achieve aims:  to expand the range of specializations  to cement relations with Russian and foreign higher schools practicing law training  to encourage the employers to support and promote the Institute

18 Specific goals:  to develop the international legal specialization  to hold joint conferences, to participate in joint projects, to arrange internships  to ensure The Council of Trustees’ work.

19 STRUCTURE OF THE INSTITUTE OF LAW  The Institute of Law is a structural unit of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University, practicing academic, scientific-research, innovative and educational activities.  The Institute is managed by the Academic Senate of the Institute and the Director of the Institute.  The general management is exercised by the Academic Senate  The immediate control is exercised by the Director of the Institute appointed by the Chancellor.

20 Assistant director on educational questions Assistant director on scientific and innovative questions Assistant director on distant education Assistant director on international questions Assistant director on social questions Director Legal centre Legal clinics Legal library Centre of legal consulting “Garantiya”. Department of legal history and legal theory Department of constitutional and municipal law Department of criminal law and criminal trail Department of international law and comparative jurisprudence Department of administrative and financial law Department of civil law and civil procedure Arctic legal researches centre Forensic laboratory Department of labor law and basics of jurisprudence Criminological laboratory Legal information technologies laboratory


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