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GMC Legal Legal and business affairs for music and entertainment.

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1 GMC Legal Legal and business affairs for music and entertainment

2 In the music and entertainment’s world rights have a central role: copyrights, circulation rights and economical exploitation for talent works, royalties… those are all key aspects while improving our art, our invention and our creativity while safeguarding, developing and using our image too. This is the reason why GMC & Associati works on the Legal and Management consulting too, in all areas: discography, music, audiovisual and publishing. We are all practicians with a pluriannual experience, both at national and international level, both in the discography and discographic and musical business affair’s world. La nostra proposta Rights

3 We are able to give a complete support in every specialized and difficult area: - total agreements administration, not only talking about wording and scripture, but above all talking about a detailed survey in order to obtain the best results and to maximize copyrights -rigorous evaluation on business developing and the opportunity of working on new scenarios -assistance on litigation matters when, even if having always tried to avoid danger, relationships become more and more difficult and no pacific solution can be taken into consideration anymore. There is no other opportunity like the “talent work” one which has to be taken into consideration without frontiers, and which has to be developed and used economically too, inside or outside of the originating country. GMC & Associati works both for the international and global point of view, and offers her business assistance in Italy and outside of Italy too. Our approach

4 We write up agreements, offer our assistance and face up to litigations in the following areas: discography live shows and live performances executive issues S.I.A.E. licensing advertising sponsorship merchandising What we do

5 Our main clients are: single people: - music artists: singers, musicians, bands... - music and lyrics writers - managers and producers sectorial companies: - music companies - radio and televisions - advertising companies - orchestras and theaters - music schools; - common zones …and any other company who is willing to take advantage from promotional and advertising supports, working on licensing and sponshorship deals and using testimonials with artists or music products. Our clients

6 Pierluigi Raimondi He guarantees his professionality for 10 years at Ricordi and 25 years at Emi – firstly as Legal and Business affair Manager, then in charge of the Local Department too – just to give an idea of his experience and flexibility. He is the best knower about copyright matters and he is the main writer’s agreements for Italian artists such as Vasco Rossi, Francesco Guccini, Tiziano Ferro, Litfiba, Roberto Vecchioni and Angelo Branduardi. During his long experience at Emi he is also responsible for relationship with the main company’s labels. He works with International artists in Italy and on foreign label’s merger and distribution too. Who we are

7 Maria Cristina Murelli She is certified at «Ordine degli Avvocati» of Milano since 1994. After a pluriannual experience at Emi, she decides to improve as Legal Free Lance, so that having achieved up today a big professional practise, especially talking about enterprise civil rights and intellectual properties. She guarantees her professionality seriously working for companies operating in distribution and circulation of products and services, as long as for the media and the entertainment ones. At GMC & Associati she personally works with our clients on extra-judical matters and litigations. Who we are

8 Giuseppe Cuneo GMC & Associati’s Creator and Administrator, he has always been fascinated by the entertainment world. He graduates at the Bocconi University in Milano and postgraduates in marketing and finance; he starts his career as Product Manager in the publishing, alimentary and big distribution area. He improves his competences in the discography, entertainment and media departments inside of some multinational companies (EMI, Walt Disney), getting day by day more and more responsibilities up to being charged of the Marketing Division and Business Division Management, so that achieving really important results. Thanks to the promotion of some successful innovative publishing projects and to some good internal re-organization actions, he give his personal and fundamental contribution to re-launch all these difficult areas. He develops his activity in different company contests, i.e. public, private and multinational ones. Who we are

9 Giuseppe Cuneo GMC & Associati srl Cell 348711990 Thank you

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