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Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Sites Lists Advanced Site collection administration –Moving sites –Save site as template.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Sites Lists Advanced Site collection administration –Moving sites –Save site as template."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Sites Lists Advanced Site collection administration –Moving sites –Save site as template –Save list as template Content Types –Creating new ones –Using InfoPath to edit Document Information Panel Workflow –Overview –Forms

2 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Demo: Manage Content and Structure Tool 1.Move sites within site collection 2.Copy lists 3.Delete content and examine Recycle bin functionality

3 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Site and List Templates Two types of templates: –List templates –Site templates Both are saved by using “save as template” action. Security settings are not saved. When saved, the templates are stored in “Site Template” and “List Template” galleries of the root site in the site collection

4 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Demo: List Template 1.Save “Courses” list as a template 2.Create another list based on “Courses” template within the same site collection

5 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Demo: Site Template 1.Create a site using “Blank” template 2.Make changes to the site 3.Save the site as “Basic Project” template including content 4.Create a site based on “Basic Project” template within the same site collection

6 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Content Types Content Type is a collection of settings applied to content. It includes: –Set of columns –Forms used to edit or create items of the content types –Workflows –Information management policies Each list can have more than one content type associated with it. example: - Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) - Customer Facing Document - Product Specification Document

7 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. WSS Content Type Hierarchy

8 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Demo: Assignment Content Type 1.Create a new content type “Assignment” that inherits from a “Task” content type. 2.Add “Grade” and “Graded By” columns. 3.Enable the “Assignment” content type in a list.

9 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Demo: SOP Content Type and Information Panel 1.Create a new content type “SOP” 2.Add “SOP Number” and “SOP Purpose” columns 3.In “Document Information Panel Settings”, using InfoPath, create a new form template and change the setting to always show the information panel 4.Test the content type within a document library

10 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Lab: Exercises 1-2 Perform exercises 1-2 from Content Types Workflow Lab

11 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Workflow Workflow provides a mechanism for attaching a business process to documents or lists items example: - Course syllabus must be reviewed and approved by chemistry department head - Product specification legal review by legal team - SOP approval by inter departmental committee

12 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Workflow SharePoint provides a set of configurable default workflows such as “Approval”, “Collect Feedback”, and “Disposition Approval”. Default workflow execute by assigning tasks to defined users or groups either in parallel (to all users at once) or serial (one user at a time) order and end when a specified number of tasks has been completed or certain conditions have been met. To design more complicated workflows, one needs to use SharePoint Designer or Visual Studio.

13 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Association User associates a default workflow with a list or content type by using “Add a Workflow” and “Customize Workflow” pages in which user can specify the following: –Name of the workflow –Where workflow tasks will be stored –Where workflow history will be stored –How the workflow starts –Default values for users that will be involved –How the workflow completes

14 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Initiation and Modification If the user starts a workflow manually, in “Start Workflow” page the user can change some of the values that were specified in “Customize Workflow” page during association. In “Workflow Task” page, a user can complete or reassign the task as well as supply information required by the workflow

15 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Demo: Workflow for a List 1.Add a workflow called “Course Information Approval” to “Course Information” list with the following settings a.User starts manually b.Serial order with specific approvers c.Tasks are due 2 days after assignment 2.Initiate “Course Information Approval” workflow on a specific document within a document library 3.Complete workflow tasks 4.Office Integration

16 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Demo: Workflow for SOP Content Type 1.Add a workflow called “SOP Approval by inter departmental committee” to a content type with the following settings a.User starts manually b.Serial order with specific approvers from each department c.Tasks are due 5 days after assignment 2.Initiate “SOP Approval by inter departmental committee” workflow on a specific document within a document library that has “SOP” content type enabled 3.Complete workflow tasks

17 Copyright © 2006 Pilothouse Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. Lab: Exercises 3-4 Perform exercises 3-4 from Content Types Workflow Lab

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