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Maiki Udam Tallinn University of Technology Estonia.

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Presentation on theme: "Maiki Udam Tallinn University of Technology Estonia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maiki Udam Tallinn University of Technology Estonia

2  Soviet era  1991-2001  2002-2008

3  Secondary schools – 11 years  “Tehnikum” – 2-4 years  Diploma specialist studies – 4-5(6) years  “Aspirantuur” – 3 years  “ Doktorantuur ” Soviet era

4  Secondary school 12 years  Vocational education  Bachelor studies (specialist) – 4 years  Diploma studies – 4 years  Vocational HE studies – 3-4 years  Integrated programmes (medical doctors, architects, civil engineers) – 5-6 years  Master studies (professional and research masters) – 2 years  Doctoral studies – 4 years 1991-2001

5  Ministry of Education and Research delivers licenses and registers curricula. ◦ Allocation of funding to different HEI based on the results of the accreditation; ◦ Support to the development projects that advance the quality of study processes; ◦ Site visits by the MoER inspectors in order to monitor the fulfillment of legal acts.  The Higher Education Quality Assessment Council forms evaluation committees for accreditation and makes proposals to the Minister regarding the accreditation decisions;  The Higher Education Accreditation Centre is the coordinator of the overall accreditation process. (Accreditation since 1996)

6  Bachelor studies (broader education of the study field) – 3(-4) years  Professional higher education – 4 years  Master studies (more specialised studies, no division between professional and research degree) – 1-2 years; B+M=5 years  Integrated studies – 5-6 years (graduates get Master degree)  Doctoral studies – 4 years

7 Prof HE Voc HE Diploma studies Prof HE Bac 3y Bac 4y bac since 2002 Master 4y Bac before 2002 Soviet Specialist Integrated programm es 1-2y M since 2002 PhD Kandidat nauk Doktor nauk PhD Tehnikum 2y 6m Master 2y before 2002

8 Immediate cause: Sep 1, 2009 – ECTS should be fully implemented (incl outcomes of curricula and modules) in all Estonian HEI-s. In 2006, universities started requiring standards/outcomes of levels.

9  T he purpose of Estonian NQF: ◦ promote outcome-based approach in curriculum development ; ◦ promote mobility ; ◦ promote LLL.

10  2006- working group (MoER, representatives of Rectors’ Conferences, Student Union, ENIC/NARIC, HE Quality Assessment Council, experts).  Questions: ◦ QF for all levels (incl VET) or only for HE? ◦ QF distinguishing different specialties or only levels?

11  Two experts were hired to study the respective systems in Scotland, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, U.S. (ABET), and drafted the first version, based on Swedish example and EQF (EHEA) (Jan-March 2007).  QF related to EQF levels 6-8 (resp Bachelor and prof HE, Master, Doctor).  Outcomes written on minimum (threshold) level, describing knowledge, skills and values.  Discussions with all stakeholders through the whole process, e.g. academies of arts and music had their special interests.

12  Knowledge of the major  Skills to gather and interpret the information  Communication skills  Teamwork skills  Tolerance towards diversity of attitudes and values  Responsibility for civil society and environment  Lifelong learning

13 In order to be awarded a Bachelor’s level degree, a student shall:  Be capable to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in work, to continue studies and to undertake continuous independent professional development. In order to be awarded a Master’s level degree, a student shall:  Be able to evaluate his or her need, and the need of others, for continuing training and professional development, and have command of effective methods necessary for independent study.

14  All HEI-s  Rector’s Conference  The Higher Education Quality Assessment Council  ENIC/NARIC  Student Union  Representatives of Employers/ Professional Unions  Ministries

15  QF for HE (Standard of HE) was approved on Aug 16, 2007  Law on professions - May 22, 2008 (incl EQF levels1-8)

16  An audit group at the MoER  Persons/working groups at HEI-s, responsible for outcome-based development of curricula

17 Sep 1, 2009:  Development of the curricula ◦ Description of aims and learning outcomes, based on Standard of HE (NQF for HE) – trainings needed!!  European credit point system ◦ 1 CP = 26 hours of student’s work ◦ 1 academic year = 60 CP, 1560 hours  New quality assurance (QA) system ◦ Institutional accreditation – internal QA system ◦ Evaluation of curriculum groups

18  Standard of Higher Education – Aug 2007  Standard o f VET - Dec 2008  All professional (occupational) standards linked to NQF – Dec 2012 ◦ Aug 1, 2008 – 747 professional standards for 307 professions ◦ 16 Professional Councils

19  ???

20  Evaluate the resources of time, people, competence, and make your decisions about the process according to this.  Hire someone who does the “the dirty part” of the work.  Involve as many stakeholders as possible.  Concentrate on your own system and problems but keep in mind also the levels of EQF.  Relate the regulations on APEL and Quality Assurance systems to QF.


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