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Spoils System. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Spoils System. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spoils System

2 Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

3 Alamo

4 American System

5 Midnight Judges

6 Embargo Act

7 John Marshall

8 Monroe Doctrine

9 Mexican Cessian

10 Federalist

11 Marbury v Madison

12 James K. Polk

13 George Washington

14 Thomas Jefferson

15 Andrew Jackson

16 Impressment

17 Tecumseh

18 Henry Clay

19 Gold Rush

20 XYZ Affair

21 War Hawks

22 Indian Removal Act

23 Tariff of Abominations

24 Whiskey Rebellion

25 Democrat

26 Neutrality

27 War of 1812

28 Alien and Sedition Acts

29 Manifest Destiny

30 Homestead Act

31 Vicksburg

32 Dorothea Dix

33 Harriet Beecher Stowe

34 Missouri Compromise

35 Hudson River School

36 13 th Amendment

37 Literacy Test

38 Dawes Act

39 John Brown

40 Tenure of Office Act

41 14 th Amendment

42 Seneca Falls

43 15 th Amendment

44 Morrill Act

45 Grange

46 James Fenimore Cooper

47 Underground Railroad

48 Gettysburg

49 Abraham Lincoln

50 Emancipation Proclamation

51 Fugitive Slave Law

52 William Lloyd Garrision

53 Dred Scott

54 Appammattox Courthouse

55 Poll Tax

56 Andrew Carnegie

57 Susan B. Anthony

58 WEB Debois

59 Eugene V. Debs

60 Knights of Labor

61 Tammany Hall

62 Upton Sinclair

63 19 th Amendment

64 Political Machine

65 Homestead Strike

66 Teddy Roosevelt

67 Woodrow Wilson

68 Boss Tweed

69 Pendleton Act

70 Social Darwinism

71 John Rockefeller

72 Initiative

73 Ida Tarbell

74 Booker T. Washington

75 Muckrakers

76 Bull Moose Party

77 Oklahoma Land Rush


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