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European Settlement of America World History – Libertyville HS.

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1 European Settlement of America World History – Libertyville HS

2 Three Different Approaches to Settlement / Colonization Spanish –E–E–E–Exploit natural resources (Gold, silver) –P–P–P–Put natives to work –F–F–F–Few colonists French –E–E–E–Exploit natural resources (Fur trade) –F–F–F–Few colonists (traders) English –C–C–C–Colonize and exploit natural resources (lumber) –M–M–M–Many colonists needed

3 English Colonization of America England sent its misfits overseas –Q–Q–Q–Quakers –P–P–P–Puritans –I–I–I–Indentured servants –P–P–P–Poor –D–D–D–Debtors All had in common… –H–H–H–Hated British upper class –P–P–P–Protestant –V–V–V–Valued education Established farms, towns to exploit surrounding countryside (Mercantilism!) First Permanent Settlement Of America at Jamestown, VA

4 British Settlement of America: Roanoke Four Attempts during 1580s –F–F–F–Failed because expeditions too small –C–C–C–Challenges of initial colonists Roanoke Settlement, 1586 –M–M–M–Mix of men, women –S–S–S–Strategy of settlement –W–W–W–War with Spain, 1587! –R–R–R–Return to colony 1589 –S–S–S–Site abandoned – “Croatoan” –W–W–W–What happened?! 1585 Map of Outer Bank Roanoke

5 English Settlement: Jamestown Settlers led by John Rolfe, John Smith Landed in VA, off coast First priority = build fort Classic example of European / Indian relations

6 Jamestown – “The Starving Time” English didn’t know… –a–a–a–about new world crops –H–H–H–How to hunt –H–H–H–How to fish By end of winter, 38 survivors of 104 Englishmen Burial of Dead at Jamestown

7 Jamestown: Powhatan & Pocahontas English encounter Powhatan tribe –N–N–N–Not first Europeans they’d met –E–E–E–English begin stealing their corn Meeting between Chief, John Smith –P–P–P–Pocahontas steps in to save Smith John Smith

8 Jamestown: Powhatan & Pocahontas Powhatan decision saves English, changes history Pocahontas later marries John Rolfe –L–L–L–Likely to cement peace treaty –T–T–T–Traveled to England, contracted smallpox and died

9 English Religious Oppression Remember Henry VIII? –E–E–E–English king, broke with Catholic church –F–F–F–Forms own church (Anglican) w/ 3 differences Allows divorce English by law must be Anglican Must take loyalty oath to government

10 Non Anglican English –Q–Q–Q–Quakers (pacifists) –P–P–P–Presbyterians (Scottish Calvinists) –P–P–P–Puritans (Calvinists) Each refused loyalty oath Each oppressed by English government

11 Puritan Beliefs Predestination Hard work rewarded Vices are EVIL!!! Patriarchal Leaders = Elect –O–O–O–Only males –I–I–I–Interp. Bible for people Believed in magic Child raising Myths and folklore

12 Puritans Flee to America Puritan characteristics –R–R–R–Rich! (Middle class) –“–“–“–“Protestant Work Ethic” –C–C–C–Commoners, not nobility Some Puritans got together, formed business venture: Massachusetts Bay Colony –I–I–I–Idea = leave England to worship how they wanted –E–E–E–English govt: loved idea! (Get rid of malcontents but gain profit from business venture) Mass Bay Colony Seal

13 Plymouth Settlement Pilgrims (Mayflower) landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 Pilgrims (Mayflower) landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 Native Americans were friendly Native Americans were friendly –Squanto –Helped Pilgrims through first winter Landing at Plymouth

14 Rebels Against the Puritans: Roger Williams Member of Elect Preached separation of church, state Rest of elect said SHUT UP!!! Refused; exiled as winter began Survived (lived with Indians) – formed colony of Rhode Island

15 Rebels Against Puritans: Anne Hutchinson Begins preaching (and she’s good!), interp bible herself Elect shut her down, so families go to her house to hear her Elect tells her husband to shut her up – he says NO! Hutchinson preaching in her home

16 Her Beliefs / preaching –C–C–C–Commoners interp own bible –E–E–E–Elect should be more interesting! –W–W–W–Women have equal voice in religion –H–H–H–Holy Spirit told her to preach these messages (elect: HS wouldn’t talk to a woman!)

17 Trials of Anne –F–F–F–First trial: told to stop preaching (she doesn’t) –S–S–S–Second trial: convicted before it started, but she debates elect and embarrasses them –E–E–E–Exiled, many families go with her; tragic ending Represents freedom of though in New World

18 Witchcraft / Witch Trials 1630-1700 trials –9–9–9–95% female –A–A–A–Accused: 344 –G–G–G–Guilty = 344 –E–E–E–Executed = 35 (19 at Salem) –M–M–M–Most exiled Witch trial (Connecticut)

19 Witchcraft / Witch Trials Salem Witch Trials –G–G–G–Group of girls started accusations –A–A–A–Accusations snowballed out of control –1–1–1–19 women executed before girls recanted and said they made it all up Hanging of Bridget Bishop, 1692

20 Witchcraft / Witch Trials Profile of “witch” –M–M–M–Middle aged female –S–S–S–Single (usually widow) –F–F–F–Few / no kids –*–*–*–***Property owner*** –U–U–U–Unpopular w/ community Typical trial –A–A–A–Accusation –T–T–T–Trial –G–G–G–Guilty verdict –E–E–E–Exiled –P–P–P–Property seized

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