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Lecture Outline Wrestling as a Moral Spectacle Gender Roles Rules and Transgression Excess Carnival Explanatory Paradigms.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture Outline Wrestling as a Moral Spectacle Gender Roles Rules and Transgression Excess Carnival Explanatory Paradigms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture Outline Wrestling as a Moral Spectacle Gender Roles Rules and Transgression Excess Carnival Explanatory Paradigms

2 Barthes: not a sport theatre of suffering

3 Good and Evil in Wrestling good rewarded in the end white America

4 Royal Rumble Winners note real, Anglo last names 1988 Hacksaw Jim Duggan 1989 Big John Studd 1990 Hulk Hogan 1991 Hulk Hogan 1992 Rick Flair 1993 Yokozuna 1994 Bret Hart and Lex Luger 1995 Shawn Michaels 1996 Shawn Michaels 1997 Steve Austin 1998 Steve Austin 1999 Vince McMahon 2000 The Rock

5 Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. the Mountie –Royal Rumble 1992







12 In Dafna Lemish’s Israeli study, boys watched more WWF enacted fights much more often

13 Girls: most girls looked down on “boys” watching close to 1/5 of the girls watched on own initiative managed tension between curiosity and embarrassment experiment with male roles

14 Girls in public vs. girls in private practically no girls fought in public some girls fought at home

15 Violence: From fiction to reality? No causal relationship has been conclusively proven –variables difficult to control Myths of causation –"Superman" flies out the window

16 Rules and Transgression order and disorder rules for breaking the rules –cf. hockey

17 Excess vs. "reality" more emotion more "powerfully" expressed stereotypical: things are simplified to a small number of features and those are exaggerated

18 Japan I am Japan, hot, with the blood red sun beating down, burning the cheeks of my people. I am Mt. Fuji, tall and mysterious as I take people's breath away. I am Kabuki, hidden in color and movement. I am green tea, hot as I creep down, relaxing as I go. I am sumo, three hundred pounds and pushing hard to get yokozuma, grand champion. I am sushi, sweet and sticky, surrounded with ocean sea weed. I am the bullet train, shooting through Tokyo, storming my breeze. I am Emily, maker of the poem. by Emily N., 6 years old, Soos Creek Elementary, Kent, Washington

19 Carnival Michail Bakhtin: the "carnivalesque" temporary transgression; excess

20 Inoculation model Barthes: A little dose of “evil” makes the “evil” harmless

21 Conformity-Resistance Paradigm Who Is “Empowered? –working-class males??? –youth –gays and lesbians the Mountie’s stick Rowdy Roddy Piper Hot Rod the Divas -

22 Tori

23 Girls: most girls looked down on “boys” watching managed tension between curiosity and embarrassment experiment with male roles

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