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1 BIG-O --- Algorithms zPurpose:Be able to evaluate the relative efficiency of various algorithms that are used to process data zWe need to be able to.

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Presentation on theme: "1 BIG-O --- Algorithms zPurpose:Be able to evaluate the relative efficiency of various algorithms that are used to process data zWe need to be able to."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 BIG-O --- Algorithms zPurpose:Be able to evaluate the relative efficiency of various algorithms that are used to process data zWe need to be able to evaluate all of the major sort and search algorithms as well as the various implementations of the Abstract Data Types

2 2 zResources:Java Methods Data StructuresChapter 8 p.191

3 3 zIntro:As we began to discuss in the lecture on Algorithms, we need to be able to evaluate processes and algorithms based on a uniform criteria. zBig-O provides us with a method for such evaluations

4 4 BIG-O --- Algorithms zSearching (locating an element with a target value in a list of values) and Sorting are 2 tasks used to illustrate the concept of an algorithm zAlgorithms typically use iterations or recursion. This property differentiates it from straight forward code

5 5 zAlgorithms are also generic in nature. The same algorithm applies to a whole set of initial states and produces corresponding final states for each of them. zA sorting algorithm, for example, must apply to any list regardless of the values of its elements

6 6 zFurthermore, an algorithm must be independent of the SIZE of the task ( n )

7 7 zAnalyze the time efficiency and space requirements of algorithms in an abstract way by looking at an algorithm with regards to specific data types and other implementation details

8 8 zCriteria to evaluate an algorithm: Space required Amount of time Complexity

9 9 zSPACE: zNumber and size of simple variables zNumber and total size of components of compound variable zIs space dependent on size of input?

10 10 zTIME: zNot necessarily measured in real clock time zLook for operation(comparison) zExpress time required in terms of this characteristic operation

11 11 zCOMPLEXITY: zHas little to do with how complex an algorithm “looks” zfunction of the size(number) of input values zAverage time ybased on probability of the occurrence of inputs zWorst time ybased on most unfavorable input

12 12 We will focus on time efficiency

13 13 zEfficiency of TIME: yNumber of Comparisons (if a > b) yNumber of Assignments (a = c)

14 14 zWe will also disregard the specifics of the hardware or the programming language so:  we will not be measuring time efficiency in real time zwe will not measure in terms of the number of required program instructions/statements

15 15 zWe will discuss performance in terms of abstract “steps” necessary to complete a task and we assume that each step takes the same amount of time zWe can compare different algorithms that accomplish the same task

16 16 zThe theory that we can predict the long-term behavior of functions without specific knowledge of the exact constants used in describing the function allows us to ignore constant factors in the analysis of execution time

17 17 BIG-O --- Big-O Notation zWe can evaluate algorithms in terms of Best Case, Worst Case and Average Case zWe assume that the number of “steps” or n is a large number zAnalyze loops especially nested loops

18 18 zSequential Search algorithms grow linearly with the size (number) of the elements zWe match the target value against each array value until a match is found or the entire array is scanned

19 19 zSequential Search z Worst Case is we locate the target element in the last element zBest Case is the target value is found on the first attempt zAverage Case finds the target value in the middle of the array

20 20 zBinary Search algorithms (compared as applied to the same task as the sequential search) grow logarithmicly with the size (number) of the elements zElements must be ordered zWe compare the target value against the middle element of the array and proceed left (if smaller) or right (larger) until a match if found

21 21 zBinary Search For example, where n=7, we try a[3] then proceed left or right

22 22 zBinary Search zWorst Case, Average Case is where we locate the target element in (3 ) log n comparisons (the average case is only one less than the worst case) zBest Case is the target value is found on the first attempt zTHE execution time of a Binary Search is approx. proportional to the log of n

23 23 z(A) Linear Growth(B) Logarithmic Growth zLogarithmic Growth is SLOWER than Linear Growth zAsymptotically, a Binary Search is FASTER than a Sequential Search as Linear Time eventually surpasses Logarithmic Time (A) (B)

24 24 zBig-Orepresents the Order of Growth for an Algorithm

25 25 zGrowth Rate Functions: zreference functions used to compare the rates of growth of algorithms

26 26 BIG-O --- Big-O Notation Growth Rate Functions zO(1)Constant Time --- time required to process 1 set of steps zThe algorithm requires the same fixed number of steps regardless of the size of the task: yPush and Pop Stack operations yInsert and Remove Queue operations yFinding the median value in a sorted Array

27 27 zO(n)Linear Time --- increase in time is constant for a larger n (number of tasks) zThe algorithm requires a number of steps proportional to the size of the task z20 tasks = 20

28 28 zO(n)Examples:  Traversal of a List  Finding min or max element in a List  Finding min or max element in a sequential search of unsorted elements  Traversing a Tree with n nodes  Calculating n-factorial, iterativly  Calculating nth Fibonacci number, iteratively

29 29 zO(n^2) Quadratic Time zThe number of operations is proportional to the size of the task SQUARED z20 tasks = 400

30 30 zO(n^2) Examples:  Simplistic Sorting algorithms such as a Selection Sort of n elements  Comparing 2 2-Dimensional arrays, matrics, of size n by n  Finding Duplicates in an unsorted list of n elements (implemented with 2 nested loops)

31 31 zO(log n) Logarithmic Time --- the log of n is significantly lower than n z20 tasks = 4.3 zUsed in many “divide and conquer” algorithms, like binary search, and is the basis for using binary search trees and heaps

32 32 zO(log n) zfor example, a binary search tree of one million elements would take, at most, 20 steps to locate a target  Binary Search in a Sorted list of n elements  Insert and Find Operations for a Binary Search Tree with n nodes  Insert and Find Operations for a Heap with n nodes

33 33 zO(n log n)“n log n” Time z20 tasks = 86.4  More advanced sorting algorithms like Quicksort, Mergesort (which will be discussed in detail in the next chapter)

34 34 zO(a^n) (a > 1) Exponential Time z20 tasks = 12^20 = very large number  Recursive Fibonacci implementation (a > 3/2)  Towers of Hanoi (a=2)  Generating all permutations of n symbols

35 35 zThe best time in the preceding growth rate functions is constant time O(1) zThe worst time in the preceding growth rate functions is exponential time O(a^n) which quickly Overwhelms even the fastest computers even for a relatively small n

36 36 zPolymonial Growth: Linear, quadratic, cubic… The Highest Power of N Dominates the Polymonial (see Ill Lam SDT p.42 Top) zis considered manageable as compared to exponential growth

37 37 Linear t n Log n Exponential Quadratic N log n Constant O(1)

38 38 zLog n has a slower asymptotic growth rate when compared to linear growth as a thousand fold increase in the size of the task, n, results in a fixed, moderate increase in the number of operations required.

39 39 zFor a given ALGORITHM, you can see how it falls on the following grid to determine its “Order of Growth” or time efficiency. zUse this grid as a “Rule of Thumb” when evaluating the BIG-O of an algorithm.

40 40 zLet this grid help narrow down possible solutions, but make sure you “memorize” the other charts and use them when attacking an order of growth problem zBIG-O Analysis handout has an example where the “rule of thumb” will result in an incorrect assumption

41 41 BIG-O --- Big-O Notation Rule of Thumb ALGORITHM|SINGLE LOOP|NESTED LOOP(S) ____________ |________________________|__________________ STRAIGHT |LINEAR |QUADRATIC FORWARD|O(N)|O(N^2) PROCESSING||0(N^3)… (SEQUENTIAL) || ____________ |________________________|___________________ || DIVIDE AND |LOGARITHMIC|N LOG N CONQUER|O(LOG N)|O(N LOG N) PROCESSING||

42 42 Sample Test Times; N = 50,000 FUNCTIONRunning Time Log N (Log Time)15.6 (Binary Search) N(Linear Time)50,000 (L’List or Tree Traversal, Sequential Search) N Log N 780,482 (Quick, MergeSort) N^2(Quadratic Time)2.5 * 10^9 (Selection Sort, Matrics, 2 nested loops) a^N (Exponential)3.8 * 10^21 (recursion, fibonacci, permutations)

43 43 zREVIEW 3 EXAMPLES IN THE HANDOUT: Lambert p.40-41 Examples 1.7, 1.8 & 1.9

44 44 zPROJECTS: zBIG-O Exercises 1 through 5 zWorkbook problems 12 through 20 z Multiple Choice Problems


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