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Since abortion was one of the props voted on in the past few months and teen pregnancy seems to be getting increasingly more controversial, we chose to.

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Presentation on theme: "Since abortion was one of the props voted on in the past few months and teen pregnancy seems to be getting increasingly more controversial, we chose to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Since abortion was one of the props voted on in the past few months and teen pregnancy seems to be getting increasingly more controversial, we chose to study these two important health-related topics. We decided to do our survey project on teen abortion and pregnancy because we were interested in how many students at CCA know a teen who has been pregnant/had an abortion. We also wanted to find out how many girls in the school were on birth control in order to avoid becoming pregnant since teen pregnancy is such a major issue among teens today. We used random sampling assigned by Ms. O to obtain our information and were given two sophomore history classes. Using two classes allowed us for a large enough sample to accurately asses whether teens at CCA were more or less likely to be sexually active, taking birth control, or become pregnant than other American teens.

3 1. Every year, an average of 1 million girls become pregnant. 2. In a national survey 4 out of 10 teen pregnancies end in abortion. 3. 77% of teens in developed countries have had sex as well as 83% in Sub Sahara Africa, 56% in Latin America, and 56% in the Caribbean. 4. U.S. Statistical Surveys how that half of all pregnancies are unplanned. 5. Since 1973 there have been over 42,000,000 abortions in the United States (1,400,000 a year  that’s 1 abortion every 20 seconds). 6. The percentage of teens in the U.S. using the pill is 19%. 7. Taken from a national survey, more than 2/3 of all teenagers who have had a baby did not graduate high school. 8. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, a woman in America is raped every 2 minutes. Over half of these women become pregnant. 9. In 2007 over 20,000 girls under the age of 18 had an abortion (about 3 percent were under the age of 14). 10. 21% of women who have an abortion say it is because they are too young/not ready.





8 We used random sampling assigned by Ms. O in order to gather our statistics. The classes were two 10 th grade history classes. Our surveys were environmentally friendly because we shrank the font to print out at least six surveys per page. Do you know a minor who is/has been pregnant? Do you know a teen whose pregnancy has ended in abortion? Should a minor need parental permission to have an abortion? Have you ever had sex? Are you taking birth control? Do you believe that unprotected sex is safe? Are minors responsible enough to care for a child? Do you think abortion should be legal? Should abortion be legal for those pregnant due to rape?

9 Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Question 8 Question 9 YES 5418 848465765 NO 1450 60206462113

10 Hypothesis Requirement Testing Rules: - 2 N I P -- 2 results [in this case yes or no] - A set # of trials -- [we took 68 surveys from 2 classes] -Independent trials -- [surveys didn’t influence each other] -P Value was a set value - SRS – [it was a simple random sample] -np > or = 5   nq > or = 5 All the requirements are met!!

11 Problem 1: A national statistic was released during mid-2008 that 40% of all teenage girls that become pregnant will have an abortion. The results from our survey prove that less than 40% of girls that become pregnant will get an abortion. Question 2  Do you know someone who has had an abortion? n=68x=18p hat=.26 Ho: p=.40 z= p-p hat/ √pq/n Ha: p<.40 z=.40-.6/ √.40(.60)/68 z= -2.2773 Critical Value= -1.96 P-value=.0114 95% Confidence Interval=.1598<p<.3695 Reject the Ho, there is sufficient evidence to prove that less than 40% of students at CCA know someone who has had an abortion/is personally having an abortion.

12 Problem 2: A national survey has concluded that 77% of teenagers in the U.S. have had sex. Our survey proves that less than 77% of the students at CCA have had sex. Question 4  Have you ever had sex? n=68x=8p hat=.117 Ho: p=.77 z= p-p hat/ √pq/n Ha: p<.77 z=.77-.117/ √.77(.33)/68 z= -12.7829 Critical Value= -1.96 P-Value= 0.00 95% Confidence Interval=.04106<p<.19423 Reject the Ho, there is sufficient evidence to prove that less than 77% of students at CCA have had sex.

13 Problem 3: National Statistics state that 19% of girls are on the birth control pill. Our survey says that greater than 19% of girls at CCA are taking birth control. Question 5  Are you taking birth control? n=68x=48p hat=.70 Ho: p=.19 z= p-p hat/ √pq/n Ha: p>.19 z=.19-.70/ √.19(.81)/68 z= 10.8439 Critical Value= 1.96 P-Value= 0.00 95% Confidence Interval=.5975<p<.8142 Reject the Ho, there is sufficient evidence to prove that greater than 19% of students at CCA are taking birth control.


15 **The purple shows CCA’s statistics and the blue shows National Statistics. Survey Question compared to the National Statistic: 1.Less than 40% of teens have had an abortion. 2.Less than 77% of teens have had sex. 3.Greater than 19% of teenage girls are taking birth control.

16 The results from our survey turned out to be extremely different from the results of the National Statistics. Our results argued that less than 40% of pregnant teens at CCA will get an abortion, less than 77% of teens at CCA have had sex, and over 19% of teenage girls at CCA are taking birth control. Our results mainly proved that less girls are pregnant, getting an abortion or having sex at CCA and that more girls are taking precautions against getting pregnant. Although this is so, it does not necessarily mean it is completely true. Since only 68 students out of the whole student body were surveyed (not all of them being female), there could be slight inaccuracy to our findings. It could be possible that students fabricate answers in order to protect themselves or a friend, or simply circle either yes or no without reading the question. Our results were very interesting because they provided proof that less teens are having sex, getting pregnant, and having abortions than most people really think and that more girls each year are trying to protect themselves from having to face the consequences of a teenage pregnancy. If more teenagers knew the results of this as well as similar surveys, they may feel less pressured by their peers to be having sex and wait until they are truly ready to handle what the consequences may be.

17 All survey statistics, photos and graphs were found here: - - - - - -

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