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Friday, September 26, 2014 WEEK. Each fall, Red Ribbon Week is celebrated across America to promote the importance of a healthy, drug-free lifestyle among.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday, September 26, 2014 WEEK. Each fall, Red Ribbon Week is celebrated across America to promote the importance of a healthy, drug-free lifestyle among."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday, September 26, 2014 WEEK

2 Each fall, Red Ribbon Week is celebrated across America to promote the importance of a healthy, drug-free lifestyle among our youth. The outstanding students selected as Red Ribbon leaders are individuals who exemplify the 6 pillars of Character promoted by the national Character Counts initiative and the Drug Education Council. These include the qualities of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

3 Please congratulate Foley High School's Red Ribbon Leader, senior Matthew Stinson. He will be quite busy making plans to increase awareness and will be especially busy the week of October 27th!

4 Homecoming 2014 is here! Today is the last day to buy your Homecoming Tickets! NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR FOR THE DANCE. YOU MUST HAVE A TICKET TO ENTER THE DANCE. Tickets may be purchased in the library during all lunch waves.

5 The Homecoming Dance is a semi-formal event. Girls should wear party style dresses; guys khakis, dress shirts and ties/sweaters. Students should NOT wear shorts/jeans.

6 Would you like to see pictures of students from around campus dressed up for homecoming dress down days? Go to Foley High School's new online newspaper, foley lions and click on the photos link. Each day we will publish photos of students dressed in their best costumes. While you're there, click on the other links to see what news items you missed. We'll see you at the Lion's Roar.

7 HELP DESK HOURS The Help Desk will be open from 7 am until 3:30 pm Monday through Friday with 2 exceptions. It will be closed for lunch from 1:50-2:15 (the first 25 minutes of 4th block) and it will close early (at 3:00) on Thursdays.

8 The Baldwin County Band Jamboree will be held on October 7 at 6 pm at the Spanish Fort High School Toro Field. The Mighty Band from Lion Land will be performing at 8 pm. Come out and support our band as they show our pride of Foley High!

9 Attention all Foley Theatre Company members: If you wish to participate in Drama Contest, you must see Ms. Andersen by Tuesday. No entries can be made after this date. See her to sign up for after school rehearsals ASAP!

10 Boys and Girls soccer will be holding their tryouts all next week. Anyone planning to participate in tryouts needs to have a current physical on file with the school and proof of health insurance. Please see Coach B or Coach Pfizenmayer for more details.

11 Softball tryouts are coming soon! Tryouts will be held October 22-24. If you are interested in being a part of this year’s team, see Coach Bridges.

12 On October 2 there will be a meeting for AP Seniors and their parents in the cafeteria starting at 6 pm. Topics covered will be how to apply for college, give info on FAFSA, and many other college issues.

13 PSAT will be given here on campus Wednesday, October 15 at 8 am. Sophomores and juniors are encouraged to see Mrs. Lores to register. The cost is $15.

14 Seniors: There are MANY scholarships open right now! Here is a list that is available now and you can always check out the scholarship box by the 900 Hall conference room. 1. Alabama Municipal Electric Authority (AMEA- Riviera Utilities) is a $2500 scholarship. The deadline to apply is February 2, 2015. Applications are in the scholarship box or available at

15 2. The Smith Last Dollar Scholarship is up to $15,000 per year and is renewable for four years! The deadline to apply is January 15, 2015. You must apply at Check out the scholarship box for more directions on how to apply online.

16 3. VFW Voice of Democracy Scholarship- The 1st Place winner will receive a $30,000 scholarship. Deadline to enter is November 1, 2014. Visit for more information.

17 4. National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) Scholarship- The amounts vary and the deadline to apply is December 1. Visit the website below. Mr. Wilson can also answer any questions about this one. to apply.

18 5. The J.L. Bedsole Foundation Scholars Program- Scholarship amounts vary between $1,000- $6,000 annually. The deadline to apply is November 28, 2014. Visit to apply. You can pick up more information from the scholarship box.

19 6. Prudential Spirit of Community Award is a $1,000 scholarship. It is awarded based on community service. The deadline to apply is November 4, 2014. Visit or to apply. to apply. More information is available in the scholarship box.

20 7. Wendy’s High School Heisman-the amount of the award varies- the deadline to apply is October 3, 2014. Visit to apply. More information is available in the scholarship box.

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