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Published byAmbrose Walsh Modified over 9 years ago
CSM1220 - Sorting 2 Introduction The objective is to take an unordered set of comparable data items and arrange them in order. We will usually sort the data into ascending order — sorting into descending order is very similar. Data can be sorted in various ADTs, such as arrays and trees; in fact, we have already seen how a binary search tree can be used to sort data. There are two main sorting themes: address-based sorting and comparison-based sorting. We will focus on the latter.
CSM1220 - Sorting 3 The family of sorting methods Main sorting themes Comparison-based sorting Transposition sorting BubbleSort Insert and keep sorted Insertion sort Tree sort Divide and conquer QuickSort MergeSort Proxmap Sort RadixSort ShellSort Diminishing increment sorting Address- -based sorting Selection sort Heap sort Priority queue sorting
CSM1220 - Sorting 4 Lecture schedule An overview of sorting algorithms We will not study address-based sorting in detail because they are quite restricted in their application –One slide on Proxmap/Radix sort Examples from each type of comparison-based sorting algorithm –Bubble sort [transposition sorting] –Insertion sort (already seen, see Tree notes) [insert and keep sorted] –Selection sort [priority queue sorting] –Shell sort [diminishing increment sorting] –Merge sort and Quick sort [divide and conquer sorting]
CSM1220 - Sorting 5 Bubble sort A pretty dreadful type of sort! However, the code is small: 5324352432543245 end of one inner loop for (int i=arr.length; i>0; i--) { for (int j=1; j<i; j++) { if (arr[j-1] > arr[j]) { temp = arr[j-1]; arr[j-1] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; } 5 ‘bubbled’ to the correct position 2345 remaining elements put in place
CSM1220 - Sorting 6 Insertion sort Tree Insertion Sort This is inserting into a normal tree structure: i.e. data are put into the correct position when they are inserted. We’ve already seen this happening with a tree, requiring a find and an insert. We know the time complexity for one insert is O(logN) + O(1) = O(logN); therefore to insert N items will have a complexity of O(NlogN). Array Insertion Sort The array must be sorted; insertion requires a find + insert. The insertion time complexity is O(logN) + O(N) = O(N) for one item, therefore to insert N items will have a complexity of O(N 2 ).
CSM1220 - Sorting 7 SelectionSort SelectionSort uses an array implementation of the Priority Queue ADT (not the heap implementation we will study) The elements are inserted into the array as they arrive and then extracted in descending order into another array The major disadvantage is the performance overhead of finding the largest element at each step; we have to traverse over the entire array to find it 132154 134215
CSM1220 - Sorting 8 SelectionSort (2) In practice, we use the same array for the Priority Queue and the output results General algorithm: 1.Initialise PQLast to the last index of the Priority Queue 2.Search from the start of the array to PQLast for the largest element: call its position front 3.Swap element indexed by front with element indexed by PQLast 4.Decrement PQLast by one 5.Repeat steps 2 – 4
CSM1220 - Sorting 9 SelectionSort (3) 129132154 PQLast front 121513294 PQLast front 131512294 PQLast front etc.
CSM1220 - Sorting 10 Time complexity of SelectionSort The main operations being performed in the algorithm are: 1.Comparisons to find the largest element in the Priority Queue subarray (to find front index): there are ‘n + (n-1) + … + 2 + 1’ comparisons, i.e., n/2 (n+1) = (n 2 + n) / 2 so this is an O(n 2 ) operation 2.Swapping elements between front and PQLast: n-1 exchanges are performed so this is an O(n) operation The dominant operation (time-wise) gives the overall time complexity, i.e., O(n 2 ) Although this is an O(n 2 ) algorithm, its advantage over O(n log n) sorts is its simplicity
CSM1220 - Sorting 11 Time complexity of SelectionSort (2) For very small sets of data, SelectionSort may actually be more efficient than O(n log n) algorithms This is because many of the more complex sorts have a relatively high level of overhead associated with them, e.g., recursion is expensive compared with simple loop iteration This overhead might outweigh the gains provided by a more complex algorithm where a small number of data elements is being sorted SelectionSort does better than BubbleSort as fewer swaps are required, although the same number of comparison operations are performed (each swap puts an element in its correct place)
CSM1220 - Sorting 12 Shell sort [diminishing increment sorting] Named after D.L. Shell! But it is also rather like shrinking shells of sorting, for Insertion Sort. Shell sort aims to reduce the work done by insertion sort (i.e. scanning a list and inserting into the right position). Do the following: –Begin by looking at the lists of elements x 1 elements apart and sort those elements by insertion sort –Reduce the number x 1 to x 2 so that x 1 is not a multiple of x 2 and repeat these two steps until x 2 = 1. It can be shown that this approach will sort a list with a time complexity of O(N 1.25 ).
CSM1220 - Sorting 13 Shell Sort Illustration Consider sorting the following list by Shell sort: 45 23 4 9 6 7 91 8 12 24 9 24 45 91 6 8 23 4 7 12 9 6 4 24 8 7 45 23 12 91 4 8 9 12 45 6 7 23 24 91 4 6 8 7 9 23 12 24 45 91 4 6 7 8 9 12 23 24 45 91 GAP=3 GAP=2GAP=1
CSM1220 - Sorting 14 Comparing O(N 2 ), O(N 1.25 ) and O(N)
CSM1220 - Sorting 15 How do you choose the gap size? The idea of the decreasing gap size is that the list becomes more and more sorted each time the gap size is reduced, therefore you don’t (for example) want to have a gap size of 4 followed by a gap size of 2 because you’ll be sorting half the numbers a second time. There is no formal proof of a good initial gap size, but about a 10 th the size of N is a reasonable start. Try to use prime numbers as your gap size, or odd numbers if you can not readily get a list of primes (though note gaps of 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 will be doing less work when gap=3).
CSM1220 - Sorting 16 Divide and conquer sorting MergeSort QuickSort
CSM1220 - Sorting 17 Divide... 5142103915 5142103915 51421039155142103915
CSM1220 - Sorting 18 and conquer 12345910151245391015 5142103915 1524310915
CSM1220 - Sorting 19 MergeSort [divide and conquer sorting] For MergeSort an initial array is repeatedly divided into halves (usually each is a separate array), until arrays of just one or zero elements remain At each level of recombination, two sorted arrays are merged into one This is done by copying the smaller of the two elements from the sorted arrays into the new array, and then moving along the arrays 11324262152738 AptrBptrCptr
CSM1220 - Sorting 20 Merging 113242621527381 AptrBptrCptr 1132426215273812 Aptr BptrCptr 113242621527381213 Aptr BptrCptr etc.
CSM1220 - Sorting 21 Merge Sort In Pseudocode Basic idea in pseudocode: method mergeSort(array) is: if len(array) == 0 or len(array) == 1 then: // terminating case return array else: end = len(array) center = end / 2 left = mergeSort( array[0:center] ) // recursive call right = mergeSort( array[center:end] ) // recursive call return merge(left,right) // method that merges lists end if end method
CSM1220 - Sorting 22 Analysis of MergeSort Let the time to carry out a MergeSort on n elements be T(n) Assume that n is a power of 2, so that we always split into equal halves (the analysis can be refined for the general case) For n=1, the time is constant, so we can take T(1) = 1 Otherwise, the time T(n) is the time to do two MergeSorts on n/2 elements, plus the time to merge, which is linear So, T(n) = 2 T(n/2) + n Divide through by n to get T(n)/n = T(n/2)/(n/2) + 1 Replacing n by n/2 gives, T(n/2)/(n/2) = T(n/4)/(n/4) + 1 And again gives, T(n/4)/(n/4) = T(n/8)/(n/8) + 1
CSM1220 - Sorting 23 Analysis of MergeSort (2) We continue until we end up with T(2)/2 = T(1)/1 + 1 Since n is divided by 2 at each step, we have log 2 n steps Now, substituting the last equation in the previous one, and working back up to the top gives T(n)/n = T(1)/1 + log 2 n That is, T(n)/n = log 2 n + 1 So T(n) = n log 2 n + n = O(n log n) Although this is an O(n log n) algorithm, it is hardly ever used for main memory sorts because it requires linear extra memory
CSM1220 - Sorting 24 QuickSort [divide and conquer sorting] As its name implies, QuickSort is the fastest known sorting algorithm in practice (address-based sorts can be faster) It was devised by C.A.R. Hoare in 1962 Its average running time is O(n log n) and it is very fast It has worst-case performance of O(n 2 ) but this can be made very unlikely with little effort The idea is as follows: 1.If the number of elements to be sorted is 0 or 1, then return 2.Pick any element, v (this is called the pivot) 3.Partition the other elements into two disjoint sets, S 1 of elements v, and S 2 of elements > v 4.Return QuickSort (S 1 ) followed by v followed by QuickSort (S 2 )
CSM1220 - Sorting 25 QuickSort example 514210391512 Pick the middle element as the pivot, i.e., 10 5142391512 Partition into the two subsets below Sort the subsets 1234591215 Recombine with the pivot 123459101215
CSM1220 - Sorting 26 QuickSort Example (full) 514210391512 5142391512 10 Unsorted List Partition1 123 4 5912 15 13 2 123459101215 5 9 Partition2 Partition3 Sorted List
CSM1220 - Sorting 27 QuickSort Pseudocode Basic idea in pseudocode (compare with mergeSort) method quickSort(array) is: if len(array) == 0 or len(array) == 1 then: // terminating case return array else: pivotIndx = int( random() * len(array) ) pivot = array(pivotIndx) // just choose a random pivot (left, right) = partition(array, pivot) // get left and right return quickSort(left) + pivot + quickSort(right) end if end method
CSM1220 - Sorting 28 Partitioning example 51142510391512 Pick the middle element as the pivot, i.e., 10 Move the pivot out of the way by swapping it with the first element 10114255391512 swapPos Step along the array, swapping small elements into swapPos 10411255391512 swapPos
CSM1220 - Sorting 29 Partitioning example (2) 10452511391512 swapPos 10453112591512 swapPos 10453925111512 swapPos
CSM1220 - Sorting 30 Pseudo code for partitioning pivotPos = middle of array a; swap a[pivotPos] with a[first]; // Move the pivot out of the way swapPos = first + 1; for each element in the array from swapPos to last do: // If the current element is smaller than pivot we // move it towards start of array if (a[currentElement] < a[first]): swap a[swapPos] with a[currentElement]; increment swapPos by 1; // Now move the pivot back to its rightful place swap a[first] with a[swapPos-1]; return swapPos-1; // Pivot position
CSM1220 - Sorting 31 Analysis of QuickSort We assume a random choice of pivot Let the time to carry out a QuickSort on n elements be T(n) We have T(0) = T(1) = 1 The running time of QuickSort is the running time of the partitioning (linear in n) plus the running time of the two recursive calls of QuickSort Let i be the number of elements in the left partition, then T(n) = T(i) + T(n–i–1) + cn (for some constant c)
CSM1220 - Sorting 32 Worst-case analysis If the pivot is always the smallest element, then i = 0 always We ignore the term T(0) = 1, so the recurrence relation is T(n) = T(n–1) + cn So, T(n–1) = T(n–2) + c(n–1) and so on until we get T(2) = T(1) + c(2) Substituting back up gives T(n) = T(1) + c(n + … + 2) = O(n 2 ) Notice that this case happens if we always take the pivot to be the first element in the array and the array is already sorted So, in this extreme case, QuickSort takes O(n 2 ) time to do absolutely nothing!
CSM1220 - Sorting 33 Best-case analysis In the best case, the pivot is in the middle To simplify the equations, we assume that the two subarrays are each exactly half the length of the original (a slight overestimate which is acceptable for big-Oh calculations) So, we get T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn This is very similar to the formula for MergeSort, and a similar analysis leads to T(n) = cn log 2 n + n = O(n log n)
CSM1220 - Sorting 34 Average-case analysis We assume that each of the sizes of the left partition are equally likely, and hence have probability 1/n With this assumption, the average value of T(i), and hence also of T(n–i–1), is (T(0) + T(1) + … + T(n–1))/n Hence, our recurrence relation becomes T(n) = 2(T(0) + T(1) + … + T(n–1))/n + cn Multiplying by n gives nT(n) = 2(T(0) + T(1) + … + T(n–1)) + cn 2 Replacing n by n–1 gives (n–1)T(n–1) = 2(T(0) + T(1) + … + T(n–2)) + c(n–1) 2 Subtracting the last equation from the previous one gives nT(n) – (n–1)T(n–1) = 2T(n–1) + 2cn – c
CSM1220 - Sorting 35 Average-case analysis (2) Rearranging, and dropping the insignificant c on the end, gives nT(n) = (n+1)T(n–1) + 2cn Divide through by n(n+1) to get T(n)/(n+1) = T(n–1)/n + 2c/(n+1) Hence, T(n–1)/n = T(n–2)/(n–1) + 2c/n and so on down to T(2)/3 = T(1)/2 + 2c/3 Substituting back up gives T(n)/(n+1) = T(1)/2 + 2c(1/3 + 1/4 + … + 1/(n+1)) The sum in brackets is about log e (n+1) + – 3/2, where is Euler’s constant, which is approximately 0.577 So, T(n)/(n+1) = O(log n) and T(n) = O(n log n)
CSM1220 - Sorting 36 Some observations about QuickSort We have seen that a consistently poor choice of pivot can lead to O(n 2 ) time performance A good strategy is to pick the middle value of the left, centre, and right elements For small arrays, with n less than (say) 20, QuickSort does not perform as well as simpler sorts such as SelectionSort Because QuickSort is recursive, these small cases will occur frequently A common solution is to stop the recursion at n = 10, say, and use a different, non-recursive sort This also avoids nasty special cases, e.g., trying to take the middle of three elements when n is one or two
CSM1220 - Sorting 37 Address-Based Sorting Proxmap uses techniques similar to hashing to assign an element to its correctly sorted position in a container such as an array using a hash function The algorithms are generally complex, and very often only suitable for certain kinds of data You need to find a suitable hashing function that will distribute data fairly evenly Clashes are dealt with using a comparison based sort, so the more clashes there are the further the time complexity moves away from O(n) (see notes view for more details)
CSM1220 - Sorting 38 Radix / Bucket / Bin sort Radix Sort –In its favour, it is an O(n) sort. That makes it the fastest sort we have investigated. –However it requires at least 2n space in which to operate, and is in principle exponential in its space complexity.. –A radix sort makes one pass through the data for each atom in the key. If the key is three character uppercase alphabetic strings, such as ABC, then A is an atom. In this case, there would be three passes through the data. –The first pass sorts on the low order element of the key (the C in our example). The second pass sorts on the next atom, in order of importance (the B in our example). Each pass progresses toward the high order atom of the key. –In each such pass, the elements of the array are distributed into k buckets. For our alphabetic key example, A's go into the 'A' bucket, B's into the 'B' bucket, and so on. These distribution buckets are then gathered, in order, and placed back in the original array. The next pass is then executed. When a pass has been made on the high order atom in the key, the array will be sorted.
CSM1220 - Sorting 39 Radix Sort Example 123 234 345 134 245 356 156 267 378 121 232 343 345 356 378 343 156156 123 134 156 121 234 245 267 232 Bins 0, 4-9 are empty 123 121 134134 Bins 0-1,4,6-9 Are empty 234 232 245245 267267 Bins 0-2,5,7-9 Are empty 121 123 Bins 0,2,4-9 Are empty 156 134 232 234 Bins 0-1,3,5-9 Are empty...... col1 col2col3
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