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Herman Autrup Toxicologist, Fellow ATS. TOXICOLOGIST® Everyone can call themselves a toxicologist and express their personal opinion of issues relevant.

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Presentation on theme: "Herman Autrup Toxicologist, Fellow ATS. TOXICOLOGIST® Everyone can call themselves a toxicologist and express their personal opinion of issues relevant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Herman Autrup Toxicologist, Fellow ATS

2 TOXICOLOGIST® Everyone can call themselves a toxicologist and express their personal opinion of issues relevant for the society Television, news and web information Government agencies Academia

3 WHO IS A TOXICOLOGIST ? Medically trained people – Paracelsus DVM Chemist Cell biologist Molecular biologist System Biologists (bioinformatics) Epidemiologist FUSION PRODUCT

4 OBJECTIVES FOR A TOXICOLOGIST Ensure that we are living safely in a chemical world in harmony with chemical usage

5 TRAINING IN TOXICOLOGY BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Toxicology related subjects On-job training Post-graduate training courses offered by universities – EU training program TRISK continued education course Long-distance learning MASTER TOXICOLOGY and RISK ASSESSMENT (MTR®)


7 WHAT IS ERT? Google search for ERT = 45.000.000 hits Greek radiostation European Round Table for Industrialist Clinical research service provider Earth-received time (Wikipedia) A ELECTROLUX refrigerator Summary for eResearch Technology Inc Electronic Reporting Tool European registered toxicologist

8 REGISTRATION AT THE GLOBAL LEVEL I IUTOX and others – Toxicology Recognition Task Force Entry requirement – work as a toxicologist or a related field – presented for inclusion in the Directory by a IUTOX Member Society Academy of Toxicology Science (Fellow of ATS) ( – senior Review by membership board: education and continuing education publications professional development professional recognition

9 REGISTRATION AT THE GLOBAL LEVEL II DABT – Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology Step 1: Educational training in appropriate field and practice of toxicology Step 2: Certification Examination 1. Toxicity of Agents 2. Organ systems and Effects 3. General Principles and Applied toxicology Step 3: Recertification

10 TOXICOLOGIST Vs RISK ASSESSOR Risk assessor is a combination of toxicologist and exposure scientist

11 Hazard AssessmentExposure Assessment Risk Characterization Toxicology Epidemiology EUROTOX ISEE PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES + ISES SRA

12 Life-long learning – most EU risk assessors >50 years Fast-track based upon professional background and additional course work Recognising the need of trained risk assessors – Overview of toxicology training in Europe – 2006 TRISK – Risk ASSETS RASS-courses (IUTOX) TRAINING AS A RISK ASSESSOR


14 TRAINING - HEALTH RISK ASSESSORS I Recommendations by the Risk ASSETS Generic health risk assessment competencies Professional attitudes, ethics and quality control Toxicology Epidemiology Exposure assessment Environmental monitoring and human biomonitoring Risk characterization Implication for risk management and communication

15 RISK ASSETS FINAL Recommandations due October 2011 Competencies for health risk assessors Project partners develop proposals for modules Proposed courses Required courses Elective courses (specialist)

16 TRAINING - HEALTH RISK ASSESSORS II Master’s level qualification in health risk assessment series of one-week modules Independent piece of work Problems: Who will award the degree Cost: Tuitions and leave from work Funding of infrastructure – University, Government, Private institution

17 WHAT CAN EUROTOX DO ? More standardized requirement for ERT – become a brand Continue to present continuing training courses at annual meeting in collaboration with stakeholders Organise workshops on contemporary issues together with stakeholders Work with European and international agencies on training issues Promote relevant courses organised by universities or government agencies – provide possibilities for stipends Work closer with other professional societies involved in different elements of risk assessment

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