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MOODLE MEET-UP WEBINAR MAY 28, 2009.  Moodle is an Open Source Course Management System (CMS), a.k.a. Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "MOODLE MEET-UP WEBINAR MAY 28, 2009.  Moodle is an Open Source Course Management System (CMS), a.k.a. Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning."— Presentation transcript:


2  Moodle is an Open Source Course Management System (CMS), a.k.a. Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).  Popularity among educators around the world  To work, it needs to be installed on a web server, either on one of your own computers or one at a web hosting entity.

3  Collaborative Environments  Online Communication Tools  Mobiles  Cloud Computing  Smart Objects  The Personal Web

4  Collaborative Environments Collaborative Environments  Online Communication Tools Online Communication Tools (Refer to 2009-Horizon-Report-K12.pdf AND 2009-Horizon.K12-Preview.pdf)

5*27 Districts currently using CAIU Moodle

6  CAIU hosted Moodle for the past three years through a state grant  Positive impact and growth  Needs of district  Vision

7  Hosting Services  Back-up  Applications  Tech Support  Training  “Extras” (Refer to Moodle_09-10.pdf)

8  Exabis E-Portfolio  Oublog  Inwicast Podcasting Mediacenter  Dimdim Web Meeting  Algebra Question Type  DragMath HTML Editor  Course Menu Block  Questionnaire Activity  File Manager  Learning Resources  Trouble Ticket  Spell Check  Themes  Google Docs Integration (Education Edition)  WikiSpaces Integration  Turnitin Integration  Gradebook Improvements  Testing Site -  username teacher, password testm00dle  Details -

9  MAY 2009- Webinar, Verbal Contract Commitment  JUNE 2009- Verbal Contract Commitment & Contracts signed  JULY 2009- Signed contracts due, restricted access to effective & new individual sites launched 7/1/09  AUGUST 2009- First training 8/19/09, Designated building and/or district admins reported to CAIU (Jill)  SEPTEMBER 2009- JUNE 2010- Additional support and trainings, User Group Meetings

10  Sign contract by July 1  Billed annually in early Fall  Storage quarterly reports  Possible second invoice in Spring for overages in storage (Refer to Draft_Moodle_draft_agreement_05-26-09.pdf)


12 Jill Machemer Tom Bachert Brian Decker

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