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1 The Adoption of RDA in the German-speaking Countries Renate Behrens Verena Schaffner.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Adoption of RDA in the German-speaking Countries Renate Behrens Verena Schaffner."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Adoption of RDA in the German-speaking Countries Renate Behrens Verena Schaffner

2 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 2 Deutsche Nationalbibliothek German National Library

3 Austrian Library Network Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 3 89 Libraries

4 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 Content 4 RDA RDA international RDA-Project in the German-speaking countries RDA in Austria

5 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 5 designed for ease and efficiency of use international based on principles for digital, web based environments libraries, museums, archives covers all types of content and media applicable to different formats

6 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 RDA basic concepts Statement of International Cataloguing Principles (2009) Family of „Functional Requirements“ -for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) (1998, 2009) -for Authority Data (FRAD) (2009) -for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) (2010) 6

7 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 7 RDA Toolkit

8 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 8

9 Policy Statements e.g. LC-PCC PS Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 9

10 10 Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC) Committee of Principles (CoP) American Library Association (ALA) British Library (BL) Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) Australian Committee on Cataloguing (ACOC) Library of Congress (LoC) Canadian Committee on Cataloguing (CCC)

11 RDA Rule Revision Process –Proposals –Discussion papers –Fast Track proposals –Typographical errors/minor corrections Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 11

12 EURIG –to promote the common professional interests of all users, and potential users, of RDA in Europe –to encourage and promote cooperation, communciation and the exchange of experience among prospective users in order to facilitate implementation of RDA in Europe –32 members – Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 12

13 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 RDA worldwide –USA –Great Britain –Canada –Australia –Singapore –the Netherlands –Translations in the Toolkit: German and French –Translations coming: Spanish, Finnish 13

14 14 RDA in Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014

15 Current situation Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 15 Further Standards RDA AACR 2 Bibliographic Description Authority Data RAK RSWK MARC 21 Aleph Pica Committee for Library Standards Consortium of Library Networks Subject Cataloguing EG WG

16 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 German Library Networks Bavarian State Library Austrian Library Network (OBV) Public Libraries ekz, services for libraries German Research Foundation Kultusminister- konferenz Swiss National Library Berlin State Library German National Library Cooperative library standardization Committee for Library Standards Office for Library Standards 16 Library Network of the German-speaking Switzerland (IDS)

17 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 Internationalisation - Some History… 17 - resolution in favour of changing from German to international cataloguing codes and formats (AACR and MARC) - MARC 21 as exchange format for all libraries in the German-speaking countries - consistent format for authority data - participation in the development of the standard - integration of different cataloguing rules for special material types - German as working language - Start for a translation of RDA into German - decision to change to the new international RDA standard – specific and concrete work orders were issued for the implementation project 2001 2004 2009 2012

18 Resolution Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 18 2001 – Resolution in favour of changing from German to international cataloguing codes and formats Resolution of the Committee for Library Standards in May 2012 RDA Implementation in the German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, parts of Switzerland)

19 Involved committees Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 19 Committee for Library Standards Decision making body with regard to library standards in the German- speaking library community Consortium of Library Networks Data Exchange DNB Office for Library Standards Project Leadership and Management Representatives in International Committees WG RDA UAG GND UAG Musik UAG fS AG KVA

20 RDA working group (AG RDA) Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 20 WG RDA UAG fS UAG GND UAG Musik Works Technical implementation Rare Books Maps Religious works Multipart monographs Committee for Library Standards Further topics

21 Tasks and Objectives Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 21 RDA in D, A, CH Policy Statements, Formats, Translation, Data Exchange, Trainings, Organisation, Coordination, Archives, Museums,... Communication, Cost Effectiveness International Development Discussion Papers, Proposals, Fast Tracks, Toolkit-Releases January 2012 December 2015

22 Time frame Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 22

23 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 Set of Standard Elements for the German-speaking countries 23 Set of Standard Elements for the German-speaking countries Additional Elements Core Elements

24 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 24

25 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 What have we achieved so far? 25 RDA international Proposals, Discussion Papers and Fast Tracks more implementations more translations RDA in the German-speaking countries Translation and Terminology Archives Museums Adaptions to the formats Policy Statements for the German- speaking community Options and Alternatives Set of Standard- elements Training- materials and Trainings for the GND Test system Communication and Organisation Works and Expressions

26 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 Policy Statements for the German-speaking countries Policy Statements for the German-speaking countries Explanations Policy Statements Examples Instructions 26

27 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 Voting procedure for RDA policy statements

28 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 28 Verified RDA policy statements

29 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 Tests 29 June 2013 – end of the project Testsystem DNB Training materials Mono- graphs Serials Music resources Authority data Unique objects Special resouces xxxxxxxx

30 Integrated Authority File (GND) Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 30 GND Gemeinsame Normdatei PND GKD SWD RDA December 2012 – June 2014 2012

31 31 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 Implementation Formats Data exchange Work and expression level Work-Clustering Whole-Part-Relationships Cataloguing clients Legacy Data Services and systems

32 RDA Training Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 32 Training materials RDA Training Library schools Universities separately for authority data and for bibliografic data

33 RDA in Austria Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 33 RDA Test Team Working Group RDA Task Force RDA Training AG RDA UAG serials UAG GND UAG music Works Technical implementation Multipart monographs Religious works Rare Books Maps Further topics

34 RDA for museums and archives Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 34 covers all types of content and media Input of expertise Participation in the international process for the development of the standard WG RDA Only some expertise from special collections

35 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 Further Information 35

36 Further information –Website DNB ml ml –RDA-Info-Wiki DNB –Newsletter „Standardisierung und Erschließung“ r_node.html r_node.html – Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 36

37 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 37

38 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 Thank you for your attention! Renate Behrens Verena Schaffner 38

39 Committee for Library Standards 39 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 39 Library networks (D, A, CH), DNB, NB, BSB, SBB, ÖB, ekz, KMK, DFG Office for Library Standards (AfS) EG DFEG FE EG Norm EG Sach AG RDA

40 Consortium of Library Networks 40 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 BSZ, BVB, DNB, GBV, hbz, HeBIS, IDS, KOBV, OBV, ZDB AG Kooperative Verbund- anwendungen AG KVA AG Leihverkehr

41 Policy Statements - Toolkit Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 41 Sample Policy Statement for the German-speaking countries Grundregeln zum Erfassen von Titeln. Geltungsbereich AWR Mottos, Segensformeln, Widmungen usw., die in der Ressource erscheinen, aber nicht zum Titel gehören, werden ohne Kennzeichnung weggelassen. Das gilt auch für Alte Drucke. ERL xxxxxxx Beispiel xxxxxxxx

42 Tests in der DNB Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014

43 Tests in der DNB Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014

44 Tests in der DNB Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014

45 45

46 Integrated Authority File – GND The Integrated Authority File (GND) contains about 10 million data records representing Persons Corporate bodies Congresses Geographic entities topics works Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 46

47 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 47 GND 10.328.548 records december 2013 597.817 conferences 4.697.445 names of persons 1.201.120 corporated bodies 296.832 geographica 203.120 subject headings 3.024.356 persons 198.968 works

48 Renate Behrens / Verena Schaffner | RDA Project | FSR Roma | February 27, 2014 48

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